
Thursday, August 05, 2010

[Article] SS501 Affection strong as ever

Thanks to Ode for translating this piece of news on her blog. I read this on yesterday morning and could only decipher few of what was written.

SS501 would not be called Hallyu star for nothing if their records will not sell outside of thier home country. Even in Taiwan, 'Destination' album sold many copies and it was also reported by the Korean media.

The last paragraph of this article is so reassuring and like I said before I will be waiting. And for those who have not read yet the message of Hyung Joon to TS on his birthday you may want to read it HERE to know what exactly he said.


SS501 Affection strong as ever

Source isplus
Korean to English translation by Ode /

SS501, whose activities are now currently held in suspension carried out an event in Japan last April, will be releasing a DVD of that event in Japan. SS501's event was at Japan's Saitama Arena last April. Preorder began last 30th July, and it was known that sales already came close to 10K. Following after DVD releases, compilation albums consisting of hits and non-released songs will be released as scheduled, too. To this, it seems similar to DBSG's strategy back then. At that time, two members left DBSG, yet without any activities, DBSG released DVD and albums in Japan, which still gained popularity. After few discographies released in Japan, it became a fact that they were disbanding. Similarly for SS501, despite leader Kim Hyunjoong moving into new agency and in shrouded situation, the group is still releasing DVD and discographies in Japan. It attracts attention to whether or not this will be their final 'group activity'.

To this, former agency DSP media who supports for the 4 members' --excluding KimHyunjoong-- activities, expressed that SS501 has a very strong linger/affection for SS501. No matter what, they are looking for opportunities to resume activities as SS501 again. Member Kim Hyungjun has also recently revealed his will to continue guarding by SS501 through his self-penned letter to fans


  1. Anonymous1:36 AM

    i miss SS501...miss so much...!!!SS501 you!!!!

  2. Anonymous2:43 AM

    Patience is a virtue. I believe when this is all done and the dust has settled that there will still be a SS501 with all 5 members. Until then each member will have my support for whatever they are doing.

  3. Anonymous2:58 AM

    ss501 fighting!! we will waiting for you!

  4. Anonymous4:07 AM

    former agency DSP media who supports for the 4 members' --excluding KimHyunjoong .this part hurts like hell.leader could just shut up all those stupid people and clear the rumors.yet he did nothing.his absence in baby's birthday was just bad.he could took a day off.nothing horrible would happen.but no he had to miss party to do some stupid filming or photo shooting.something he is doing since 2009 every single's just pity baby's birthday is not normal birthday.even between the boys his was special.every year something new from 2005 the one on stage with fans،idol world،the one in persona last year.he just ruin the whole thing.he lost the thin possibility to calm the fans down and spent a few moments with boys and slap those stupid antis who are already saying they are disbanding.sigh.sorry for the awfully long comment even if I'm sure I'll hear somebody say "he has his reasons' soon.

  5. Anonymous6:10 AM

    anonymous 4:07: I can understand that you're hurt, worried and confused at the same time, but don't be like that!!! I don't care what the meadia or antis are saying about SS501 members, but the thing that hurts me more is when a tripleS says bad things about one of the SS501 members!!! Let just say that this situatuion is just a test, and by this test we can see who's the real TRIPLES! Those people who call themselves as ''tripleS'' and says negative stuff about one of the member, it just shows that they don't really KNOW all five members! And they aren't really a tripleS in their heart!!! All i can say is BELIEVE in our five men! Yes, MEN, they are no boys anymore! I'm sure they all know what they are doing. Right now we don't see nor understand if the choices/actions they do are right, but we well know it in the future! just wait and have patience!!! Just support our boys in everything they do, all FIVE of them! There's a lot of things i want to know and question to be answered, but one thing i'm sure about! In every decision they make, they always have TripleS in their mind, and what's best for both TripleS and SS501! Hwiating! Believe!!!

  6. Anonymous6:20 AM

    You posters bashing on HJL need to just stop it. He wasn't even here when the birthday party was going on. He can't change his schedule to suit the fans. He is working. He gets paid to work just like all of us do. What is he supposed to do? Tell his employers "oh I can't work because I have a birthday party to go to"? That doesn't work in real life. You all keep saying HJL should have changed his schedule or would it have hurt him to stop what he was having to do to go to the birthday party, but has anyone asked why didn't HJB plan his party when HJL could make it? Did he even check to see what the others had going on when he planned it? And no this is not meant to bash HJB, this is just to prove a point. HJB did not plan his party around the other members. He planned it for himself. It was his party not the other members. Not one single one of us knows what the members do in their private lives so quit judging. Leave HJL alone already. It is ridiculous and old. Sorry but I am getting really sick of it. This site is for us to enjoy the updates and information about all of SS501 and the bashers are trying to ruin that. Enough is enough. Please just stop.

  7. Anonymous8:53 AM

    the above strong reactions were due to the statement 'To this, former agency DSP media who supports for the 4 members' --excluding KimHyunjoong-- activities,'????

    Well.. this is a strong statement. I agree. However there's nothing wrong with it. KHJ is officially under KeyEast now. This is a fact although he didn't tell TS personally, but through media and KeyEast representatives (even though he asked TS to believe in what the members said only).

    I guess DSP will get into trouble if they include KHJ name in. This may be against contract/law.

  8. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Isn't HJB's Birthday on Aug 3, not Aug 1? They did have a party on Aug 1, but that wasn't really Baby's birthday. Remeber when fans want to celebrate Leader's birthday a day early and he said that it was not his birthday yet. How do we know whether HJL miss HJB's birthday or not?

    As anon@6:20 said, in real life, he can't just take off from work like that. It will not affect only him, but it will also affect other casts and crews, as well as wasting the cost to rent out equipments and location for filming and many more. Not to mention he will be looked upon as unreliable and irresponsible and will take off work any time he please.

    For people who bashed or will bash Leader on this birthday event, please step out off the idol world and look at reality.

  9. Anonymous9:17 AM

    all i can say is I PERSONALLY feel dissapointed that he didnt even send a video, but then maybe he did on HJB's real birthdday all i know is that that fanmeeting/birthday bash was special to HJB so leader could've been supportive. and the other thing would be i would've taken the risk and left work because to me it wouldnt have been Another birthday Party, but remembrance of having such a wonderful friendship and no money making schedule could ever change that but thats Just me, Leader is someone WAY diffrent

  10. what is this.... feel heart-ache to read this all….

    plsssssss stop scolding each others........

    sorry to say that, for those TS who really want to scold leader, please express it on your own BLOG, pls don't come here to mess up this peaceful land.


  11. Anonymous10:09 AM

    ^5 (both hands) Anonymous@9:17 on the video part! JM can do it why not KHJ??

    In case there are people there saying we against KHJ, I know I know!! Is KeyEast that is stopping him from doing that! Must be! Must be! HAHA.

  12. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Cheer up people...we're all here because we love and trust them in one way or another :)

    SS501 hwaiting! <33333 :)

  13. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Hyungjun said that they are all supporting one another, looking out for one another, caring for one another. So even if its not shown publicly, i believe that they are doing so.

    Let's love them all just like how they love each other, and TSes =))

  14. Anonymous10:58 AM

    To Anonymous 10:09 AM, so please love the one sending video and leave KHJ alone...

    HJB's letter has clearly explained the situation but those anit's just chose to ignore it.

    I am very sick of you those so called "TS"'s comment.

  15. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Recorded messages are for fans. If the message is for Baby, why would Leader need to record a message. He could just give Baby a call or just go see him. Fans are getting confused of what is for Baby and what is for fans.

  16. Anonymous11:28 AM

    People grow up ! KHJ is a professional doing his work as a result of hard earned efforts. He had helped SS501 long enough he deserve to take care of himself too.

    Birthday parties can be missed ,it is only the fans who are looking at it from a very narrow point of view.Baby understand, he would not want his Hyung to be irresponsible towards his work. For all you know they had private celebration that is not meant for public display of affection.

    Fans should give the SS501 space for their private moments and not demand what they ought to do and not ought to do .

    Know this ,KHJ is not responsible for the happiness of the other SS501 members as they each have their own personal plans and ambitions .You think they have not grown up, ,please don't insult them any further .Just love them but not dictate to them .

  17. Anonymous11:43 AM

    To anonymous 9:17 you would take the chance because you wouldn't have a million videos and pictures taken to show that you skipped out on work to go to a birthday party. HJL gets paid for his work and if he skips out to go to a birthday bash, then he like anonymous 9:00 am said, looks unreliable and he will not get the work he needs. His work is his livelihood just as everyones is. The birthday party was planned by HJB for HJB and the fans that could go to it. Just because Jungmin was able to come, even though he wasn't supposed to, HJL is getting bashed because he just happened to be the only one who couldn't make it. Would this be happening if Jungmin didn't happen to get lucky and make it? No of course not. It would be ok then right? The hypocrisy is just wrong. As for a video message I agree with anonymous 11:06 and I think that is all that needs to be said about that. For those of you all upset that HJL was unable to make it, ok fine be disappointed but don't bash on him because of it. Please let's respect Liezle and those helping her with this blog for all their hard work and not turn this site into one of those bash fests.

  18. Anonymous12:51 PM

    @11:43 AM i agree with you! everytime i read the articles about khj, all the antis gathered anywhere on the blog sections..they are nothing to do everyday except bashing leader...they pretend triple s thou they are not (sigh)

  19. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Very sure now,the birthday party was organized by antis.

  20. Jenascia1:19 PM

    I'm a big HJL fan, but honestly i was quite disappointed that he was not able to come to HJBs bday/fanmeeting. Disappointed because as a fan i want to see all 5 of them together on stage not because he did not greet baby and whatnot. For sure HJL, on his own 4D-way, greeted baby on his REAL bday.

  21. Anonymous2:42 PM

    2 ways you can choose:
    To believe or NOT to believe!

    if you have faith and trust on their words (during x-concert or Baby's letter), then you won't "attack" Leader in any situation....

    if you don't believe on them, no matter leader has done or not done, you’ll always bear in your mind that due to his decision, he has dumped SS501 into an "uncertain future".

    From the 1st day when the news reported leader has moved to KE, he got blames on and off. However, he continues to keep silence except announcement for his new projects. Any good stuff happening to him, will follow by bashing from antis……… This called “jealousy”? Sorry to say like that……

    SS501 will be always 5 in ONE
    I choose to believe!

  22. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Green Peas
    (Lyrics by: SS501)

    One summer, in my eyes
    Shines a green star, You
    We, to each other, our love blossomed

    Like the stars in the night sky
    Sparkling green star
    That look is so very lovely

    And every one of the moments that we’re together
    And every one of the promises that we made
    Also, every hour that we’re together
    All of it
    Forever, we will hold on to

    I want to become a star
    Wherever on this earth
    No matter at what time
    (I want to) shine for you all
    24/7 from Monday to Sunday night
    Together with us, (you) will be happy

    And as I cry
    And as I laugh
    None other than you, always at my side

    And whoever can say whatever (they want)
    Unchanging, one and the same
    Our love will be together forever

    Always, like sparkling stars
    In all the time that we are together
    Will shine even more brightly
    Precious green star
    My love

    (All of you) your love, thank you
    We swear we love you
    All for you

    High up in the sky, no matter where you all are
    No matter at what time
    (I want to) shine for you all
    24/7 from Monday to Sunday night
    Together with us, (you) will be happy

    Together with us

    Will be happy

  23. Anonymous3:14 PM


  24. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Anonymous @ 1:13pm,

    i really LAUGHED OUT LOUD at ur comment hahah! nice one XD

  25. Anonymous4:43 PM

    i pity on leader because until now he remains quit for all the bad comments for him from the antis..maybe, he don't want to hurt people around him and people who don't like him..he patiently ignores all the criticisms bout him though i'm sure he desperately hurt..i pray, he become famous more on what he doing right now..i'm happy and excited to see him again on tv screen. i hope he and jung so min will be a good looking couple in real life..ss501 fighting! i miss the 5 boys on stage..patience is the best for real triple s. for now, we support all of their solo activities (' ",)

  26. Anonymous4:53 PM

    liezl, thank you so much for sharing the articles, photos and videos for hyunjoong. we really appreciate it and it's superrrr greatttt! i pray, GOD will give good health, long life and happiness so that you can continue to share us on khj's khj, all the best for you and stay cool (' ",)

  27. Anonymous5:18 PM

    @anonymous 1:13pm.. I love your sense of humour. Thank you so much. You certainly brought a smile on my face.
    A lot of people seem to be disappointed with everything that leader has been doing, or not doing, since he signed up with KE. I read comments like "he should have done this.. or he should have done that". How would you know what he should or should not have done?
    Don't pass judgement on a person until you've walked a mile in his shoes.
    For the fans who stick up for leader, good on you. I am sure he is aware of the support that you give him. I love to see all of them back on stage together. We just have to wait.

  28. Jenna5:33 PM

    Love SS501. The last several sentence said DSP expressed that SS501 (not SS401 or SS301) has a very strong linger/affection (or meant to be strong desire) for SS501. No matter what (I repeat it says no matter what) they are looking for opportunities to resume activities as SS501 again.(again SS501 not SS401 not SS301). This meant the 5 of them often discussed this things. We the fans who does no know what is happening behind the scene must no only expect what is being seen. Because no matter what the boys always calls, talk, meet each other which we (everone of us Triple S and also the other group that supposed to call themselves triple s but does not believe)donot know.

    For the unbelievers whatever reasoning or explanation you give they will still not believe. For the believers no reasons or explanation are needed.

  29. Anonymous2:40 AM

    a lot of negative comments came out after leader transfer to another company. its a pity that the people who doesnt know the real situation/reason is the one whos keep on pointing finger to leader.

    khj learned his lesson (remember ex president incident)thats why he keeps his silence. he doesnt want to come out and explain things because once he open his mouth, a lot of people around him will be hurt and affected. which he doesnt want to happen. just wait and the right time will come and this issue will be resolve. the truth will come out. and when that time comes we triple s will be happy.

  30. Anonymous7:28 PM

    For all you know, SS501 members' departure from DSP may be mutual and amicable as the agency scale is small compared to the big guns like SM , YG etc...The amount of resources that DSP can set aside for the development and growth of 5 men with international superstar potential may be limited and the agency is also wanting to focus on KARA. DSP may have recognised their limitations and gracefully released the members ( which could be why we don't read of any sliming of from either the group or company ). They have mutually benefited from the last 5 years so it could be a friendly parting. If so, chances of retaining SS501 group name for future activities remain high.

  31. Anonymous7:49 PM

    @7.28pm anonymous

    That's quite possible. Articles did say that the members were apparently in discussion and consultation with the wife of DSP's president, if i'm not wrong. & apparently DSP did say that as they will continue to be under DSP when doing activities as SS501. I doubt things has gone sour between the parties involved. No matter what, DSP was the one who brought the boys together into the entertainment circle. We wouldn't have known them if not for DSP. I think the boys are also grateful to them for having made fulfilling their ultimate dreams more possible.
