
Thursday, August 26, 2010

[Article] “SS501 not disband.."

Though Ode has translated many article about this I still would want to post this article that xiaochu translated on Quainte501. I hope this will stop all doubts and you will give your 501% faith to SS501.

Btw, in one article he mentioned that the album in 5% done. Me, thinks that the 5% when he went to the US to record. ^_^


08/26 [news] Kim HyunJoong “SS501 not disband.. Preparing for solo album next year”

Credits : + + (English Translation) xiaochu @


Kim Hyunjoong is preparing for his solo album.

Kim HyunJoong attended ‘Mischievous Kiss’ press conference held on 26-Aug 2pm at Imperial Palace Hotel at NonHyun-dong, Seoul. He revealed “Moving to Key East is for actor Kim HyunJoong’s career. However, it isn’t just actor, but the company will also manage singer Kim HyunJoong’s career. It is good.”

He added “Although there aren’t any concrete plans yet, it is true that I am preparing as a singer. I don’t know if it will be a group or solo. However looking at the circumstances now, I am preparing for the album thinking that will most likely be a solo."

With regards to SS501 disbanding, he said firmly “There is no confirmation.” “People said SS501 disbanded. Not one of these words came from our mouths. If SS501 were to come out with an album again, how would that go? Please just watch over us.” He requested.



  1. love ya oppa you are the best leader
    and we'll waiting for SS501 come back

  2. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Yay leader! You're the man. TripleS will always have trust in all five of you.

  3. i hope this will put a stop on speculations about SS501. KHJ is really a leader and he's the best. He didn't elaborate too much, but i love the way he stressed it out.

    Aja leader!

  4. Yes,I'm watching over you SSboys and hope leader keeps his words...

  5. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Leader's candor and forthrightness regarding the disbandment issue is so refreshing especially in an industry rife with prepared and often guarded statements. Well, he's also mature enough to anticipate future speculation and rumors despite the clarity of his comments.
    Thankfully to all those who truly care about the well being of SS501 whether as a group or individually, he has put many questioning hearts at rest.

  6. Anonymous12:00 PM

    to quote the words expressed by each member about them as SS501 in various shows/interviews:

    ... I will walk to the end with my SS501 members - Kim Hyun Joong

    .... SS501 is my life - Park Jung Min

    ...we will be together as 5 forever as 1 - Kim Kyu Jong

    ...SS501 members are/is my family - Heo Young Saeng

    ...SS501 members are my hyungs, I will always follow and love them - Kim Hyung Joon

    words expressed with deep meaning and sincerity by each members hence the reason why they are still together... Kim Hyun Joong's recent media statement is more like a reassurance to everybody, especially for those who are doubting and losing faith in them- BELIEVE

  7. Anonymous12:12 PM

    hello.. i love SS501- the whole group... but the Leaders' statement that SS501 did not disband contradicts his statement of doing a solo album----

    oficially SS501 is still a group under DSP but no member is under contract with them but they will still have an album? how will they do this?

    Each member will now do a solo career but still prioritizes SS501 activities. How? they all have their solo careers to worry about so how will they still do a group activity?

    Honestly speaking, but don't you find this all too confusing?

    Hyun Joong said believe in them, I try to but not blindly believing in everything he says coz everything he does is contradictory.

  8. Anonymous1:29 PM

    It seems impossible if we try to understand with our limited knowledge of the entertainment industry's convoluted contractual wheeling and dealing and also from the perspective our own personal physical limitations. Don't forget this category of people are multi-taskers who can survive on 2-3hrs sleep per day and their arduous training regiment followed by a punishing schedule after debut means they can push beyond the physical limit of the average person.

    Hyunjoong's recent activites are ample proof - MK filming, 1st Love Story shoot , BOF alumni, receive award, meet BYJ 2-3 times weekly etc. I believe not all the projects are under KeyEast . Of course there will be different seasons of priorities and focus but when the time is right, SS510 will happen. Perhaps not in the time line of impatient although well intentioned fans, but at the members discretion.

    Personally I don't believe that SS501 has severed ties with DSP - only that they are no longer under the agency. This makes their situation rather unique - no agency or contractual disputes, no break away because member rivalry, none of the usual maladies that usually plague disbanding groups. This increases the possibility of the group's comeback.

  9. Anonymous10:54 PM

    It's common for artistes of idol bands to have solo albums nowadays. That just means that in addition to their group album, there will also be periods where they present themselves as solo singers, releasing solo albums, etc. It's good for their developments as singers. There's nothing wrong with staying in a group forever, but it definitely benefits to have them stand solo on stage occasionally.

    After all, we would want to see a matured SS501 after five years. They can't remain boys forever. Like all of us, they will grow and learn from life experiences too. I think that I'd be quite happy to see a 'brand new SS501' in future, if the boys wish so. An idol group, of which each idol possesses unique star qualities and command large fanbases, both as a group and individually. Imagine how magnificent a sight it will be.

    We love to have them together always, but to me, the most important thing is to see them stay close to each other forever. It doesn't matter whether we see it publicly or not. Because their brotherly love is what makes them the most unique.
