
Monday, August 30, 2010

Vids from Showcase & FanMeet by devildenise

Denise a.k.a. devildenise has shared with us pix and vids of Kim Hyung Jun from Changi Airport, Showcase and Meet and Greet. I'm sure you've seen them. She has captured Hyung Jun beautifully with her camera. Now she's she's sharing with us vids that she has taken at the Showcase and Meet and Greet.

Much much thanks again Denise for sharing these on my blog and thanks for uploading in your DevilDenise.

Game 1

I Am courtesy of

Men from Mars

Meet and Greet

Talk #1


  1. Anonymous1:56 PM

    After seeing Hyung Jun live, I NEVER REGRET IT. In fact, Hyung Jun deserve more love!!! Seeing him live is so awesome! So I strongly encourage more people to go for his fanmeets in the future!!!!

  2. Anonymous2:19 PM

    WOW! Seems like hyungjun brushed up on his English by quite some bit! Especially during the second session...his English sounded so much better than the host, who was speaking in broken English throughout the fanmeeting. Way to go, hyungjun! Looking forward to future activities of his.

  3. dalee943:25 PM

    Hyung jun really is awesome ! thanks for sharing :D hope he comes back to singapore soon even better SS501 comes down . i will surely go :D

  4. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Hi, this is a link to xinmsn for an interview they conducted with Hyung Jun in Sin.

    There are 2 parts. Interview will start after the short commercial.

  5. Anonymous11:24 PM

    You're welcome,Liezle!


  6. Anonymous11:25 PM

    There're some more vids...will try to post them up soon...


  7. Anonymous12:18 AM

    he really does brighen up anyones day..he's so smiley,funny,i love his reactions when the host was teasing him. Even his staff were bright and friendly in the second vid..
    i love his english too..he's got a good hold of it..i really wish that i can see himlive some day..i hope he recieves more love cus he truly deserves it..
