
Friday, August 20, 2010

[Fan Account] At Hamana Lakeside Plaza with Kim Hyun Joong

Remember the fan account that lafone shared HERE from her blog visitors? Well, it didn't stopped there because lafone is sharing with us again another one! This time it's from yesterday's filming of the wedding scene that will be part of Kim Hyun Joong First Love Story.

One of lafone's friends got so lucky to be included in the tour was the one who gave this fan account. So to lafone's friend and of course to lafone, HUGE HUGE thanks ladies for sharing this with us and letting us know the wonderful experience that you had with Hyun Joong yesterday.


[Fan Account] Under the Blazing Sun with Kim Hyun Joong
Report on 1st Love Story Shooting in Hamana Lakeside Plaza
by lafone's friend
Japanese to English translation by lafone /

I saw Leader at 7:30am when he was about to leave the hotel (Rihga Royal Hotel in Osaka) . He waved his hands to the fans many times till when the car left the hotel.

I spotted him on the platform of Bullet train, Hikari leaving 8:40am from Osaka.

In the train, I was sitting two seats back from him. As he arrived at the platform 10 minutes before the departure time, there were already plenty of fans following him. He seemed tired; smile disappeared from his face, and therefore, I could not take a picture though I had a chance.

At Hamamatsu station now ! He seemed to have fallen into sleep immediately when the bullet train left Osaka. He always keeps a backpack with a Chinese hat (?) Mr. Kim, Director of DSP Media picked him up at the station. (It is said that he also attended BOF event as well)

The shooting of us (lucky enough to have been chosen for “extra” as guests to attend the wedding ceremony) started one hour later than expected. Poor children! They were required to walk again and again, scattering flower petals on the Virgin Road under blazing sun. When we heard “cut”, everyone applauded !

Now the shooting of Leader, dressed in tuxedo, started. When he stopped just in front of the virgin road, we lets go the balloons, then applause. He was also asked to do this again and again. However, in front of us, he said to us “Though it is hot, Kenchana ! Let’s work hard together ! “ or “ I’m ashamed” . Each time he stopped in front of us, he talked to us something. Before the director said “Ready! Action!,” he was so cute, but once we heard “Ready ! Action !”, he completely changed his face expression , becoming the character of the story, a real actor !!! We were so tired of applauding many times, but he made us laugh by gesturing “stop applauding” immediately after the voice of “cut” by the director.

The next was to shoot the scene Leader received a flower bouquet from a little girl. Leader accepted by kneeling in front of the girl. The girl tightly holds the index finger of Leader until she was asked to leave it. She was so nervous which Leader recognized, smiling at her to make her relax. During the “standby” hours, he made many pictures with children, staff, and so on.

There was no bride, but he acted as bridegroom, extending his hand to the “the bride” Contrary to the rehearsal scene, he made NG many times as he seemed to feel awkward, laughing himself, so cute ^^

During the waiting time, he answered to questions made by the fans. He also asked us where we were from. It was amazing that there were fans who came from Seoul. When a middle-aged lady called him “Oppa”, he seemed to get shocked, a bit angry ? However, we made fun, calling many times “Oppa “ He also went to the fans who were watching far as they were not extra. In this way, the shooting continued for three hours.

He repeatedly said “it’s hot !” He was always dressed in tuxedo even under the blazing sun but he always looked cool. I realized how hard the shooting is ! Each time we heard “cut”, we applauded him. When, the director said “Once more”, we shouted “ Fighting!” then he nodded, or laughed. When everything was finished, there was a big big applause.

Finally, a group photo session of 20 people. He made a thank you comments to the fans “ thank you for supporting the shooting, and thank you again for observing the don’ts “ Then a surprise gift from him !!! He shook hands with us one by one, with eye contact for each of us.

I was so lucky to be able to see him just in front of me, chatting, laughing together, so happy moment. He was so~~~~~ cool when he changed to an actor, “Ready ! Action !” He was really really, nice-looking , cool guy.


Below photos came from lafone. This is the place where the filming took place. It's at Hamanako Lakeside Plaza.


  1. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Another one from lafone! Thank you and to your friend too. Thank you too liezle for sharing.

    lafone, can we read also something from today's event? sorry if i am asking too much.

    jackie from USA

  2. awww.. HyunJoong sounds so SWEET!
    Thanks for sharing the fan account with us!

  3. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Such a wonderful fan account. Thanks so much for sharing!! Leader is so gracious to all his fans.

    I'm, however, suprised that a DSP director would pick him up at the station and not someone from KeyEast.

  4. Hi Anonymous 2:59.

    From what I know KHJ 1st Love Story DVD/Photobook is a project of DSP. Someone can correct me on this if I got the info wrong though.


  5. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Hi Liezle.. I'm Anonymous 2:59

    It's my understanding that the Ready Action Spain Photobook was a DSP project and the KHJ 1st Love Story is a KeyEast project. It doesn't make sense that this would be DSP project if it's being filmed after he has already signed his exclusive contract with KeyEast. I could be mistaken though.

  6. Anonymous4:22 PM

    KHJ 1st Love Story is neither DSP nor KeyEast project according to the response from KJ-Net when fan calling for an answer on first hearing the release of this 1st Love story book.

    Seems that this is a project for KJ-Net connecting HJL at that moment.
    anyway...quite interesting...

  7. wow! thanks for sharing out her "close contact" experience....
    thanks Liezle for posting it here...... thx! thx! thx!

    HyunJoong is always dedicate to his works.

    Meaning that this photobook is dealing directly by Hyunjoong himself?

    It seems that Hyunjoong still maintain a good relationship with DSP-Kim.

  8. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I think all SS501 are still maintaining a good relationship with DSP and the members leaving DSP is amicable for DSP can no longer afford SS501 and can only concentrate on Kara & Rainbow. But I believe that the members are still willing to work with DSP when they decide to perform together as long as their new agencies allow it. It is like joint ventures or maybe they have it included in their contract with their new agencies that SS501 is their priorities and since the name SS501 in owned by DSP it is understood. Leader is really not wasting time using his popularity as well as his youth. Strike while the iron is hot. And he is not forever young. He will be joining the army in 3 to 4 hrs from now. He really knows how to earn a living. He is very matured despite of his and among members. DSP did not made a mistake in appointing him as Leader.

  9. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Anon 5:19, Do you mean 3 to 4 years from now he's be joining the army?

  10. Latigre10:46 PM

    Thanks Lafone and Leizle for the fan account. How i wish i was there.

  11. Dear liezle and everyone !

    Thanks liezle for your quick uploading. As one of the readers of your blog, I am so happy to be able to contribute to your blog.

    BOF Tokyo event takes place tomorrow, Saturday. I will attend both daytime and evening session. I will write something on it.

    This 1st Love Story project is DSP Media's work. KJ-net is Osaka-based company which organized SS501's 1st concert in Osaka. They will also organize KHJ's Japan fan meeting in October for those who purchase 1st Love Story DVD. That event will be the last work of DSP. That's why the director picked him up to take him to Hamamatsu. When it comes to BOF event, it is KEYEAST's first event in Japan. It's really complicated story for him and that's why he had to manage this hectic schedule while shooting Playful Kiss.

    He did his best; everyone got home with a unforgettable memory.

  12. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Thanks Lafone for the explanation. We'll be looking forward to your report on the BOF event in Tokyo. For us international fans that are unable to attend these events, any fan accounts are always much appreciated.

    Thanks also to Liezle for all your hard work!!

  13. Thanks Lafone and Liezle for all your contribution into this blog. We really appreciate it very much.

    Finally, we got to understand the story behind. It's really complicated for Leader to deal with BOTH parties at the same time.

    Thanks again ^^

  14. Hi Lafone and thanks for dropping by to confirm what I have know.

    No time to play for Hyun Joong because of his hectic sked. Anyway, hope that he's able to rest yesterday and only had interviews to deal with.

    Hey, have a great time later at the 2 events you'll be attending. Hope to hear your stories.


  15. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Both First Love Story and Ready & Action are DSP's? Agrrr... don't know why but i really don't like it. Hopefully, HJL gets a fair share of all the profit.

  16. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Hello. I was hoping that you could answer some questions I have about your post regarding the BOF reunion and kj-net sponsored love story DVD. I would greatly appreciate if you could tell me everything you know. As you can imagine, this is a really important and sensitive issue involving contracts, etc and so I really want to learn all the facts to figure out what is true and what are speculations and rumors from fans. This is why I'm asking you because you seemed to know a lot about this issue. I hope you don't mind. :) Thanks for your time!

    My two questions are:

    1. You mentioned that DSP's Mr. Kim picked up Hyun Joong when he arrived in Japan. Who is this Mr. Kim and how do you know that he is DSP's director?

    2. You also stated that Love story DVD is the last event arranged by DSP. How do you know this? What makes your think DSP is still involved in this? I ask because I was told from a credible source that this DVD is being arranged by site after Hyunjoong's contract with DSP expired.

    I look forward to hearing your response. Thanks!

  17. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Thanks for the fan account.

    FYI, if director Kim is Kim Ki Young (as far as I know he was the only director Kim at DSP), he is NOT with DSP anymore. He left the company for unsavory reasons and he was officially off their book since last march.
