
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

[Added More FanCams] Young Saeng & Kyu Jong return from the US 082510

Thanks to iamsom for the tweet and to yongyong113 for uploading this vid on YT.

Young Saeng and Kyu Jong are back in Korea from a trip to the US.

Added more...

tip by winnie :: vid by rmdkd :: uploaded on YT by kalend1289

tip by iamsom :: vid by BestYS :: uploaded on YT by suangs


  1. waaaaaa.....SAENGIE!!!!!
    hope there will hv some photos of them in us....
    curious what they were doing in it only vacation???
    and i become more curious about steven lee^^

  2. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Haaay Miss him so much! Hope to see him more.!

  3. Jenascia10:39 AM

    They went to US without us knowing...what's happening to the stalkers, why we don't have video of them leaving Korea? hahaha!!!

    Good to see KJ and YS enjoying and making the most of their break. Wonder if the other members know about this trip to US. I'm imagining JM, Baby and Leader are a little jealous since they are too busy and cannot go and play.

    Thanks for the update Liezle :)

  4. Anonymous10:55 AM

    so nice to see them again.

    I hoping they are not just there for holidays.
    maybe recording! wow thats be so cool!

    hope to hear some good news from them! Fighting

  5. Anonymous11:43 AM

    the sky is still dark. so they arrived in early morning??

  6. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Finally, there's some news about KJ adn YS!! Based on their happy faces, it seemed like they had a wonderful time in the States with Steven Lee.

  7. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Thanks.... miss KJ and YS... so happy to see them.... Hope they have their own company now but hoping to see ss501 together again.... waiting

  8. Jenna2:06 PM

    They are both high spirited. They must have enjoyed their vac here in Cali and Nevada. So very kind of Steven Lee for showing them around. I am thinking Kyu and Youngsaeng went on this big vacation and next will be news which agency will handle their activities. Then they would be busy again. Goodluck my 2 sweet angels.

  9. Anonymous2:51 PM

    oooohhh...YS have Dr. Dre's Beat headphone! lavit!

    nice to see them smiling again.

  10. Anonymous4:08 PM

    @ Jenna: I do hope so too.. its been a long time since their contract ended and its getting unhealthy for their careers to have such long standstill.
    I duno abt the rest, but for me, I'm more concerned about their career in the long run rather than whether they will be SS501 (coz its a commercial world out there, sure there will be implications involved and will take time to iron out).
    Furthermore, I feel that "SS501" is an intangible tag for the boys and for TS. Even if they dun get the name from DSP, they will still be SS501 in TS's world, wont they?

  11. Anonymous5:15 PM

    My jaw totally dropped when I saw, back from us. I was like, wtf!? How come nobody knows they were there!?
    But judging from the fancam, I'm relieved. It seems they are ready now!
    Make a decision already, for your future career oppas!!
    And seriously, I'm curious. Steven Lee must know a lot of things us fan don't know.
    I wonder what it's all about!

  12. Chara5:58 PM

    probably Steven Lee knows a lot... He is not just a staff to work with... He is a precious friend. ^^

    Hope all will work out fine for them.

  13. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Do cut the guys some slack - they are not novices in the entertainment industry. SS501 would have forged some good relationships and goodwill during the 5 years so there will surely be lots of good advice from well meaning mentors and sunbaes during this season. Morever, YS has even experienced transferring agencies during his training years, which means he already had some prior inter-agency dealings at a young age.
    Our mysterious Prince truly lives up to his title - hard to fathom.
    But he is also very appreciative of TS fan support - just let him reveal what he feels is necessary in his own time while maintaining some privacy.

  14. Anonymous11:32 PM

    my two fav members!!! Youngsaengah!! Welcome back!! Nice to see you!! I misss youu!!

  15. Anonymous9:30 AM

    First of all, as a KyuSaeng fanaddict^^, i'm extremely happy that i hear something about them.... also glad to know that a lot of peeps miss them as well^^ (I have nothing against the other members, i love each of them, its just that i want to hear from other members as well kekeke)

    Second, they deserve a good vacation from their hectic schedules before... whatever they plan in the future (w/c i hope is for them to continue singing), be it solo or a group, I'll support them still ----

    Noticed that they came at an ungodly hour (I assumed this because of dark skies and less people) but still unable to evade TS eagle stalkers^^

    Now for questions: 1.) KyuSaeng went here in the US for pure fun and vacation only or is it with a side business/album making with Steven Lee? 2.) Off topic: Leader came back from BoF japan with the DSP manager Kim (whatever his name is) in tow - is there plans to rekindle SS501 activities or Mr. Kim wants to join KHJL's KE group as well? 3.) observed that 3 members signed into acting contracts only...for how long will the contract be

    okei Liezle, I know this is a rather long post, but I know you know something - the answers to the above questions (that's how much confidence I have in you ;)) thanks a million for everything!!!!!

  16. Hi Anonymous 9:30! No worries about your long post. I may not replying to all post but I do read them all. ^_^

    1. No one really knows except KJ and YS and whoever they were with what they did in the US. Like what I mentioned in my previous post, fans think that this is a private trip that is why they didn't post pix when they left on the 19th of august.

    2. As for SS501 future again, everyone of us still has this biggest question. But like what i've been telling everyone i've faith in them. I'm banking on their promise.

    I'm not sure if Mr. Kim is with KE but what I know is that he went to Japan bec of a project that HJ still has to finish with DSP.

    All members of SS501 from what I know are still in contact with their DSP managers. They've all established a good relationship and consider one another as family. Just wait for further details on what will happen next because I'm sure there'll be news to come out later especially about the 3 remaining members.

    3. Only JM and HJL are confirmed to have signed with new agencies. as for HJB, we still have to get confirmation about that. From the news that came out there were no mention of the tenure of contract. But one thing that I'm glad reading news about the contracts of JM and HJL is that both agencies mentioned that they are open to supporting activities of SS501.

    Hee, I know I didn't answer your queries quite well but I hope that I'm able to help a bit.



  17. Anonymous10:35 AM

    aahhh those tight jeans!!! nice backview seangie *wink*
