
Saturday, August 28, 2010

[Info] Hyun Joong will be zipping off to Japan again

Much thanks once again to miyo for sharing the translation of this entry on KHJ Japanese website. and posting on

Hyun Joong is zipping off again and he'll be in Japan to participate in 24 Hours TV. If his appearance will be 7:30am he might be leaving in the evening of the 28th.

Alright, if he leaves tomorrow there'll be more photos to save... and when he returns, there'll be more too. ^^ Likewise, his appearance will also have many photos from media. ^^ Guys, do check your hard disk for available space, k? I'm pretty sure once MK is out there'll be more to save.


Kim Hyun Joong Participating in 24 Hour Television!
Japanese to English tranlation by miyo @
Source: KHJ JP site

Kim Hyun Joong agrees to the purpose of Nippon Television 『24 HOURS TELEVISION LOVE SAVES THE EARTH』and has agree to participate for the first time.
Please have a look at the following schedule of the broadcast below.

Date/Time: 28th August 2010 (Saturaday) 6:30pm~ 29th August 2010 (Sunday) 8:54pm
Time of Appearance for Kim Hyun Joong: Around 7:30am
(As it will be a live telecast, there will be the possibility of appearing before or after the indicated time)
TV Station: Nippon Television Network
24 Hours Television Homepage here

※Different broadcasting region might have the broadcast at a different time and date. Please check with your local station.


  1. Anonymous4:06 AM

    I just bought my new 500GB external hard disk to preparing for Hyun Joong..kekeke

    gosh...he is so busy,
    he must be really tired

    Hyun Joong FIGHTING !

  2. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Lol! I'm also thinking of buying a new external drive. My old one is overloaded with HJ's pictures. I wonder if Hyun Joong got to see all of those beautiful pictures of his taken by his fans..

  3. tetsu girl5:11 AM

    i'm glad HJL has lots of work, but i wonder how JangKiss's director feels about his lead continuing to take leave for a couple of days, especially since they started filming late to begin with. 1st Bali, then BOF event, now this. hope HJL can handle it because with MK airing soon, he's going to have to work wayyy overtime to keep up with the schedule. i'm worried he'll turn into a skeleton again like during BOF. =/

  4. Anonymous5:15 AM

    I'm going to buy a new big hard disk for leader only, haha. I don't want to miss out any pics of him.

    But I'm worried about his health as he must be so tired out with all filming and activities.......
    hyun joong, be well pls, I'm praying hard for you all the time.

  5. Anonymous7:19 AM

    on Jangkiss...maybe when he is away they are filming the scenes that does not require him. Only Oh Hani and her friends and or Oh Hani class only. or just Oh Hani and Seungjo's mother. Those scenes so no wasted time.
    But my concern is his health. Seems like too much flying overseas in between filming of his drama.

  6. Anonymous9:00 AM

    I'm sure Grp 8 knows of his schedule between shooting . Many of them were made ahead of time .

    Yes, there are many other scenes they can shoot without him .Except of the getting tired factor , it's also good he has other activities in between-shooting .It gives him the necessary breaks .

  7. oh poor boy! He must be exhausted with these hectic schedule.

    All of us are concern about his health. Noonas around him, pls take care of him well and feed him more foods. Hyunjoong ah.... pls eat more and stay healthy yah!

    HJ fighting!

  8. Anonymous12:41 PM

    lol! i'm upgrading my notebook and i'm getting an external drive for my HJ stuff, too!
