
Thursday, August 26, 2010

[Media Pix] Kim Hyun Joong @ Mischievous Kiss Press Conference 100826

Thanks Marvie! I'm sure by now many portals have already posted the pix from the presscon. We'll finally get to see HQ pix and the news!

So many photos! That's it for this page. Marvie will be creating another one later for more photos.

Credit : as tagged

Other casts


  1. Anonymous2:02 PM fast, Thanks for sharing

    Leader looks really, really pretty and adorable there.

  2. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Very handsome n cute student - but eye bags getting a little pronounced probably from the overnight filming.

  3. thanks Liezle for lifting media pix in real time.

    wow! Hyunjoong looks much different compare to BOF presscon 2 years ago.
    He has more confident as male lead now.
    Hopefully those negative comments pointed to his acting skill can be reduced.
    Our HyunJoong is really working hard on it everyday!

    MK daebak!

  4. Anonymous2:22 PM

    He's looking thinner again. And I can see his mustache :D

  5. yup, he loose down a bit, can see from his face.

    Ahh... he hasn't shave 3rd time today, i guess.

  6. Anonymous2:30 PM

    he looks tired, but still cute. probably had a lot of overnight filming to catch up and he looks thinner to me as well. hope he stays in good health. khj fighting!

  7. Anonymous2:37 PM

    i dont want him to loose weight anymore ... he look sick n scary in bof near to the end episodes.

    btw he look handsome n sexy here ..

  8. Leader and So Min looks adorable together, I'm sure viewers will love them as much as we do.

    I hope leader won't loose weight either. He looked really scarily skinny during BOF days :( Stay healthy leader!

    Janki couple fighting!

  9. Anonymous2:56 PM

    now everyone can view in facebook for repeat presscon.

  10. Anonymous4:02 PM

    I wonder what was he picking up in some of the pictures.

  11. Anonymous4:26 PM

    i guess he's picking up his ring...
    i think obviously he's getting skinnier that's why the ring easily loose from his finger...

    just guessing...

  12. yes, he is picking up his ring...

  13. Anonymous7:57 PM

    hyunjoong is still adorable as ever. we already watch the presscon this afternoon. their teasers so much excited. he and jsm are good looking fighting on sept 1..don't miss it!

  14. Anonymous8:22 PM


  15. Anonymous9:19 PM

    leader, stay healthy please!
    That's my only concern for him.
    leader and MK, fighting!

  16. Anonymous11:09 PM

    "To be honest, we're not very close. But when we were doing the drama together, we somehow became close, but she's one who has the eight-colored charm with her"..i like this statement of hyunjoong to so min..i think the two leads will become close friend along the way..i hope their treatment to each other is more than friends...i'm just imagining because i can't help it dreaming on them,kekeke

  17. i spotted again cody noona, at the pic wherein jsm is stepping up to the stage, you'll see cody noona behind jsm.. i love the way cody noona takes good care of leader. noona is so lucky to have that chance, how i wish i am close to khj too even just for a friend..=D
