
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Kyu Jong & Young Saeng are with Steven Lee???

Thanks Marvie for shoving the tweets of Steven Lee. This must be the long and far vacation that Young Saeng is telling us when he and Kyu Jong were amongst the guests on Hyung Joon on his birthday bash.

(Supporting for Hyun Joong)

(did he mean (KJ) Kyu Jong (YS) Young Saeng? )

(he's talking special guest from Korea is Kyu & Saeng?)


  1. Anonymous7:59 AM

    OMG! does it have a special meaning or are they just good friends I wonder...
    KJ&YS are always together now days.

    always fighting SS501!!!

  2. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Steven Lee is so supportive to SS501. I hope that they will continue to work together in the future!!

  3. Anonymous8:58 AM

    who is steven lee? is he producer or just common friend of ss501?

  4. Anonymous9:05 AM

    He must be with the 2 other members...question is how come the 2 (YS & KJ) were able to pass the airport without TS knowledge, hmm?

    Steven Lee must know something that we all don't know. He believes in each members hence his tweet to ignore what media says -(about what: SS501 disbandment? or about the contract arrangements?arrghh, so frustrating!)

    but thanks about this update Liezle, it makes thousands of TS mind seeking for answers again^^

  5. Anonymous9:58 AM

    OMG..KJ and YS went here in NV. like..FOR REALS?! gaaaah...i should have strolled The Strip recently and saw them somewhere walking and such.. :(

  6. i really wanna know more about these two boys.....whats going on?i wonder,but anyway it is a great news for TS....waaaaaaaa....give us more info

  7. Anonymous10:17 AM

    I really hope that all TS read this tweets of Steven Lee, put away all the doubt and hates, be supportive to leader, and all other four members.

  8. Anonymous1:46 PM

    omg our sweet Kyu and our Prince Youngsaeng came here in Cali. I live in Cali. I wonder where in Cali. North or South. Oh so frustrating. Why nobody learned about this and could have seen them.
    To Anonymous 8:58 Steven Lee is the composer/producer of most of their songs on their mini albums Rebirth and Destination.
    Steven Lee became a very good friends of SS501 members. Well their age gap is not that big. He only 3 yrs older than Leader and YS. Even Steven Lee knew that SS501 are very much together and he knew that they will be making their 2nd full album after their solo activities. I hope he will compose and produce their songs again. He must already been working with Youngsaeng for those lyrics. I hope he will also make the OST for Playful Kiss. Why I haven't heard of the OST yet?

  9. Anonymous2:46 PM

    I'm sure he knows something... and I know in the right time we'll know too.although it's frustrating it is for the better.
    anyway I'm so happy every-time we get some kind of reassurance and even more when it comes from someone close to them.
