
Tuesday, August 03, 2010

More Photos of SS501 @ HJB B-day Bash

Thanks to the shutterbug of kyulgagong for these photos and of course to Marvie too for shoving them here.

Credit : Baidu

P.S. I get distracted by the logo. ^_^


  1. Anonymous5:58 AM

    I'm wondering, did KHJL greets KHJb
    on his b-day? Did anyone knows?

  2. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Aug 3 is his birthday. The celebration with the fans was on Aug 1 right. Surely Leader greeted Baby. I read in a blog that Leader flew from Bali the night of Aug 1. So he did not make it to Baby's celeb with the fans but surely he will meet Baby if time allows it with still the filming of his drama at hand. I guess he have to double his time with the filming because of the Bali photoshoot and then the BOF in Japan. I guess our Birthday boy knows how busy his hyung but he knows deep in his heart that his favorite hyung still cares for him.

  3. Anonymous9:42 AM

    i was pondering on that thought too if Leaderssi called Baby; I also was thinking if the 5 of them gathered privately to celebrate Maknae's birthday today like they always did before on each members birthday
