
Monday, August 02, 2010

More Pix from the Birthday Bash from Prettyboy

Shutterbug of Prettyboy certainly got very very busy yesterday clicking her shutter to get good shots of Hyung Joon, yah? Here are more with some photos together with Jung Min. Thanks again Prettyboy for sharing with us.

Arghh... been trying to upload this for more than 20 mins and finally got successful, huh?! Is blogger having a problem oe the pix resolution too high? More to come from this fan club. ^^


  1. glacier3:42 AM

    like first pic like that moment between HJB and JM
    very cute maknae^^

    very very happy na^^
    wish you have a good day good health ^^

  2. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Probably the only good thing that has come out of their current situation is that if not for this few months of hardship, they probably wouldn't realise how much each of them really mean to each other. They may love each other, but just like ys said, sometimes they tend to take each other's presence for granted. I think after these few months, they will grow to cherish each other even more as they realise deep down in their hearts, how important they really are to each other.

  3. Anonymous8:54 AM

    at anony4:40, i won't argue your opinion. But i believe that this realization already occured long before this current sitation happened.. it started when YS had his throat operation, then their tight schedule caused leader to get sick several times, followed by their temporary separation because of the other 2 had solo activities while 3 had to make the whole group survive.. these 5 men already respect, value and love one another way back, but this temporary setback (as i would like to say) is just so vague and troublesome. and as magnae in his message said, they will each strive to work individually to achieve their dreams but the love,care,support and loyalty as being SS501 will still prevail (A)
