
Monday, August 02, 2010

More pix spazzz from HJB's Birthday Bash by My Orange

We haven't had this barrage of photos from the longest time, right? Are you liking it? I am.^_^ I hope every week is like this. But of course it's not possible. After this, I think we're back to waiting again for news and latest photos of these fine looking young men to come out.

Meanwhile, let's enjoy the moment by looking at the wonderful photos being shared with us from the many fan clubs of SS501 and do our cute little finger exercise. Hee, we haven't been doing for the longest time too this exercise, right? Our fingers are getting kinda rusty. ^_^

Thanks to 규종아뭐래 of My Orange for this set of pix posted by 중심규보이 on


  1. Anonymous4:13 AM

    thanks liezle!

    I see that our lovely kyu has put on some weight!! Not fat, just a little chubbier than in june. It's good though, to see them all healthy :)

    Well, at least we'll be assured that come september, there'll be more of hyunjoong, and in the very least, we may see something like this again when youngsaeng's birthday approaches in November.

  2. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Though they are smiling, I think that all of them have probably not been having it easy this few months. Hope that things will become better for them, all I want is for them to be really happy always.

    Maknae is so reassuring. I love how he uses words to indirectly slam down all those hurtful rumours. By saying how the members still cared and watched out for each other, and how they will stay together forever, he has totally rebutted all rumours about disbandment and people leaving the group.

  3. Just love the boys. Kyujong looks really handsome esp now that he is very healthy.

    Yes Anonymous 4:49, Baby did squashed the rumors even that of our charistmatic Jungmin wanting out of SS501. He said that the 5 (not 4 or 3) of them still support each other and that includes Leader.

    If Leader have his time he would have been there but if he was there he will overshadowed Baby and even the other members for sure. It will be damn if you don't and damn if you do. It is just better that Leader can celebrate with Baby and the members later on not on limelight but just them on Baby's actual Birthday on August 3.

  4. who did baby call? there was a picture of him holding a phone..anyone know??

  5. Perfectly said, Jenna. You got it right in all places. Period.

  6. Anonymous9:37 PM

    @Jenna: don't play with words..
    First of all Jungmin doesn't want to get out of SS501, don't spread another stupuid rumour

    and i don't think leader would have overshadowed b'day boy.

  7. Anonymous9:45 PM

    ALICIA: baby called 3 luck fans present at the event...
