
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

[News] Kim Hyung Jun XIN Interview @ Singapore 100830

[News] Kim Hyung Jun Don’t Want to be Labelled as Cute. Disclose Hyun Joong did Not Give him a Birthday Present

Credit: Chinese news @ + English translation by cloud0_o @ SgTripleS
Please Repost with Full Credits

SS501′s maknae Kim Hyung Jun came to Singapore alone, stated that he did not want to be called ‘cute’ in future. His birthday just ended in early August and disclosed that leader Hyun Joong never give him a birthday present, and complained that he is a “Bad Boy”.

Kim Hyung Jun is one of the members in korea band SS501. Since June when their contract with their previous company ended, each member has gradually take turns to signed with other companies. Recently, he also signed with S-Plus entertainment company, starting his “Solo” activities.

Yesterday, Kim Hyung Jun came to Singapore for the first time as an individual and help a showcase at Republic Poly. About 80% of the tickets are sold by the organisers.

Apart from performing , and together with his korean dancers, he also played games with 20 lucky fans. Being articulate, he kept showcasing his English by throwing praising words to the fans, making everyone super elated.

Hyung Jun was very touched by the fans’ enthusiasm. Being an emotional person, he cried after watching the video and song specially created and written for him by fanclub.

Hyung Jun stated: ”i am nervous as i came to Singapore alone. Therefore, i did alot of preparation in Korea. Seeing so many fans supporting me, i am very touched and also very happy. i hope in future, i am able to stay in Singapore”.

Wanted to become “Manly”, don’t want to be praise as “Cute”.

Handsome Kim Hyung Jun is the maknae (youngest) in Ss501, fans nicknamed him as “Baby”, had turned 22 years old on the 3rd of August. Even though he protrayed his cuteness during the showcase, but during xinmsn’s interview, he said that he did not want to be labelled as cute in future!

Kim Hyung Jun told the reporter: “Up til last year, i am ok with fans saying that i am cute. But this year, i changed my mindset, hoping that fans will praise me as being charismatic and manly.

He spoke in English, seriously: ”I’m a Man”.

Kim Hyung Jun proudly clenched his fist, stating recently he is keen in working out in the gym. He also watched quite a number of dramas, learning how the male leads protray their mature side. He chuckled that he likes to watch kissing scenes, as he felt that it is very manly.

Kissing scene with female actress? Kim Hyung Jun: Very shy!

However, even though likes to see others kiss, but when being ask about his view of intimate scenes in his future acting projects, he is unable to conceal his shyness.

Kim Hyung Jun stated that he is willing to follow the directions of the director. The reporter saw Hyung Jun said “Please” to the camera, asked if that implied that he wished to have kissing scenes. He quickly reply:”Kissing scenes? i am shy! But, no matter is what character, what scene, i will do my very best. And, after all, it is only acting”.

Kim Hyung Jun disclosed that if able to have the opportunity to work with female artiste like Shin Min Ah (model) and Kim Tae Hee(actress), he will be very honoured.

As for what role he wanted to act, Kim Hyung Jun said that due to the fact that he watched Lee Byeong Heon acted in , thus he hope to act as someone with a strong character, one which is able to leave a deep impression in people, eg. killer.

Disclosed leader Kim Hyun Joong has poor memory, forgets about his birthday.

Actually, ever since Ss501 gradually started on their individual activities, fans are most concerned about when they will gathered together again.

As per mentioned by the other members before, Kim Hyung Jun reassured that signing contract with new management company and kicked start solo activities, does not mean that SS501 is disband.

“We are still together, our relationship is also very good. If possible, we hope to stand on stage together as soon as possible. While focusing on our individual careers now, we are still planning and preparing for our future concert and performance”.

Early August, Kim Hyung Jun had a fanmeeting in Korea to celebrate his birthday. Every members appeared apart fr leader Hyun Joong due to busy filming schedules. Baby is touched to tears seeing them, protrayed SS501 great relationship.

Will Kim Hyun Joong make up the present in future? Hyung Jun happily disclosed that “Hyun Joong is quite forgetful, cannot remember important stuffs, but i believe that even though he is away busy with filming, but deep in his heart, he will congratulate me”.

Speaking of presents, Hyung Jun sighed: ”No present. This is not the first time, i am not surprised”.

Hyung Jun even took the chance to “Scold” leader, “Bad boy, Leader bad!”. Seems like he is really used to Hyun Joong’s forgetfulness, and did not put it to heart.

Next, Hyung Jun is expected to participate in a musical, and will released his solo album next year, plus involvement in dramas. In addition, he also plan to start a business with his brother Kim Ki Bum(U-Kiss member) and become his own boss.


  1. tetsu girl6:54 AM

    Thank you for the very complete article XinMSN & SGTS! Everything from the Showcase and interview plus pics! I'm so happy and excited to hear his future solo (and group <3) plans! Good luck, our Manly Maknae! ^____^

  2. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Lol!!.. Baby is always a baby. He expected presents, when he has never given any present to all four of his hyun, as they complaint in almost every single SS501 shows.

  3. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Yes, bad bad leader!

  4. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Lol! First it was 'Bad boy' Youngsaeng and now it's 'Manly' maknae! At least for me, they will always be cute in our eyes^^ and 'leader bad!' lol he sounded so loving when he said that during the interview.
    The reporters did a fairly good job this time round...they asked him questions that fans were really curious about.

  5. Anonymous10:48 AM

    He is such a cry baby .. always complaining!! receiving and never giving - attest by all other members of the group!!
    how much more he had received from Leader and the rest ..

    You will never be manly with your kind of selfish and self-centred attitude!
    its just reflect on how "small" and ungracious you are!
    did you remembered Leader's or any of the rest birthday or gave him /them anyting? for crying out loud!

    maybe you should concentrating on growing up first!
    Fans are biased and overlooked how bad their idol will behave .. i am a fan of SS501, but not particularly fan of such ingrate and hyprocrisy!

    sorry if some will take offence, but i am not sorry for stating how i feel. i am yet to be able to see the better side of him!

  6. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Lol! I'm happy for baby <3

    Baby has given a lot to his hyungs as's just that they like to make fun of him during interviews (in a loving way) that they say they he never gives them anything^^ He's got a loving heart, even the members themselves have said so^^

  7. Anonymous10:59 AM

    for crying out loud. hyung jun said this jokingly! hyung jun is one of the sweetest among the members of ss501 i remember him paying for their meals with credit card. you definitely a leader fan and would only want rosy stuff about leader. ^^ peace.

    liezle thank your for your blog.

  8. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Lol! he'll always be Baby to me.
    So sweet, always having fun with other members.
    But sure he'll become a very handsome man in the future ^^

  9. Anonymous11:34 AM

    whoa! wait a minute... yeah! anony10:48AM, yes you... you are definitely NOT an SS501 fan. so much angst... i can feel the anger in your words. nope, you are NOT a fan. why? you don't know the members enough! Hyung Jun was saying this to the fans about leader forgetting his birthday so that he could make light of the situation so as not to stir conflict (which it did before); he was describing leader as forgetful because of his busy schedule that is why he did not receive any gift... but you took baby's message the wrong way.... aigoo.. you should study english and discern the message, dear. and you call yourself a fan. shame on you!

  10. Anonymous11:37 AM

    for people who don't understand how the boys always relate to each other you should go and watch through all their previous interview vids as a group or solo to understand what they really meant when they talk.

    you can't even see that he's trying to joke and make the interview more interesting. those questions are so direct and it's actually also quite a sensitive question that he have to face.
    i feel that he had cleverly answer it well.
    he can't possibly just ignore the question asked right?

    and you sure that you are a fan of SS501? a triple S?

    are you sure?

    think twice before you say so...

  11. Anonymous11:45 AM

    to the one who gave the negative comments, you're one of those who make leader look bad to TS. your over protectiveness doesn't do good on him. stop... before it's too late. leader is such a good person to have all of you over protective fans of his destroy him.

  12. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Omo, I really got startled reading comment of Anony 10:48.

    To me, I prefer Baby saying the truth that Leader was forgetful and didn't give him present than his creating lies. I love them because they are this honest, they tell us what we need to hear. And maybe because most TS is girls, it's a little easy to be misundertood. We are girls, so we think presents, birthday greets are very important. But boys are not like that, they express their love in another way. My elder brother don't even know his best friend's birthday.

    I don't know about others but to me, from Love ya promo, I was always afraid that Baby and LEader had sth wrong going on between them but I never dare to day a word. But after this, I'm blessed to know that they are still so close to each other. I can tell from Baby's expressions during the interview.

    And I don't think that Baby never treat the boys. I think it's just that he treat them the least often so they use the word "never" to tease him. Coz I remember YS saying in one program that "Today is Hyung Jun treating us". HE is definitely not selfist. I saw him cleaning others' mouths by his own hand (not tissue) after eating soup. And I think that's so sweet.

    I'm sorry for a long comment.

  13. Anonymous12:37 PM

    to 10.48.i was shocked with your comment.seriously.i don't know if we can call ourselves a Triple S if we 'hate' one of the member

    dear Hyung Jun Baby,you'll always be the cute one in my eyes.miane...sarangahae^_^

    i like the reporters question,so direct to the point&he answered it well.

  14. That how the boys are. They love to tease each other but that a sign of closeness. I remember when they are together in variety shows they don't say mussy stuff about one another but tend to tease each other. But that's how they are since debut days or even debut. You cannot say something negative about your member if you are not that close. Jungmin & Leader says the same thing about their members with the exception of Kyu. They avoid to tease Kyu too much because he a little sensitive. Only Youngsaeng can say those thing to Kyu.

    So please for those who don't know the boys too much, please don't misunderstand our Baby Maknae Hyungjoon. He love his hyungs especially Leader. I remember on My Favorite radio show, he missed Leader and Leader even asked Youngsaeng to take care of Baby.

  15. Anonymous12:51 PM

    @Jenna, yeah, now that you mention it, I think they tease kyu less often than the rest. I guess the guy's a little too mild and harmless that they can't bear to tease him too much huh? =)) Well, at least he's much more confident now as compared to pre-debut days^^

    Peace people...maybe some people just tend to be harsher in the way they say things^^

  16. Anonymous12:51 PM

    @Jenna, yeah, now that you mention it, I think they tease kyu less often than the rest. I guess the guy's a little too mild and harmless that they can't bear to tease him too much huh? =)) Well, at least he's much more confident now as compared to pre-debut days^^

    Peace people...maybe some people just tend to be harsher in the way they say things^^

  17. Anonymous1:06 PM

    wow @ anony 10:48 AM
    you're definitely not TS, you're more like a troll and to quote you "sorry you might be offended will, but i am not sorry for stating how i feel!!" what an ass, i hate antis who says shit about our boys but what i hate more are trolls like you pretending to be a TS or "leader fan" or whatever! i'm leader-biased myself but i love all 5 just as much like any TS would!!

    LOL let's ignore her, anyways i love this interview, they ask all the right answers and baby is so cute answering some of them in English, his "i'm a man" is priceless, manly or not, you're always be a BABY to meeeee!! His comments about leader are hilarious esp when he said "Bad boy!" and "leader bad *points finger*" HAHAHA, he's sooo cute, i wanna eat him LOL

    Thanks for sharing Liezle ^^

  18. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I agree, they just like to tease one other, that's how they get along.

    Don't misunderstand Baby, he is really genuine, sincere & good-tempered.

    I remember one very old show whereby the boys gang up & played pranks on Baby whilst secretly capturing his reactions on a hidden camera & suddenly surprising him with a cake (think its an early celebration for his birthday). He was so touched & cried & never get angry with them for playing tricks on him.

  19. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Anonymous 10:48- I do believe Baby was joking and making light of a situation, that some people have been trying to turn into some major issue, by making it seem as if Leader doesn't care about the other members because he didn't go to Baby's B'Day fan meeting. No need to be so angry and upset because true fans know that is in no way true. The SS501 members all care for each other and always will.

    Anonymous 11:45- No fan of Leader's is going to destroy him. I don't agree that Leader's fans have been being too overprotective. Yes they have been steadfastly defending him and yes they are a little sensitive right now, but they have every right to be after the bashing's he has been getting. I sure hope SS501 fans can come back together after all these issues are resolved.

  20. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Leader is bad how can he forget Baby's b-day!!!??
    and not give him a present too!!
    really Bad >.<
    I'm really angry

  21. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Forgetting members b-day??
    Forgetting everything after transfer to new agency??

    Where's the old leader??
    I want the old leader!!
    The funny and the most caring one about other members!!
    Not the new one..
    That always busy until forget about everything.. =,=

    I'm not bashing leader..
    It just i miss the old leader..
    The one that before act as Ji Hoo in Boys Over Flower..

  22. Anonymous3:22 PM

    when he said "“ Bad boy, Leader bad" this sentence make me laugh I don't think he really scold but it's show the emotion like a joking baby always caring and more love to his hyung especially leader and one sentence in this interview he said in deep heart he knows leader congratulate to him

    I'm boring negative comments or outside spectators often complain relationship between members. In the fact, no one knows but all everything u just thinking how it is which it's not how they are :(

  23. Anonymous3:32 PM

    hahah!! that's why he calls as maknae!! so cute! ss501 <3
    there is no ss501 if one members leaves ss501! because every members have their job. hyunjoong have a job to lead ss501, baby and youngsaeng have a nice vocal, jungmin can speak very well, and kyujong as a center. you can't hate baby and love leader, you you are like that than leave this place. becuase this blog for ss501!

  24. anony 10:48AM

    You are damn funny & hilarious!
    Why you have such thinking?

    You have misunderstood Baby's word!


  25. Anonymous4:41 PM

    @3:32pm anonymous,
    now you taste the pain on how the fans feel when hjl been attack?

  26. Anonymous4:52 PM

    To 2:41 & 2:56pm,both of you must be a kid.

  27. Anonymous5:59 PM

    While I understand defending your bias against other fans, I don't get the need to defend them against their own members.

    The members affection for each other should be more apparent now then ever before. These five guys don't have to work together anymore since their contract ended. The fact that they still choose to remain as a group with each other should be clear proof of their affection for each other.

    I don't think any of our biases would appreciate us attacking their members, who they clearly care for, no matter how well intentioned our defense of them is.

  28. Anonymous11:43 PM

    To 2:41, 2:56, your comments made me laugh and guess you must be kids. If you really know who leader is and if you have common sense, you can't say like that. Pls be mature and think twice or three times before saying senseless words.

    Pls be reminded that leader is such a generous man who always had offered anything to the rest of ss501 members. Every true TS clearly knows this fact!!

  29. Anonymous3:30 AM

    omo..i can't believe that someone would actually misinterpret what our baby jokingly said..even i say such things to ma friends..he was just teasing leader..he answered da question really didn't blow da situation into a huge thing..he made it a light hearted topic..
    jeez some ppl need to chillax and enjoy da cuteness of baby.

  30. Anonymous8:00 AM

    To 10:48 AM who with the negative comments,

    Please go Watch SS501 M!pick episode 9.

    Jung Min was having a birthday, and the other 4 went to buy birthday gifts together for him. But Baby is the one who paid for all the gifts when they gave it to Jung Min as presents from 4 of them together. Well, I can understand why Young Saeng and Kyu Jong didn't paid due to lack of money back then.

  31. Anonymous4:27 AM

    love the interview! the questions are very good! and i just love it when baby, manly baby, kekekek, said ''Bad boy, leader bad''. It makes me so HAPPY that he still calls Kim hyun joong for leader, from time to time.

    Let's ignore all the negative comments! and just look at the positive things^^

  32. Anonymous5:02 PM

    I was so sad to hear such a bad comment like U know hyung jun well enough. U has no right to comment with harsh word. I agree that you are definitely NOT SS501 FAN. I NEVER leave a bad comment EVEN I WANT TO (when other member bully maknae and when leader left DSP) coz I know they belong together (THEY ARE 5 AS ONE) don’t you know what that mean? That mean you should not bias just to certain member only and you should believe for them. I do believe that u didn’t know them better. If u do you will see the true of maknae. You will see how much effort that he does for SS501. He never says about tired and even other members agree with that. U should know first what maknae roles in the group before u judge him or say a bad thing about them.
    Who is the member who loves to cry?
    SS501′s choice: Heo Young Saeng
    Hyung Jun → Young Saeng: His personality is like a child.
    Hyun Joong → No one: Nobody cries after we debuted. We, SS501 does not cry.
    Young Saeng → Young Saeng: In fact, i cried one time after the debut stage. I don’t know why but I just…
    Jung Min → Jung Min: In the past, I always cried when practicing.
    Kyu Jong → Young Saeng: His personality is just like a child.
    Which member loves himself the most?
    SS501′s choice: Park Jung Min
    Hyung Jun → Jung Min: He always tells us that he is the most perfect man.
    Hyun Joong → Hyung Jun: He is always carrying a mirror.
    Young Saeng → Jung Min: Always self-praise himself ‘handsome’
    Jung Min → Kyu Jong: He himself is already the narcissistic one.
    Kyu Jong → Young Saeng: Mirror prince!!!
    Who are you in your member's eyes?
    Kim Hyung Jun, he's someone we must have. As long as he's around, you'll never feel bored. youngest in the group, but he have the liveliest character. He always quarrel with jung min, he's really like a lively baby! He's a sweet talker. to him, the fans are his center! Even if dance training was tiring, he's still energetic! its like he don't feel like sleeping at all!
    Role KIM HYUNG JUN in SS501: Create the atmosphere
