
Friday, August 27, 2010

[Trans] Hyun Joong talked about Yong Joon

If not all, most of you know that I'm a big Bae Yong Joon fan as well and this blog used to be all BYJ until I decided to come out as a green pea. So when Kim Hyun Joong went to Key East I'm one of the happiest. Likewise when Hyun Joong talked about BYJ yesterday at the presscon I'm also one of the happiest. ^_^

I haven't been blogging about BYJ for sometime now [though I update post on BYJ soompi when there's something new about him] since news about him are scarce though I keep myself updated by going to BYJ community to read the latest about him. Since Hyun Joong talked about BYJ yesterday at the presscon [which I expected media to ask him about BYJ] Bae fans had consolidated the stuffs that Hyun Joong said about him. And here's the summary of what Hyun Joong said about BYJ which puts a lot of big smile to Bae Family.

Thanks to suehan for this summary on her blog.

[Summerized News Trans]At the Press Conference of “the Mischievous Kiss”
Korean to English translation by suehan on her blog

KHJ didn’t get many offers from other companies, or any contacts except Keyeast.

The reason why he moved to Keyeast was to grow more as an actor and they guaranteed to support him as a singer as well. He added that he was going to rest this year, but Keyeast treats him very well and luckily, he was able to make a decision on this drama right way.

KHJ calls BYJ big brother at the informal meetings even though BYJ is the owner of the company. KHJ meets BYJ about 2 or 3 times a week and they don’t talk about work much, but ordinary stuff like the other men do such as their daily lives.

When they meet together, KHJ drinks a green tea, and BYJ drinks a coffee. Sometimes they drink an alcoholic beverage together and chat about his previous girl friend and other small stuff.

He shared the story about the first day when he met BYJ. His first impression when he saw BYJ getting off from his car was “He is Zeus”, but he realized that BYJ was a human being after they exchanged a few conversations. The more they talk; BYJ feels like a brother (suehan: real close friend) in the neighborhood to him.

KHJ said that BYJ’s reaction about the Mischievous Kiss was that he would visit the filming site some day.

KHJ said that Keyeast showed the brightest prospect for his future as a singer and an actor to him. BYJ treated him well, even better than what he had expected. He learns a lot from BYJ’s daily life such as thorough self management.


  1. Anonymous7:13 AM

    I'm so happy for hyunjoong. He seems more confident nowadays too.

    Liezle, you must be really happy to see the union of both your idols, right? LOL

    Hope the rest will find an angency that suits them well too.

  2. Hi Anonymous 7:13. Thanks for leaving your footsteps.

    Mixed emotions when it comes to Hyun Joong bec of SS501 but more than anything else happy. ^_^

    This is the 2nd time that BYJ collaborated with my fave star. First was with So Ji Sub when SJS signed contract with KE then known as Boundaries of Forest (BOF) before for 3 1/2 hrs. Until SJS put up his own agency last year i think. Though SJS is not with KE anymore, there are reports that they've been seen hanging out together. ^_^


  3. Anonymous9:34 AM

    LOL! Some thing is not right with the translation.
    It should be : There's many offers from other agencies, but I (HJ) did not seriously contact with any of them BUT KeyEast.

  4. Anonymous9:39 AM

    yes u r right anonymous 9.34am

  5. hssa86829:49 AM

    Happy to see them be together.
    SS501, I 'm looking forword to see them again on stage.

    Solo or anything about member activities,Triple S will be support them right?????

    - Fighting -


  6. Leader did make the right decision. He seems very happy and satisfied with KE. He has gain a big bro who he can learn and get advice regarding how to balance life of a very popular and stressful life of a halyu star and to a normal life.

    Thanks Liezl for all your hardwork for giving us the latest regarding all members of SS501 and BYJ.

  7. yeisha11:54 AM

    previous GF of who? HJ or BYJ...ooh, this makes me curious.

  8. Anonymous12:00 PM

    yeah i read in somewhere that leader got many invitation to joined companies, but the only one he contacted and interested was only keyeast. i think this is the correct translation.

    btw, honeslty, i dont really like byj, i never watch his drama, but since hj moved to keyeast and byj treated hj well, i think i started to like this guy. based on hj opinion, seems byj is a good boss. i hope hj the best with his new company. thx for treated my leader so well, byj.

  9. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I think the main qualification in the other agencies' bids for HJL was not the lack of offers but rather good offers worth his consideration.
    He has indeed chosen well and gained not only a good employer but also a trustworthy mentor and brother in BYJ.

  10. Anonymous4:49 PM

    9:34 AM Anonymous
    The translation is right. He meant it for joke and modesty. Reporters did not accept it's true.

  11. Anonymous5:20 AM

    KHJ did the right thing joining KE. The SS501 other members were going to get new companies -only KHJ decided to start the process .He is the eldest brother who starts being independent so every body grows -I don't have any mixed emotions regarding that.

    All beginnings are difficult but most challenging . I will give my all supporting this young man because he deserves it .
