
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

[Vids & Pix] HJB's Departure from Changi & Arrival @ Incheon 083110

Prettyboy just uploaded vids and pix of Hyung Jun departing Changi and arriving Incheon Airport early this morning, August 31 from a very successful first outing in Singapore.

When he left Singapore, I think that not many fans were able to say goodbye to him as he used the VIP exit. Anyway, Jennifer Park, the lady who has been helping them in SG tweeted and confirmed this and said in her last night :

JenniferPark318 HJ left just now. It wasn't his decision to use the private terminal. Next time, I'll arrange for you to say bye to the fans properly~~

So there... next time. ^^

If you can't view the vids above click HERE and HERE.

1 comment:

  1. SSsufi11:43 PM

    u accidentally tagged mischievous kiss. haha. must be tired eh.
