
Saturday, September 18, 2010

09.18.10 S/Tweet Treats ^*^

Our sweet tweet treats for this Saturday.♥

UPDATE : [12:30AM 09.19/10] As Jung made his tweets past midnight and that he was just ending his day, I'll still include his tweets here. Check out his latest tweets in hangul and Japanese that Ode translated on her blog which I'm lifted here and posting below.

[11:30PM] Before going to bed Kyu Jong tweeted again to 2 of his friends. Read below translation courtesy again of Ode lifted from her blog.

[10:43PM] Kyu Jong tweeted a lot today particularly to Wheesung. Check translation Kyu Jong's tweets below courtesy of Ode on her blog
. Thanks!


Our Saturday started with a set of tweets from Park Jung Min who was just ending his day at 2:30am. He came to Twitter to update us and bid us good night.

As Jung Min sleeps four hours later Kyu Jong gave us his warm greeting in the morning.

Here are translation of their tweets made by xiaochu at Quainte501. Much thanks!

2010-09-18 @ 2.32am
JungMin0403 Now I have finished work and came back, took a shower and came on (twitter) for a while before I go to sleep~^^ Have a sweet dream everyone~!!!

2010-09-18 @ 2.33am
JungMin0403 Oh! I am now i Japan~~! Today's big news is my official Japan homepage, fanclub was set up~ Everyone come and play often~!! Joining (fanclub/official Japan website) ^0^

2010-09-18 @ 2.34am
JungMin0403 I will work even even even even harder~ sweet dreams everyone!

And our sweet Kyu Jong's tweet is here... he tweeted in English ^^

2010-09-18 @ 6.34am
2kjdream good morning!!!!^^


Kyu Jong's tweets courtesy of Ode /

@2010-09-18, 7:10 PM
2kjdream When you think it's really very late, really really very late already, then get on the spot and start doing it immediately..!!

@2010-09-18, 8:18 PM
2kjdream @realslow1982 hh I'll go look up on the book! ^^ Serotonin... (name of book) hmm h

@2010-09-18, 8:24 PM
2kjdream RT @realslow1982: @2kjdream After reading that book, your hyung (me)'s personality began to change and my destiny began to change too, you must read it up~^^ (wow~~)

@2010-09-18, 8:26 PM
2kjdream @realslow1982 Ne^^ Hyung~ Fighting for today's concert too!!!! Aja aja!!^^

@2010-09-18, 8:39 PM
2kjdream @realslow1982 Aiwoo Hyung .. So shy already ㅠ hh, Thank you ah ah~~

@2010-09-18, 9:30 PM
2kjdream @mastadoo Yo doo doo doo doo babybaby hh Hyung-nim !! hh

@2010-09-18, 10:53 PM
2kjdream @mastadoo Yo dudududu mandyu hyung hh, Are you now jealous of my relationship with Wheesung hyung already hh
(@mastadoo tweeted Wheesung to say that Kyujong is his, dont vye with him)

@2010-09-18, 10:57 PM
2kjdream "No matter how hardworking a person may be will never be able to win people who love to have fun in what they do~" the moment the cool Taewan hyung told me this, it at once etched itself in my mind already..^^

@2010-09-18, 11:20 PM
2kjdream @realslow1982 Wow .. eum eum, how contradicting yet true words.. What an irony ne, I've gotta learn much from my lovely hyungs ^^ (Ode : contradicting because why does people who are so hardworking not win over people who enjoy what they're doing when they're hardworking yet they enjoy what they do?)

@2010-09-18, 12:22 AM
2kjdream @mastadoo hh Hyung, I'm going to sleep now for the sake of tomorrow^^ will contact you tomorrow~~ h

@2010-09-19, 12:41 AM
2kjdream @realslow1982 Wow.. My sleep has surprised the feeling of you hyung's^^ You've worked hard for today again~
(@realslow1982 brought up sentimental lyrics of a song with regards to KJ's mentioning of going for a sleep)

@2010-09-19, 12:41 AM
(@realslow1982 asks him to sleep tight and have sweet dreams)


Before sleeping Jung Min made 6 tweets... check this out.

JM tweeted this in Korean
@September 19, 1:06 AM
JungMin0403 Today was another enjoyable day~!! Since I worked really hard I even had nosebleed today..ㅠㅠ, I'm going to sleep now~ Merong Merong (act cute expression)

The following tweets were made in Japanese
@September 19, 1:09 AM
JungMin0403: Gonna sleep~~!! Everybody dream of a good dream ne. My dream was not good dream. Something unpleasant to begin with~~ (??)

@September 19, 1:10 AM
JungMin0403 In my dreams I had nosebleed...!!!

@September 19, 1:11 AM
JungMin0403 Hot~!!!

@September 19, 1:13 AM
JungMin0403 Ahh~!! If so!! Everybody~~!! I'm going to sleep~!!!

@September 19, 1:13 AM
JungMin0403 Really sleeping already. Goodbye~!!


  1. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Sorry if my words bother any of you but I'm suddenly worried about Kyu. What did he tell his hyungs privately that makes them tell him such profound words? I'm worried that he has something hard.:(

  2. Anonymous12:11 AM

    i'm worried about Kyu & YS ....
    they didn't find an angency or what ? they don't want to ?

    why don't they tell us TT TT

  3. Kyu and Youngsaeng will be fine. I believe that. Surely there will be news soon... Just believe in that. They have so much talent and are hardworking.^^

    I think I'm more worried for Jungmin's health at the moment... This guy is overworking himself! Come on!, Musical, Solo Album and learning chinese... In between facebook and twitter... How?
    No wonder he has nosebleed. Boy, take it easier... please!

  4. Anonymous12:57 AM

    I'm 1st anony, I'm not worried about Kyu or YS not finding agency. I'm sure there are always companies want them. It's just that I'm worried about Kyu's feelings. We all know he is sensitive.

    @Chara: Me, too. Jung Min and Hyun Joong make me worry. I don't ever want to see them in skeleton shapes.

  5. i love you for posting these translations!! <3 khamsamnida!!

  6. Anonymous2:59 AM

    There will be agencies who wants them but maybe they an agency just like Leader,Mal & Baby that would allow them more freedom and will support them for future SS501 activities. Also they have a lilt of influential friends that would recommend them to a better agencies not counting the 3 members who will be willing for them to join them in their new agencies. I hope they could join Leader or Maknae agencies.

  7. Anonymous3:23 AM

    pray KJ and YS look agencies can support and allow what they do. I wish two boys reveal the new agencies soon bcoz more day pass seem like lost chance too
