
Thursday, September 30, 2010

[Article] Jung Min receives immense popularity in Taiwan

It's a short article but still it's news about Jung Min's arrival in Taiwan and how we was welcomed by fans. Thanks so much to WonderrrLiz501 for the translation. ^^

Park Jung Min receives immense popularity upon solo arrival to Taiwan
Source : Liberty Times
Chinese to English translation by WonderrrLiz501 [or Wonderrrgirl] /

South Korea idol group SS501 member Park Jung Min arrived solo in Taiwan yesterday, encountering immense popularity, attracting about 500 fans receiving him at the airport.

-Information about DBSK JYJ in Taiwan omitted-

Park Jung Min arriving solo in Taiwan

Park Jung Min reached Taiwan grounds yesterday afternoon, together with 6 crew members and 16 South Korean media reporters. Upon seeing so many fans waiting for him in the airport, he took the time to stop to greet them, along the way continuing to smile. He will be having a press conference today to announce his future plans in the Chinese-speaking region.

- Other news about DBSK JYJ’s news omitted-


  1. his smile never fail to make my day brighter...

    liezle, thank you for sharing this article...

    i'm waiting his press conference...

  2. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Jungmin is always sporting a feminine look :)

  3. Anonymous3:41 PM

    He does have a bright smile but he looks too feminine... too much makeup. I saw the other pics that liezle posted. Even when he waves... way too feminine. I guess that's what he calls sexy charisma.

  4. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Lol he is indeed rather feminine. That's when i find it better when he's around the boys...he tends to be more masculine when with them. I'm happy that he is well recieved in Taiwan :))

  5. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Why he looks so feminine?? I want to scold the make up artist, why the make up so thick!?
    I super duper love jungmin, but I love it especially when he is acting tough. Because no matter how much we love them acting cute, they are still men!

  6. Anonymous7:54 PM

    With that makeup, they could just have made him wear a dress. It is not my intention to offend JM fans and I apologise if I do, but the look is not flattering. He looks so gay. JM should at least say something to the make-up artist, unless he really wanted it that way.

  7. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Aww, I think JM still looks good. T_T
    In the fan-taken pics, he looks naturally perfect, but in the over-exposed news photos, he does look a little too made up. ^^; Guess they didn't take into consideration 200 flashing cameras.

    But JM has always had a unique quality that makes him sexy in both a feminine and a masculine way, like DOUBLE sexy, aka SEXY CHARISMA. XD He's looking more feminine lately because he's leaner now, but hopefully he'll stop losing weight and start building up some muscle to get back his fuller, manly frame. ;D

  8. sinthia5:12 AM

    Anonymous your comment no offend at all... actually i thought the same, although I'm very very fan of him. But I think he looks too feminine with this clothes, plus the make-up is too much. I don't know if he wanted it that way or not, but he still looks so gorgeous and handsome....*.*
    I prefer when he's acting tough, of course! But still,if he is feminine or masculine I love him anyway!^^
