
Wednesday, September 01, 2010

[Article] Mixed Reactions on MK on its Pilot Episode

As soon as Mischievous Kiss finished tons of news about the drama were up in several portals. And here are some of them which Ode translated and shared on her blog. Thanks much!


[article] HJ acting amidst talks again
Korean to English translation by Ode

Kim Hyun Joong who stars across in MBC Playful Kiss drama is once again surrounded in acting criticism.

Some netizens felt that Kim Hyun Joong managed to perfectly portray his role as Baek Seung Jo, while some others thought that Kim Hyun Joong made no changes in his acting and felt kinda sad.

On the 1st September at 9.55pm, MBC Playful Kiss was aired. Kim Hyun Joong was playing across as his arrogant and tough character Baek Seung Jo. On this day's episode, Kim Hyun Joong's acting consisted mainy of facial and eye expressions. Because of that, some netizens felt that Kim Hyun Joong seemed to not have made any differences with his Yoon Jihoo character like in Boys over flowers.

In the drama, Baek Seung Jo is a genius of IQ 200 and above and is a genius at all kinds, yet one who lives only for himself and does not care about others around him. For this kind of character, in order to bring out the solidity in him, Kim Hyun Joong chose to show it through his facial and eye expressions more than words.

After the broadcast, audiences left comments on the noticeboard giving ratings for the drama, whilst also, there were both negative and positive feedbacks left regarding Kim Hyun Joong's acting.

A netizen said, "In terms of his manner of talking and expressions, it was totally Baek Seung Jo", showing her anticipation. Whilst another netizen, "Baek Seung Jo is totally~ ill bred/rude. I don't see Jihoo sunbae in anywhere at all. Very~~~handsome~~~" etc.

Negative comments were seen several places too.

A netizen, "I'm totally disappointed in Kim Hyun Joong's acting. He seemed to have been reading his lines just like reading a language book. Because my anticipation was very high, it turned out to be a hugely disappointed Episode 1 for me. I hope for an actor who will develop better in future".

Another netizen, "It's supposed to be a refreshing and bright drama, but why is it so boring all the while? Why didn't the male lead have any lines?", revealing her own thoughts.

In today's episode, it was an episode mainly focusing on introducing each's character. Baek Seung Jo shows his tough and arrogant character while Oh Ha Ni shows her feelings for the person she fancies though she's forever the last in school.


5th paragraph

However, Kim Hyun Joong's acting that was the most anticipated for did not have much difference from before. It seemed to be like an upgraded version of Boys over Flowers, just with more lines, and the expressions were similar too.


4th paragraph

Netizens exclaimed, "Totally turned into a freezing cold and aloof Baek Seung Jo ne", "Improved alot on acting ne, can see he's really worked hard for it", "He's had discarded his previous soft image and portrayed the tough guy Baek Seung Jo aptly", etc.


I've watched the 1st episode online and to be honest I find it quite boring unless I see Hyun Joong and Sung Min on the screen. It could also probably because I've seen some of the scenes from the teasers.

As for the acting of the lead actors,Sung Min is cute and like what I tweeted I find her not too annoying unlike the other actresses who played the role. As for Hyun Joong, he was only given few talking lines. With regard to facial expressions, I think that he was able to give the right facial expression that the scene called for.

Anyway, let's see what tomorrow will bring. Mischievous Kiss... fighting! Kim Hyun Joong... fighting!


  1. Anonymous12:32 AM

    even if Hyun Joong acting is totally perfect,
    some anti-fans still going to say its bad
    so,I'm not surprised about negative comment
    he always be the target...

    Hyun Joong fighting !
    hope tomorrow rating will much improve !

    by the way,I really need more Hyun Joong's scenes

  2. Anonymous12:41 AM

    yeah, i agree with you and also with your comment liezle. His char is someone whom not talking much and have no expression or arrogant expression. I think he is quite well acting on it char.
    it just 1st epi and some people already very harsh to him..

    Hyun Joong fighting!

    I hope you liezle or someone can capture some of his facial expressions and compare it with the char in the anime or manga, so they will now, that HJ has same facial expression like the original one..

    Naughty Kiss, fighting!

  3. tetsu girl1:14 AM

    Well, this was to be expected. =/ I think HJ still hasn't shaken his bad reputation as a rookie actor from BOF yet even though he's improved so much since then. And the fact that HJ didn't have that many lines didn't help, but that's just SeungJo's character--he doesn't care about anything enough to even speak most of the time, he's just arrogant.
    But HJ always has good eye acting, and it's obvious that when he was JiHoo, his eyes were gentle and full of longing *_*, but when he's SeungJo, his eyes are full of boredom and condescension -_-. In the next episodes Hani will be in his face, and he'll show a lot more emotion, especially irritation. XD

    Baker King will end soon, and hopefully Naughty Kiss will gain more attention. I honestly think it's a pretty good show so far. JangKi & HJL fighting!

  4. I agreed with all of you, especially anonimous 12:41

    His character is like that. They can't expect that he make a lot of things if his character is quite and arrogant.

    But I have to say that I'm a little bit upset with this. Cannot they be quite for a while and just shut up?

  5. Chara1:35 AM

    What is there to discuss about acting yet? It's to early to make any statement at all. How much was there to see of Baek Seung Jo in this first episode? 15 minutes? Probably less... hey, come on... You can't make much out of eye expressions alone (even when I think tese were perfectly well managed). Let's just stay calm and anticipate more of his acting, so that he can show what he's got, nae? =^_^= Let the anti's (or not) utter criticism as much as they like... As I said, too early yet...

  6. Anonymous1:56 AM

    Facial expressions specially the eyes are very important in films not so much of body movements -specially he is creating the baseline character of indifference, arrogance and utter disdain to things that are not important for him .Unfortunately there are viewers who do not quite understand this and quick to jump to criticizing his acting )yes, anony at 1:35 you are right there). The low rating although it has just began will quickly solidify the opinions of the antis.
    Can I safely assume that many of those who appreciate KHJ are sadly outside of Korea ?

  7. Anonymous2:35 AM

    I have already been seeing statements saying his acting is stiff and he can't make facial expressions. I seriously just don't get that at all. I thought he did really good especially since he wasn't really even in that many scenes. I felt he showed arrogance and boredom with just a hint of a little something hiding underneath. That's what I was wanting and expecting for the character. Most of the negative comments must be coming from people who don't like him and never will. As for the ratings, they were quite shocking. I was expecting a low rating but not quite that low. Hopefully as the drama progresses so will the ratings. Anonymous 1:56 may have it right and most of KHJ fans may be outside of Korea and yes that would be very sad because they sure don't know what they are missing.

  8. Anonymous2:35 AM

    no matter what, im just so happy to see khj on the screen once agian... thanks liezle

  9. Anonymous2:38 AM

    argh!! i hate those people who talk bad about leader!! can they acting better than hyunjoong? why they need to hurt him with such a nasty comment? just leave that poor boy alone, he already try his best, just show some appreciation for him. beside his character who make him like that !!
    leader fighting!! keep do your best! we love you!!

  10. Anonymous3:55 AM

    The critics seems to be picking on Leader. They are focusing on him too much and not the story and the character. That is why the critics are lost and cannot tell that the story calls for a genius who is bored, no feelings or concern and easily annoyed on others esp stupid dumb person. The role also calls for him to ignore people around him. It is still to early to tell regarding ratings. I hope there would be an improvement on the ratings on the 2nd day & next week bec Leader will have more interaction with all the cast.

  11. Anonymous4:56 AM

    take criticism in a positive way.

    that is why they are called critics.

    when someone comments, it's not to put you down, its to point out what areas needs to improve on.

    And if we are talking bout HJL, the expectations are high, thus he is criticised - this is just the first episode, there always room for improvement... also the MK cast was only able to shoot only upto episode 4 yet.

    Remember he is first a singer /dancer before he is an actor - hence, being a singer/dancer - there is no room for mistakes once you are on stage, this will be like this for HJL - he will be better as the series moves on... SS501 fighting!!!!!

  12. Anonymous2:48 PM

    i admit leader improved in this drama, but i think he's still stiff, especially his eyes.
    i hope he can improved more, people expected much from leader.
    he will get more burden coz of the bad rating.
    i hope leader will be alrite, if i can i want to hug him rite now, i always be there for u no matter what people say about u.

    i think the long teaser was too much exposing so the audience think no need to see the 1st eps, coz they already know what will happen in 1st eps. but, well just my opinion.

    just do ur best, leader.
    u will get so many critics, but u r strong, i believe in u.

    need to recharge my energy, i feel so down rite now. arggghhh, fighting to everyone.

  13. Anonymous11:56 PM

    when i read this on allkpop with all kinds of negative comments i honestly dirint give a f*** my hyun joong tried his best and if its not good enough for the antis then f*** them!!!! and well i know he did GOOD he gave his 501% and well thats my leader =)
