
Monday, September 20, 2010

[Audio w/ Transcript] PJM Interview in Korea Entertainment

Thanks to iamsom for tweeting this and to yhkotana for uploading in YT. This is an audio clip of Jung Min's interview in Japan for Korea Entertainment.

Here's gist of the interview translated by Lafone. Super thanks lafone! I know how busy you are but still managed to do this for us.

Jung Min's Interview with Mr. Furuya
Japanese to English translation by Lafone /

The interviewer is Mr. Furuya who is a a famous DJ of K pop in Japan. He has acted as a facilitator of many Korean star / singer's events. He also did for SS501 at Saitama in April 25, this year.

According to Lafoen, Mr. Furuya and Jung Min know each other, that's why JM said that he watches Mr.Furuya's TV program sometimes from Korea.

Here's the Q&A of the interview.

Q What are the purposes of your visit to Japan?

A It was decided that I participate Japanese musical
"Bonds, Boys be ambitious "

Q You already experienced a musical itself with the previous
one, "Grease" in Korea. However, this time. you are expected
to speak Japanese. Don't you have any pressure to act in Japanese?

A A bit nervous. But it is my pleasure to know each other with
other actors and actress. This is the first time for me to
participate in Japanese musical. I am anxiously looking forword
to acting in Japan.

Q Could you specify what kind of character you will act ?

A A student who studied in Korea, a legend student, charisma,
cheerful, sexy ...

Q What is your future plan ?

A Starting from this musical, I will release a solo album.
I would like that all of you give support to me.

Q It means that the frequency of your activity in Japan will
increase ?

A Maybe, I feel pressure though.

Q What kind of challenge are you aiming through your solo activities?

A Musical, single albums, drama, movies and so on.
I will do my best for any kind of work.

Q If you have time in Japan, where do you want to go ?

A Okinawa (islands) , Sapporo (northern part of Japan)
Fukuoka (Kyushu island, close to Pusan)

Q You do not have much time to enjoy or go for a long trip
even in Japan ?

A Well, I don't mind as I'm not a such type (he seemed to mean
he is not a playboy )

Q What aspiration do you have for this musical?

A This is the first work for me (as solo artist) ,
A story will be created by young people.
I am happy to get familiar with these young people.
I will try my very best.

Furuya Thank you !

JM Furuya-chan, 안녕 ( Lafone : * I don't know how to spell in English)


Per Lafone, JM did not give a right or straight answer to the interview. His Japanese intonation and accent is perfect, but it seems that he is not proficient enough to convey ideas.

Also, during the previous press conference, he sometimes spoke in a very casual manner which I hope will not be misunderstood by others.

Thanks again Lafone for this.


  1. solo album?
    can't wait!

  2. tetsu girl12:37 PM

    Thank you very much, Lafone!!

    I thought he spoke well enough and was very kawaii ^^, but after reading lafone's thoughts, I'm a bit worried about Japanese people misreading JM. =/ He already has some trouble with that, even in Korea, because of his playful manner. And Japanese take social rules very seriously, so I hope they don't misunderstand and just welcome him warmly in jpop. ^^;

    Then again, there have been many Korean artistes moving to Japanese market, so they should be more accepting now. And I'm sure JM is more fluent than most of those crossover groups. :D
    PS - I want JM to work with Younha or KARA. XD

  3. sinthiacacoal8:15 AM

    I'm very happy with all the things that are happening to him ,and i can't wait for his come back!
    thank you for translate. ^^
