
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Baek Seung Jo & Oh Hani Wedding Photo...

... with Mischievous Kiss staff.

Cute photo, yah? You have to click to enlarge to see how beautiful the smile of Kim Hyun Joong and Jung So Min in this photo. Take note too that Hyun Joong locked arm with another lady. ^^

I lifted this photo in Ode's blog which she got from DCJangki.

Check 09.19.10 Mischievous Kiss tennis filming HERE from KIMHYUNJOONG Perfect. Sorry can't embed as the video says DO NOT RE-POST.

Don't think the Hyun Joong ever played tennis. His backhand and forehand kinda bad. ^^ I was just talking about this on twitter.

Hope that the director will take a good shot of this scene so that it'll be believable that he's good at the sports.


  1. thanks Liezle!

    They were like taking wedding photo with family" cute!

    Jangkiss hwaiting!! Love YA!

  2. HyunJoong is so happy during his tennis shooting! He keep laughing!
    so cute!

  3. Anonymous11:31 PM

    anyone knows who's lady at the right side of leader? why he locked his arm on that lady too..a bit jealous..the wedding photo is like a real couple together with their families..hope the rating will rise up this week. PK fighting!

  4. Anonymous11:35 PM

    LEADER in tennis outfit, so cute, like to see him laugh a lot.

    賢重..does he know how to play tennis..很有姿勢 it

  5. khjysn12:32 AM

    Do you notice why HJ keep two girls with him??? I guest HJ don't want heart ladies fans, us!! So we can see that this is not serious pic and he wanna say, that he is belongs to all ladies fans.......!!! Agree?

    ha ha ...i consul my self rather than thinking one is jst a drama and the other one is not in the drama means REAL!!! than I diedddddd....

  6. Anonymous1:11 AM

    their taking photo with PK production team, just look like family photo, i think that lady is his coodinoona or female staff of PK production, this photo not serious at all, just for fun so don't really mind.

    about tennis shooting he look like my prince of tennis LOL^^. Does he really can play tennis ??

  7. Anonymous1:43 AM

    That lady is one of his coordi noona. I saw her with him on BOF, on their Malaysia Photoshoot of 5yrears 5men, Spain and some fancam of PK filming.

  8. Anonymous5:01 AM

    haha nope he nvr played but he tried to take some lessons for it^^

  9. Anonymous9:03 AM

    hmmmm who's that girl? everybody search!!!....pali, pali^^

  10. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I hope some people don't expect Hyun Joong to play expert in Tennis where he just did it for this drama .C'mon people just suspend your judgement -this is just drama.Hyun joong is not a superman to be an expert in everything in fact his shoulder is habitually dislocated . They should not even have included this in the drama . Even with that injury ,Hyun joong is still doing it because this drama is his commitment .

  11. Anonymous1:06 PM

    agree wif anonymous 11.46am

    he try his very best in what he does ... dont expect him to master everythings on the earth..

    he such a great singer & actor ...plz dont try to insult him with what so ever reason

  12. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Anon 11:46 & 1:06. You two are so sensitive. No one is insulting KHJ about his tennis form. Liezle is just pointing it out. She is concerned because if she noticed it others will noticed it too. Also she is correct that the director should have a good angle when he takes a shot of this scene.

    Get a grip of yourselves.

  13. Anonymous1:22 PM

    i was so curious about what were they laughing at?
    someone act funny at the tennis court?
    HyunJoong was well entertained by "the show".
    He looks slim down a bit..... but overall still look great!
    I love his new hair style!
    MK fighting!

  14. Anonymous4:58 AM

    this photo in mishievous kiss or in your true life???

  15. Anonymous4:52 AM

