
Friday, September 03, 2010

HnB Company will reveal its business on the 4th of September

After Hyung Jun's birthday bash I saw a post in that Hyung Jun mentioned something about a surprise that will come from HnB.

For some who doesn't know, HnB is the name that Hyung Jun and Ki Bum use if they're working on something together. We often seen this in the songs composed by them.

Few days ago, or was it yesterday, KiBum made a post on his cyworld with this photo of him and his hyeong. In the same post he even included the webby of the company, He also wrote this :

Will meet with a new image!

In HyungJun's twitter account he has on the sidebar Lists this, @HyungJun87/company.

When Hyung Jun was in Singapore, I read in xiaochu's post over at Quainte501 that HnB logo was seen all over the posters and backdrop during the events in SG.

So what do you think is their business?

Hmm, earlier Hyung Jun mentioned that he and his younger brother, Ki Bum, will be venturing soon in a business. He said that the business will be t-shirts with cute designs. I'm sure you all have noticed that the 2 brothers are often seen wearing tees with cute design, right?

Anyway, we will know tomorrow what the business will be. If it'll be cute tees, wow I'm all for it. ^^ Good luck HnB!


  1. wow sounds interesting! But for sure I will have problems in participating or having those merchandise items! heheh Im from Philippines and it's kinda difficult in terms of shipping neh?..

  2. white9:28 PM

    i knew its them!! when i first saw the logo on the standies at hyungjoon's SG fanmeet!!! ^ ^

    love that photo ^ :D
    thanks for the info!

  3. woah, baby jun business man... kekeke
    I never thought about this possibility...
    anyway, i wisk good luck to the two brothers regardless of what they will do! ^^
    thanks for the post
