
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

HQ Screencaps from EP 9 of Mischievous Kiss

Here are good quality screencaps of tonight's episodes which I lifted from dcinside. Thanks to whoever captured them. ^^

Btw, Hyun Joong acting has greatly improve. I'm pretty sure even his critics would have noticed that.

I saw the initial rating and it MK is still in single digit compared to SBS and KBS drama which are both in double digits in a per minute meter. From the table below I saw that the lowest was at 3.2% and highest at 7.7% . The 3% rating only showed 3 times and that's towards the end.

Following screencaps are not arranged according to the sequence it was shown. Mianhe...

By minute rating of EP 9


  1. thanks for the captures!

    Seeing the rating, seems not bad ya!
    Hopes tonite rating is better than last week. Whole crew is really doing very hard on the drama.

    Tired face can be seen on his face. Put down some weight too. Poor boy >__<


  2. tetsu girl11:54 PM

    after ep 8's near perfection, i had high hopes that PK would continue like that. erm, ep 9's not bad but needs more plot progression. i know it's about the ups and downs of one-sided love; when he's nice she's happy and hopeful, then when he's cold she's discouraged and heartbroken again. but the pattern's getting kinda tedious now. even in the preview, Hani is crying over SeungJo ignoring her again. -_-;

    but i did enjoy the sweet moments together (that gif!), and i had a good LOL over Hani and KyungSoo (tennis sunbae) doing a kiss "timing" lesson with dramatic re-enactment and all. XD wished SeungJo's jealousy had lasted longer, or they made him jealous over JoonGu/Hani, too, but the story still feels like we've taken a step forward and a step back again. *sigh*

    i agree that HJL's acting has greatly improved with each episode, and even critics must admit he's actually been quite good. however, in today's episode... is it just me, or was HJL's acting kinda off? =X okay, so i don't know Korean so i don't know the full context of the scenes, but some moments today just seemed lackluster. i don't think it's because he can't express the more complicated emotions in this episode, because i really think HJL can do it. maybe it's fatigue? i don't know... D:

    isn't this week the finale of Gumiho Girlfriend and the premiere of Rain's Fugitive? the ratings aren't that bad considering... JangKi Fighting! >_<

  3. Anonymous12:14 AM

    I agree...the sleepless days and nights filming schedule is taking its toll on the cast. It's really spelled out all over hyun joong's face that he'd fall asleep any moment if given the chance too. They should work something out. Putting aside the cast and crew's health, I believe that it is affecting the quality of the drama itself too. As anony@11.54pm has said too, I think fatigue might have caused a compromise on hyun joong's acting. It had really improved a lot, but I feel that he would have been even better if he have had a little more rest.

  4. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Though ratings are not as spectacular as PK supporters hope for , the increase, even though slow, signify that it has garnered a loyal viewer base that will tune in despite other offerings by the 'bigger guns'. PK fighting ! Hang in there and keep up the good work !!!

  5. Anonymous12:19 AM

    He's lost so much weight again...leader must have really high metabolism! Like the anons above, I think leader's looking really tired. Even as Baek Seung Jo. Not so young and vibrant anymore -.- leader hwaiting!

  6. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Yes ,we need the translations first before we put in our evaluation of KHJ acting . Maybe some scenes does not need intense emotiosn .If the translations of the teasers are accurate that SJ was thinking of some moves in his life -that is moving out of the family abode into his own and working to sustain himself -then he might be correct in his non-connecting moods at this time .

  7. Anonymous2:23 AM

    I don't think his acting was off. He is playing the character exactly like he is in the manga. He has improved so much since BOF and he is getting better with each episode.

  8. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Goshh..! He IS beautiful, despite fatigue and weight lost.

  9. Anonymous1:19 PM

    He is always good-looking, but why do i get the feeling that he is ready to fall asleep any moment? T.T

  10. He has only 2-3 hours of sleep per day in his hectic schedule.
    He looks fresh in some scenes, he could be just has a rest before shooting....
    But, he looks utterly fatigue in some scenes too.....
    if they are going to shoot "sleeping scene", i bet HJ will fall to sleep in a second ^^
