
Thursday, September 30, 2010

HQ Screencaps from EP10 of Mischievous Kiss

I was only able to watch 75% of tonight's broadcast as my coonection was erratic at the starts of Mischievous Kiss then on the part where Seung Jo was taking a bath my netbook died and I thought that I won't be able to recover it. Good thing that when I restart it went to life again. ^^

I'm still waiting for more HQ caps... will post this first to make those who weren't able to watch smile and anticipate. ^^

Lifted from DC/JangKiss

following are posted by 프린 on DC/JangKiss

she's looking for him...

he is looking for him...

they in the school park...

she got giddy upon knowing that HaeRa and BSJ
are not roommates.

Seung Jo's reactiong when she saw HaNi
in the restaurant where he works

HaNi drenched from the rain

Seung Jo calling his mom to tell him that HaNi is with him.

HaNi drying her hair with the towel that
Seung Jo throw at her before giving a call to his mom.

Saw this but didn't know how this happened as my netbook termporarily went dead. ^^

following scanned pix is from the post of SJ in DC/JangKiss

More 'bed scene' pix ^_^ . Following are from 프린 posted in DC/JangKiss

My eyes went O_0 when I saw this. Tell me was there a scene like this? [Alright, got it. Thanks everyone!]


  1. Anonymous11:24 PM

    finished tonite ep,it was so touching.We have to wait for one whole week...

  2. tetsu girl11:40 PM

    lol liezle, after losing your connection, your "how did they end up in bed?" tweet was so funny! actually, after reading, SeungJo tried to sleep in his bed, but i think Hani was probably wondering where she should sleep since she didn't dare sleep in the same bed, and she ended up taking the bed, while he ended up on the floor. then after more talking, he got frustrated and just got into the bed, too. he tried to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal, but both were very aware of the other and neither could sleep. they chatted a little. at the end, SeungJo still looks a bit unnerved but tries to sleep, while Hani looks happy.

    the ending was so sweet. <3 but no preview, so don't know what's going to happen next week. of course, I want to know, but in terms of the rest of the audience, not much tension, huh?

    but what the heck, i was totally expecting Kiss #2 in this ep, but instead we got... something else. D:

    by the way, Hani is giddy in that screencap because she learns that SeungJo and Haera are NOT living together like she had thought. i think that girl they met was Haera's younger sister or something, so Hani figures it out and is happy. ^^

  3. Anonymous11:43 PM

    PK is really getting better and better! I loved hyunjoong in PK today, especially the part where they showed him scanning the vicinity for her. You can really see the concern in his eyes. He's warming up to her alright. So cute ^_^

    Thank you for the photos.

  4. Anonymous11:48 PM

    lol I'd bet a zillion that hyunjoong really fell asleep while filming the last scene! =P

    Sometimes i feel kind off silly dying for the next episode to come when i know that they have not even filmed it. It's like, being crazy over non-existent things! But still, today's episode was great, i am looking forward to next week. The pace is good too.

  5. Blanca11:58 PM

    kekeke, I will go with you that HJ fell asleep. Why Korean made the shooting so stressful? I can't wait to see the sub one.

  6. tetsu girl12:11 AM

    Liezle, the last two pics are from Hani's imagination. She had followed them to their apartment and assumed that they're living together. She cries at home and imagines that SeungJo and Haera are kissing at their place.
    I was so shocked by that, I literally screamed at my laptop. XPPP

  7. Anonymous12:17 AM

    i don't like the last two pics! it's really irritating on my eyes. why hani imagine this stupid things??grrr...

  8. did they really kissing? Or just pretend to kiss?

    NOOOOO!! I dont want HyunJOong kiss her! HANI yah! Where r u?

  9. Anonymous12:38 AM

    WTF :heart attack:
    Seriously gave me a fright.
    :searches madly for the raw of the episode:

  10. Anonymous12:47 AM

    'she's looking for him...
    he is looking for him...'

    I didn't know that SJ swings that way? ^-<

  11. Ah, got to love the soaking wet from the rain device in dramas. Very nifty.

  12. Anonymous4:51 AM

    I read the manga...with just six more episodes left, I wonder if they can actually cover the first 10 volumes with reasonable details and pace. But with the ratings, I doubt the series will be extended beyond 16 episodes. All the best, Playful Kiss. =)

    I don't mind what the total number of episodes is at all, i just wanna see a story with a complete ending, which also stays true to the manga as much as it will adopt the positive elements and maybe even improve on it.

    This week's episodes were good.

  13. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Best K-drama in history ! I will surely buy the VCDs once it's out for keeps. Well done for KHJ and JSM, sweet memories for their 24 and 21 years old.

  14. Anonymous11:38 AM

    agree with you! i will buy the vdcs too for remembering khj and jsm. i love them as a couple. i don't know if they are together again on screen after pk ends..sigh, i'm totally shipper of them.

  15. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Let's all vote for them for all Korean TV year end Best Couple or Most Popular awards OK?!

  16. Anonymous12:04 PM

    JoongMin couple hwaiting!

  17. Anonymous4:09 PM

    @11:47 is there any polls for khj and jsm together??? i want to vote!!

  18. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Not yet, still early, probably towards Nov or Dec, they will have these polls.
    Wow! Imagine they actually win the Best TV Couple award and both all dressed up for the occasion and receive the award together on stage!
    Well, we can dream like Hani, right?

  19. One more count here for JoongMin couple!!


  20. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Methinks something happened during Hani's fainting spell. I recall the restaurant manager saying that BSJ performed first aid ( but no elaboration ) followed by question to BSJ if he knew Hani. Thot BSJ had a funny look on his face when he answered ( could that be the 2nd kiss of sorts even though by medical default ? ). Great episode and enjoying the blow by blow caving in of the ice robot.
