
Monday, September 13, 2010

[2 Trans] Kyu Jong, Hyung Jun & Young Saeng Twitter Convo 091310

Twitter has never been sooooo exciting until tonight when Kyu Jong, Hyung Jun and Young Saeng tweeted each other tonight to the delight of my followers online.

Here are translations by honeyee of which she tweeted. Much much thanks honeyee!

Twitter Conve of Kyu Jong, Hyung Jun & Young Saeng
Korean to English translation by honeyee of LoveKimHyunJoong onTwitter

@2kjdream 공홈에 영생이라고한건 오타였어요오.. 죄송합니다 ㅠ 물의를일으켜서 흑
DSP(? Sorry in Japanese?), that i said Young Saengie was my mistake.
I typed in wrong way by mistake.
I am sorry for causing a serious problem

HyungJun87 @2kjdream 너 영생이형한테 반말했어!? 너이제 영생이형한테 저팔계 바주카포 맞는다
Did you speak to Young saengie hyung in not polite way??
You will be hit by a pig big gun by young saengie hyung

2kjdream @HyungJun87 도망다닐테야 ㅎㅎ
i will just run away

mystyle1103 @2kjdream ㅋㅋ시작했구나~~하다보면쉬워질거야~ㅋ
u just started~ it will be easy if u do more

HyungJun87 @2kjdream 영생이형 다이어트해서 요새 도망도 못가 , 다 날라다니면서 공격해 ^^
Young saenghyung is on diet in thesedays that he cannot run away.

mystyle1103 @HyungJun87 @2kjdream 먼소리여ㅡㅡ스타한판하게~~~ㅋ
what do u mean?? lets play starcraft!!

2kjdream @mystyle1103 노력하는중인데 내가 잘몰라서그런지 글 하나 보내는데 참 오랜시간이걸려 ㅎㅎㅎ
i am trying hard but maybe cause i dont know well, it takes quite long to send you sentences

2kjdream @HyungJun87 ㅎㅎ 그러게 말이야 라디오 잘하고 오세용 ㅎㅎ
i think so too, do well with ur radio~

2kjdream @mystyle1103 어떻게 두명한테보내?? ㅎㅎ 울집은 스타안되 ㅠ 흑 조만간 만들어야지 ㅎㅎㅎ
how can i send it to two people?? our house dont have starcraft...I think i gotta make one

HyungJun87 @mystyle1103 나 스타2 완전 고수됐어, 2대1해도 이길껄!? 뿡
i am the master of Star 2, i think i wil win even i play with 2 people??!!

HyungJun87 @JungMin0403 전화해 알려줄께 톰 ~
Call me~ i will tell you Tom~

@HyungJun87 라디오 생방준비해야지 ^^ 너무행복하다, 이렇게 즐거운 나날만 이어지면 좋겠다. 항상 . 쌀람해요
i need to prepare radio broadcast. I am so happy. I hope i always have happy days everytime. I love you ^^


Tweets of Kyu Jong
Korean to English translation by xiaochu @ Quainte501

xiaochu's translation includes other tweets of Kyu Jong to peeps he's following. Thanks xiaochu for this!


  1. Anonymous11:59 PM

    thx liezle^-^

    hapiness come over twitter bcuz of them!!!

    nice to c them tweet and so funny make me smile^^

    they make me come in twitterism!!!

  2. I just realised that it is quite late in Korea already...yes baby, TS around the world share your joy too. The boys are so cute and sweet, kyu is his ever so sincere mode, ys calm, baby as the maknae always declaring his love for his hyungs.

    I want it everyday too, but that scares me too...cuz on days where they don't tweet, i'll go crazy like I went today cuz they tweeted so much. lol Kyu and Saengie seems to be enjoying life now ya I like that :D

  3. I know you couldn't be a happier girl today Liezle ^^... now if only we could have just one more?

  4. Anonymous12:30 AM

    KJ is so cute. he always think about leader. seems like HJ will not have twitter because it's too hard for him he he. Love their brotherhood. I wish for HJ to finish his drama soon so SS501 can come back to stage.

  5. Anonymous12:55 AM

    I think the members look up to their hyunjoong hyung a lot, especially kyu and maknae. Hmm...for this three months, doesn't hyunjoong have an IQ of 200? What is twitter to him? Should be a piece of cake! lol Just joking, it is ok, he has his own methods of communication I guess :) Though i'm sure the members will get him to do it some time.

  6. Anonymous2:11 AM

    omg these guy heart me alone, look at them! Look at their words! How sincery they are! They are truly love each other, i think leader will makes a new one soon since only he left!

  7. Anonymous4:17 AM

    kyu msg always warm and caring feeling each other, when read maknae msg to tease his hyung LOL!! ys ah~~ plz don't idet too much bcoz chubby cheek is symbol of u kekeke

    anyway, I love their brotherhood SS501 forever~~

  8. Anonymous11:04 AM

    can really see their characters the way they send msgs to each othe:

    2KHJdream (using iPhone) very caring and sincere

    HyungJun87(using blackberry) very funny calling them names like pig and praying mantis, teasing YS, telling Mal to call him (when in fact he should call Mal since he was the one who has something to say)

    mystyle1103 (using android)challenging HJB and KKJ for a starcraft game while encouraging KKJ

    Mal - no response yet for today

    only leader left to learn twitter and to create an account

    thanks for sharing xiaochu's translation here Liezle!

  9. Anonymous7:58 PM

    lol Kyu is so cute...he's a fast 87, so strictly speaking, he doesn't have to address youngsaeng as hyung, ain't that so? ^^
