
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mischievous Kiss Episode 8 Screencaps

I like tonight's episode. There were so much giddiness in the actions of Baek Seung Jo and Oh HaNi. Likewise, little by little they're showing some emotions towards each other unknowingly. I like the scene when Baek Seung Jo was training her for the very first time. I smiled widely in the scene when Baek Seung Jo was watching HaNi practice then smiled. I especially the like the scene when he piggyback her when she fell.

Credit as labeled Pls DO NOT hotlink

Can't wait to watch this week's episodes with subs.

I'm pretty sure next week's episode will have more scenes that will make us giddy.

Here are random screencaps that I took from DC MK. Thanks to whoever captured and posted them.

Btw, there was no teaser shown after tonight's episode. And you may want to take note that the movie scene was shown tonight and from fan today's fan account that was only shot today. So yeah, that's how hectic and delay MK is with their filming.

Hyun Joong really knows how to pose whenever he jumps


  1. the last pix is an epic! woohoo.... LOLz

  2. tetsu girl12:27 AM

    totally loved today's episode! the writing/editing/directing was really good! and i'm proud of the cast and crew for working so hard and showing good results!
    can't believe that movie scene was filmed today! that's cutting it close! :O is it because production took a short break for Chuseok yesterday?
    in a way, i'm kinda glad there isn't a preview for next week. with an exciting cliffhanger (lol HJL showing his insane jumping skills again XD), we really don't know what's going to happen and it builds anticipation even more! :D

  3. Anonymous12:29 AM

    leader always makes very nice jump shots!! :)))))

  4. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Aww....he's so darn beautiful. I actually like that hair style on him

  5. Anonymous12:44 AM

    ss501---the jumping kings!!!!! hehehehehe

  6. Anonymous2:32 AM

    Thanks Liezle for all the pics. you posted in here..I guess your not sleeping like KHJ, cuz I've been in and out of your site and still you have new pics of KHJ, and it's 2pm here in US and think it's 2am there in Asia. Thanks a lot.. we really appreciate your hardwork..wish KHJ will know your doing this for him and the rest of the boys.

  7. Anonymous5:10 AM

    omg!! what a nice jump!!!

  8. Anonymous12:24 PM

    i watched these scenes 5x already since these are my favorite on this episode. love it! PK is awesome drama to watch and one of the best drama i've ever seen for 2010. kim hyunjoong and jung so min are really cute for their roles and they are really cute looking together. i'm afraid leader will get along close of this girl soon. if it will be going to happen, my heart will going broke into pieces, sigh i'm depressed

  9. Anonymous8:14 PM

    I'm torn between hoping MK will be extended to 20 or more episodes regardless of ratings but at the same time don't want the pressure and exhaustion to prolong for Leader.

  10. esther3:15 PM

    anyone has any idea on what's the significance of the fork that oh hani gave BSJ?

  11. Anonymous10:34 PM

    hi =) may i ask if you guys know what's the title of the song played at episode 8 part 3 when seung jo was teaching hani how to play tennis? i really like the song and i would really appreciate if you would let me know it's title., thank you tc =)
