
Monday, September 20, 2010

[Photos] Would you look at those arms?

Holy macaroni!

Those arms weren't that big a few weeks ago. Honestly, I am drooling over here. This part of a man's body is one of the major attraction for me. Not too big and bulky, and not all spindly. Oh loving Kim Hyung Jun's arms. ^^

This is first batch of Kim Hyung Jun's photo from Song Seung Heon's Fan Meeting this afternoon. I lifted this from Baidu which according to the person who posted is from Prettyboy. But I checked Prettyboy the photos are not there. Anyway, thanks for the post!

From the pix above, I think that he's performing 'Girls'.


  1. Anonymous11:32 PM

    i like the "holy macaroni"
    lol yeah his arms look buff..just they way i like..if his face becomes a tiny bit more chubbier..dang he wud be hot..not that he isn't already..thanks for uploading

  2. Yeah, I agree. The arms are nice.

  3. Anonymous8:28 AM

    yup! its those kinda arms that you want to hold onto, right ladies ;)

    my ex-guy was into gym and he drinks protein shake to buff up the muscles... so i would like to think that since maknae who is also in gym stuff does similar things as well if those muscles were to look good like he has in these pictures in a matter of weeks/days...thanks Liezle for sharing Baby (A)
