
Monday, September 20, 2010

[Trans] Hyung Jun Message on his Japanese Official Board

Huge thanks to Ode for sharing this message of Hyung Jun on her blog. According to Ode, Hyung Jun posted this early morning today.

[msg] HyungJun: 初挨拶 @ 2010-09-20
source :
Korean to English translation by Ode /

Hello? I'm Kim Hyung Jun.
Though the homepage hasn't been officially opened yet, many fans have already swarmed over here so I thought of coming in to leave a greeting.^^

I'm here in Japan to attend to Song Seung-heon sunbaenim's fanmeeting tomorrow as a part of invitation! Is anyone going? It'll be lovely if all of you could come to give me support^^

Since I'm still not so familiarised with doing solo activity alone, I'm rather nervous.
However I'm still so young! Because I'm doing it with all of you, I'm not alone!

I'll work much harder in future to show you my awesome side, so keep guarding by me~~


  1. Chara5:27 PM

    So even our brigt boy Hyung Jun is nervous doing solo activities... ^^ kekeke... Now I really can't imagine at all how nervouse YS must have been in Japan, KNTV Event. :-)

    Well, Maknae, Go go go. Sure there are many fans at your side this time too!

  2. Anonymous11:45 PM

    yeah baby fighting!!
    i am sure many fans will be there to support you.
