
Friday, September 17, 2010

[Trans] Message from KeyEast CEO on KHJ KOB

As always CEO Yang [Mrg Yang still for many BYJ fans] is so nice to leave message to fans in the Korean Official Board of Hyun Joong. He would do this often to give updates on BYJ now he's doing this fan service to the many fans of Kim Hyun Joong.

Here's the message he left which Ode translated and posted on her blog. Heaps of thanks again.

[Message] 09.17 Keyeast

Hello, this is CEO Yang Geun-hwan from Keyeast here.

In the blink of an eye, the hot Summer spins its heat around and welcomes the refreshing Fall.

This is my first time leaving an entry here ever since Kim Hyunjoong-gun's opening of homepage.
Right after Hyunjoong-gun was reported to have signed on with a new agency, he was immediately decided for participation in a drama, and it seems like he is really running with no proper state of mind. Of course, thanks to the support from everybody who visits here has turned into strength for me and for the agency. I thank you genuinely.

For now, Hyunjoong-gun is fully focusing on shooting for drama with almost no single day of rest. But thanks to the unchanging love and concern from everyone, we gathered strength and is able to dwelve into shooting. Though it is a little sad with the ratings, Hyunjoong-gun will work hard to create a meaningful work as an always improving actor and that, we ask for all of you guys' support right until the final episode.

Ever since Hyunjoong-gun's official homepage was open, I have often spent time to come to listen to the voices of fans as I see for myself. I am really grateful that all of you came together to weave this common space to communicate mutually more than to expect. Each and every sincere sentence left by every one of you guys will not be forgotten. Hyunjoong-gun will work hard to become a more developing artiste as his agency here will also keep working harder together.

Chuseok is just round the corner.
Please do spin an enjoyable and abundant Chuseok with your family and friends.

from: Yang Geun-hwan


  1. Anonymous10:18 PM

    This is the price of fame. There is so much. But if in Korea ratings are so important, what causing it is only culture. Because all of the world, fans love it and I find the drama really so funny, hilarious and every episode gets better and better. Kim Hyun Joong and Jung So Min are so hardworking and getting better and better in their acting too. Leader's mean & arrogant is so convincing, sometimes you may dislike the character but knowing that he is KHJ, we still love him.

  2. Anonymous10:44 PM

    leader, take care pls...
    i dont want u to be sick coz of no rest.
    pls take rest and get some sleep.
    i know u r sad coz of the rating, but one thing that will never change..
    ur fans always beside u, no matter what. dont worry about it.

    we love u for the way u r, not coz of rating, we love u for ur kindness, ur attitude, we love u for that.
    so ignore that antis, we still beside u forever.

    we know u worked so hard for this drama, dont be sad coz u r still no.1 in our heart.

    ur healthiness is our priority.
    looking u healthy and happy is our happiness.
    so just take care. we have us forever beside u.

    we love u, indonesia with love for khj.

  3. Anonymous12:25 AM

    TV ratings has always been VERY important for those in the TV and advertising industry everywhere in the world - USA, UK, HK, Japan and so on except S'pore. (maybe because there's only one Mediacorpse here, no rivals.)

    Well, it's a sad scenario for KHJ and PK but we will give our full support by posting on his homepage in Keyeast.

  4. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Audience is giving you a playful rating instead of playful kiss.

  5. Anonymous2:26 AM

    KeyEast is so sincere in promoting their artistes. I'm really happy for leader for being signed on to KeyEast. They will do well together, I believe.

    On the down side, there are rumours that PK will be cut to sixteen episodes, is that so? T.T

  6. Anonymous9:01 AM

    CEO Yang is sincere and try to comfort us, isn't he? Anyway thanks for the posting here.

    As i know, PK is consists of 16 episode only as per their plan from the beginning.

    PK fighting!
