
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

[Vid & Audio] Park Jung Min @ Suono Tokyo After 6

I failed to listen to Jung Min last night when he guested in Suono because I'm about to go home when he went on board. Anyway, now I've a chance to watch and listen to him as iZomZaa uploaded the following on her YT. Thank you so much!

If it's not too much to ask, I hope there is someone who would help us give the important things that was talked about that we haven't know yet.

Hee, I'm sure you guys noticed that he introduced himself as SS501 Park Jung Min. ^^

[Live Cam]100921 SS501 Park Jung Min - Suono Tokyo After 6

[Audio]100921 SS501 Park Jung Min - Suono Tokyo After 6

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:09 PM

    He introduced himself as SS501 Park Jung Min?!!?!!?!? Even leader doesn't do that! Jung Min I love you!!!! <3
