
Thursday, September 30, 2010

[Vid] Park Jung Min @ Taoyuan Int'l Airport 09.29.10

I have posted HERE photos taken by the shutterbug of No. 43 Park of Jung Min at Incheon Airport. Now, I'm going to share with you the vid that were taken at the airport in Taiwan. There were actually several videos that came out already but some of them are short and too shaky that is why I'm didn't share them here in my blog unlike this vid that No. 43 Park took. Though the capture is a bit far, what I like about this video is that you can see how Jung Min stretched his arm to shake hands, give hi or low five to fans. There were even instances that he will get their presents for him. Really nice fella, yah?

Thanks to bpki0910 for uploading this video in YouTube.

Jung Min was welcomed warmly by the Taiwanese fans. There were many fans who waited for him. I'm certain that Jung Min was very very grateful to all the fans took time to see him at the airport.


  1. white1:24 AM

    love this guy!!!!!!! ^ ^
    he's fan service is the best ;) kk
    jungmin fighting!!!!!

  2. Anonymous2:39 AM

    I've been thinking this ever since jungmin moved to CnR-does anyone also think that jungmin's new managers are less hostile to friends? They don't seem to try and isolate him from the fans as much as possible. That's good, because i'm sure jungmin wants to be closer to his fans as well ^_^ I guess all the exercising and dieting is beginning to show. He's looking good--recharged and ever ready to take off to greater heights!

    P.s: Look at jungmin's photos, and then at hyunjoong's haggard look, sigh...hyunjoong really needs to get some rest. His eyebags are so obvious now!

  3. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Anon 2:39

    You could be right about the different mgmt styles for Jung Min
    and Hyun Joong. In earlier videos of Jung Min, I've noticed how friendly he is to the fans.

    KHJ does look so tired. I hope he takes a rest after the drama endes. It's not worth sacrificing your health.

  4. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Fighting, jungmin! But 2.39 and 3.26 anon, right, this may be cliche, but hyunjoong indeed is in need of a good rest. Given the workaholic he is, I doubt he will really seek rest unless he is forced to, or unless he really has nothing lined up in his schedule at the moment. I hope he realises that some rest is beneficial to his career as well! I'm looking forward to seeing the fresh look in him again.

  5. Anonymous7:43 PM

    just wondering here,how come the other four members never tweet about HJ's drama PK(which i think any form of support would have been apt), it was only steven lee who tweeted before telling peeps to watch and support HJ,And yet just recently Kyujong tweeted that he will be watching Hyung Joon's upcoming new variety show.Likewise during the time when HJ's news came out regarding him joining KE, he was bashed left and right with such nasty and hurtful words unlike when Jungmin and Hyung Joon's announcement came about with regards to their respective new mgt. agencies it was quite readily i've said, me, just wondering

  6. Anonymous9:46 PM

    @7:43PM Anon

    Hmm, I admit I also wondered why the members don't tweet about PK. Since Steven Lee said to support after his vacation with YS and KJ, I'm sure it's their feeling, too. But don't know why they never mention it, even though HJB often reassures fans with positive SS501 tweets. JM and KJ have also done this. Some fans guessed that maybe they just don't watch shows like PK, but I remember KJ talking about "Gossip Girl" once, and he's so supportive of the members, so I'm surprised he hasn't mentioned PK yet either. Too bad HJL finds Twitter too hard. XD;
    In any case, I'll continue to believe that all 5 are still close and in contact, even if we don't see/hear it. That's what you call "faith", right? ^^

    As for people's different reactions to the members' signing with different companies, it's obvious that HJL got the worst of the attacks because he was the first one to leave, and being the most popular, it was easy for people to assume that he was leaving SS501, not just DSP, especially with the lack of warning or proper communication. KeyEast did a fine job with PR, saying they would support all of HJL's activities, solo and group. But it took Jung Min signing with CNR and their strong statement of no disbandment, with definite SS501 plans in the future, for people to calm down. And by the time HJB signed with S-Plus, the news wasn't as shocking/upsetting, and HJB and S+ had the strongest affirmation of SS501 remaining intact.
    On the other hand, besides KeyEast's initial show of support and HJL saying at the PK presscon that there's no official disbandment, HJL hasn't really given us much reassurance. =/ JM and HJB said in interviews that SS501 will definitely return, but HJL said in an interview that after joining KeyEast, he thinks "it's not so possible to work with those I used to work with". I wonder if it's a problem with DSP running the group activities?
    So while I firmly believe in the members, I'm not so sure of how SS501 itself will work out. (I have a strong affection for DSP, but they had a hard enough time managing SS501 in Korea, and I don't think they have the capabilities to manage them as Hallyu stars throughout Asia. Part of me wants them to take the name SS501 or create a new one and move the whole group.) *sigh*
    At least now the media call it a group break for solo activities instead of disbandment. :P We'll just have to wait and see!
