
Friday, October 01, 2010

10.01.10 S/Tweet Treats (─▽─)

UPDATE : I just added Jung Min's last tweet last night which xiaochu translated on Quainte501. Also edited JM's first tweet yesterday. Thanks again to xiaochu

[10:56 PM] Hyung Jun tweeted this afternoon and I'm only sharing with you the trans now. Mianhe, I was out. Check below translation of Ode posted on her blog.

Btw, Jung Min tweeted about an hour ago [he didn't use FB this time to tweet but Twitter]. I believe that he is back in Korea. No trans yet of his tweet but will share once I see one.


Jung Min was the first one to post his tweet today.

I'll surely be updating this again later as just a few minutes ago Hyung Jun tweeted.

Much thanks to xiaochu of Quainte501 for the trans.


[Trans] 10.01.10 S/Tweet Treats

Korean to English translation by xiaochu / Quainte501
& Ode /

Please re-post with full credit.

2010-09-29 @ 5+am
JungMin87 Ah~~It's very late.. Have a sweet dream!! I am going to sleep now too~!! Going back to Korea tomorrow. Han Guo Jian ('See you in Korea' in mandarin) Taiwan de peng you ye sheng ti jian kang ('Stay healthy, friends in Taiwan' in mandarin)!!

@2010-10-01, 1:20 PM
HyungJun87 Many happy things happened ne, all thanks to everybody

@2010-10-01, 5:09 PM
HyungJun87 I'm in midst of communication with aliens

2010-09-29 @ 10.26pm
JungMin87 It's alone TT TT Is there anyone who found it!! Think it is near the airport TT TT

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