
Saturday, October 02, 2010

10.02.10 S/Tweet Treats (',')

Could our favorites busy today that they hardly tweeted? Hyung Jun seems to be as he only tweeted late in the afternoon.

Kyu Jong tweeted early tonight and I'll be posting translation later once I found one.

Oppsie, as of this very moment, Hyung Jun tweeted again about 'Caffeine'. I'm sure you've read the news about it today HERE, right?

I hope that later as the night progresses, Jung Min and Young Saeng will tweet.

Here's translation of today's tweet courtesy of Ode and saylalala. Thanks!


[Trans] 10.02.10 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English translation by Ode /
& saylalala /

@2010-10-02, 4:45 PM
HyungJun87 Finished my practice and came out to see, oh rain has fallen ne, everyone do remember to bring along with you an umbrella.


following is trans by saylalala @Quainte501

(@7:40pm - 10.02.10)
2kjdream Today heard a song you would really like..^^ 'To you, who's somewhere listening to my song' - Gongilobi (015b)

(@8:21pm - 10.02.10)
HyungJun87 Please expect a lot from the Musical "Caffeine"^^


added trans by Ode

@2010-10-02, 7:43 PM
2kjdream @jayfrombuttaluv I'm eating quite some bit of udon added with lots and lots of red pepper along with hotbar in the resting room!!!

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