
Thursday, October 14, 2010

10.14.10 S/Tweet Treats (^_^)

Oh, I have been waiting for this! Much thanks to Ode for the translations of today's tweets of Kyu Jong and Young Saeng on her blog.

I really miss this two and with the good news today, I'm so excited to see them on stage soon.


[Trans] 10.14.10 S/Tweet Treats

Korean to English translation by Ode /

Please re-post with complete credits.

**Kyu Jong ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

@2010-10-14, 1:25 AM
2kjdream Though afraid, I'm excited, though scared, I'm awaiting.. These days my heart's been feeling so tight and suffocated; to all of those who have always been supporting me and those who have given me good advices, truthfully - I really want to express my thanks to you all!!^^ Aja aja, for all the time in the world, let's just keep laughing as it is and enjoy~ Fight~~~~^^

@2010-10-14, 1:45 AM
2kjdream @zakkykim Hyung nim wuss up~~~ hh Thank you ah ㅜ Eww h
(zakkykim says he's also rooting for KJ^^)

@2010-10-14, 1:43 PM
2kjdream @woosangil Ne hyung!! Fighting!! h ^^ Have a great day today as well~~

**Young Saeng ヾ(^∇^)
@2010-10-14, 5:20 AM
mystyle1103 @zerotic0124 Puhahahahahaha

@2010-10-14, 5:32 AM
mystyle1103 @Soie2e ㅡㅡ Why?

@2010-10-14, 5:39 AM
mystyle1103 @zerotic0124 Poop..
(@zerotic0124 asks him if he looks handsome or not with his new picture)
(Ode : disgusted type of joke)

@2010-10-14, 5:52 AM
mystyle1103 @Soie2e Your saying of hello right~ kk, did you drink (alcohol) again?

@2010-10-14, 6:02 AM
mystyle1103 @Soie2e I see~ For me I'm just lying at home rolling & scrapping here and there~ Hungry ㅠ
(liezle : this is so funny! wonder how YS look like rolling and scrapping ^_^)

@2010-10-14, 6:10 AM
mystyle1103 @Soie2e On diet~~ Cannot ㅠ Gotta go to sleep soon k
(you're on diet, too comforrtable, is it not??)
(@soie2e tells him to eat something then since he doesn't sleep)

133. @woosangil @2kjdream 화이팅~~모두부~자되셔용~~^^
@2010-10-14, 3:06 PM
mystyle1103 @woosangil @2kjdream Hwaiting~~ Since all of us will turn into milli~onaires very soon~~^^
(liezle : really like Young Saeng's sense of humor. In Twitter he seems to be more cool than Kyu Jong who is somehow more serious.)

**Hyung Jun ( ゚▽゚)/

@2010-10-14, 9:51 PM
HyungJun87 Musicals are really charismatic and really looks enjoyable

@2010-10-14, 9:52 PM
HyungJun87 I will work hard to get acknowledgement from all of you, I'll try my best to work hard.

@2010-10-14, 9:54 PM
HyungJun87 I'll work hard and work hard to prove to you all.

@2010-10-14, 10:01 PM
HyungJun87 @zakkykim ^^


  1. "I'm just lying at home rolling & scrapping here and there~ Hungry ㅠ"

    hahahahaha..really funny~~~~
    yup,i agree with liezle...
    wanna know how YS looks like..

    become millionaires???
    wow....k,im waiting~~~
    saengkyu hwaiting!!!!

  2. Anonymous11:12 PM

    mystyle1103 @Soie2e I see~ For me I'm just lying at home rolling & scrapping here and there~ Hungry ㅠ

    thats is so hilarious! ys oppa, im curious how you roll at home..

  3. tetsu girl11:23 PM

    Thanks to ode for translating! And thanks for sharing, Liezle.

    I think "rolling around at home" is a Korean phrase like just hanging out at home not doing much. I seem to remember it from WGM when Ssangchu couple decided to hang out for awhile at home and HJL jokingly asked Buin to literally roll around on the floor. XDDD

    Liezle, you make a good point. YS seems more cool on Twitter. On camera, he's too self-conscious and shy, and usually lets the louder members take over. But if he's just comfortable being himself, like chatting with friends, he's actually very funny and teasing, even sarcastic, and he can be just as irreverently humorous as HJL. I love that we get to see more of that aspect of him now. :D

    KJ has always been cheerful but sensitive, and his tweets reflect that, alternating between schoolgirl giddiness and utmost sincerity and graciousness. ^_^ He does seem more serious lately, sharing deep thoughts, probably because he's anxious from the recent situation. Glad it's resolved (mostly). Hope we see KyuSaeng active soon! <3

  4. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Did #SaengKyuB2M make it to number 1 on twitter's trending list today? Thanks liezle for the update :))

  5. This guy is making me crazy... Oh how I would LOVE to see him... the just natural YS... and the live performing YS too.

    I want him I want him I want him...

    I want to see him so much...

    (So sorry to all of you. Me still being greedy when I had already so much luck... T_T)

  6. winnie2:48 AM

    Chara.. Go to B2M office. Or baseball field. I so want you to meet him. seriously TT

  7. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Pity Kyu must have been suffering much recently, see how he encouraged himself & others of the unknown future.
    The sun has already come out and a bright blue sky is awaiting for you, Kyu, don't be anxious for your future, we all know you can make it.
