
Saturday, October 23, 2010

10.23.10 S/Tweet Treats (^_^;)

Update : [10:44PM] I have updated today's tweets with that of Kyu Jong's tweets before he went to bed [I assume] and Hyung Jun's tweets in before departing ICN and arriving Taiwan.

Thanks to Ode for translating this on her blog.

Kyu Jong actually tweeted to but there's no translation posted on Kyu Jong's diary in Ode's blog.

[Trans] 10.23.10 S/Tweet Treats

Korean to English translation by Ode /

@2010-10-23, 12:48 PM
HyungJun87 Gotta end off today's day soon, so, how was my new side shown in today's fashion show^^ Thanks everybody, will be making my trip to Taiwan tomorrow. Good night

@2010-10-23, 1:13 AM 2kjdream Dream .. A word we have to always bear in mind..^^ Pleasant word - Dream..^^

@2010-10-23, 2:17 AM
2kjdream @woosangil Wanna see you!! Come to Korea yo~~~ Hyung hh, thank you ne, for always supporting me h ^^ Good night~~~~~

@2010-10-23, 9:58 AM
HyungJun87 Today I go to Taiwan, I will return with a happy fanmeeting.

@2010-10-23, 10:07 AM
HyungJun87 Shung shung~ Will return soon.
(sound of flying &o&)

@2010-10-23, 1:07 PM
Arrived in Taiwan~ ^^

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