
Thursday, October 28, 2010

10.28.10 S/Tweet Treats (o^^)o

[Update : 12:43AM] Added tonight's tweet of Hyung Jun. Thanks again to xiaochu!

11:51AM I'm pushing this up becasue Kyu Jong was tweeting this morning. And I have added Jung Min's tweets with photos and trans posted on his FB.

Heaps of thanks again xiaochu!


I'm off to bed after I post this. ^^

Thanks to xiaochu @ Quainte501 once again for taking time to translate these tweets of Kyu Jong even it's past 12MN.

Kyu Jong tweets are sweet and makes you feel good always after reading.


[Trans] 10.28.10 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English translation by xiaochu @

Re-post with full credits please

2010-10-28 @ 1.43am
2kjdream @parkggang37 Reached home now~^^ Sleep well~~ Even though the monotonously repetitive daily life is enjoyable, but today is an exhausting day..! Let's work hard even more!!^^ hee

2010-10-28 @ 1.43am
2kjdream @kkangjii Must have a sound sleep! Have a sweet dream!!^^ Let's wake up smilingggg heehee
*in reply to kkangjii (2010-10-28 @ 1.19am)
Today's word : @_@.....

2010-10-28 @ 1.44am
2kjdream @jayfrombuttaluv heehee Hyung, it's totally so cute?! The feel is there. See the look in his eyes heeheehee
*Think he's referring to some photos which he posted ^^ really cute

2010-10-28 @ 3+am
soulfulhansoulfulhan @2kjdream KyuJong-ah Thank you!! Will call you tomorrow so we'll be able to meet at night~~ I LOVE YOU MA MAN~!!

2010-10-28 @ 4+am
JungMin0403 It'sa photo taken by vice-president himself... Uploading....T^T

2010-10-28 @ 4+am
JungMin0403 Before shooting of Japan calendar....^^

2010-10-28 @ 4+am
JungMin0403 Sony's wo de xiao zi wei~~ gave me this Sony laptop
*He's typing Chinese prounciation in Korean letters, don't really get what he meant..

2010-10-28 @ 4+am
JungMin0403 BolBoongEe

2010-10-28 @ 5+am
JungMin0403 There are alot of photos taken of me.. TT TT How to upload? TT TT

2010-10-28 @ 8+am
jayfrombuttaluv @2kjdream Idol of the dog's world... I must go fix the office...-.-;;;
2010-10-28 @ 9+am
kkangjii @2kjdream Opwang Ohayogozaimasu*

*Ohayogozaimasu = Good morning (in Japanese)

2010-10-28 @ 10+am
parkggang37 @2kjdream It's cold T T T Though the weather gets warmer in the afternoon T Must find the fun in the monotonously repetitive daily life ke Have a enjoyable day~*^^*

2010-10-28 @ 10.49am
@2kjdream @parkggang37 Understand heehee Taewan hyung said that, it's best to enjoy (work) rather than working hard on it heehee Have fun!! Have an enjoyable day today too heehee Ah, it's cold TT

2010-10-28 @ 10.49am
@2kjdream @kkangjii Ohayo !

2010-10-28 @ 10.50am
@2kjdream @jayfrombuttaluv heehee Alright! I will go for the casting too hee Hyung, it's cold so be careful not to catch flu~~~

2010-10-28 @ 10.53am
@2kjdream Green Peas!!! There are alot of people suffering TT due to getting flu ! Please be careful of catching the flu!! Don't skip meals^^ Hwaiting!!!!!

2010-10-28 @ 1.49pm
jayfrombuttaluv @2kjdream Eung, you be careful of flu too~ Hurhur

2010-10-28 @ 10.15pm
HyungJun87 Finished the busy schedules for today and return home, must keep it up


  1. Anonymous8:19 AM

    what is Kyu doing? is he studying? is there any follow-up news on their "employment" under B2m with YS?

    he stated enjoyable but its ironic because he also used monotonous which implies he is near boredom

    tsk,tsk,tsk...can anyone shed light on his status?

  2. Anonymous12:57 AM

    i love JM's adorable pout! and his Bert (of Sesame Street's Bert & Ernie) shirt is sooo cute. i want it! :D
