
Friday, October 29, 2010

[2 Fan Accounts] The Face Shop Signing Event 10.28.10

Thank you so much to Blanca for translating these fan accounts from

Finally stories to share with you to know who it was yesterday at Myeongdong.


[Fan Account #1] Face shop MyeongDong Autograph Event
Kor - chi: Yaoyao & candy @
Chi-eng Blanca

I can't concentrate at work recently, being preoccupied all the time. Everyone under the big boss was praying.

Remember last year's Tony Moly signing event, I'd better sneak out now to queue. Think about the crowds flooding in once the event begins. How many of them? 20, 30, 40, 50, .... Totally got lost.

TT Made up some excuse, and walked out of the office with a seriously looking face. OMG, so nervous With the tips I got earlier today, arrived at the coffee shop next to the Faceshop store. Sited down, took out my laptop, and kept waiting and waiting. Someone asked whether I'm here for the autograph event? Then I got the number, 83.

After that, started wondering around restaurants nearby. Each of them was full. TT Though the weather was not as cold as expected, it is said that it would be pretty cold after 12am. Worrying. Oh, my poor memory, got lost again though I just visited this place two three hours ago...TT whatever, I finally found it before 9pm after several try. I began to memorize the number I got.

The one disappeared in the middle and the man bearing a girlie name were separated. (not sure what does it mean?). I waited in the coffee shop and chatted with someone about Hyun Joong to kill time. Around 11pm, some argument broke out from the other folks. That's the Japanese fan. Around 11:30pm, I got the ticket and could go home to have a good rest. Just need to come back before 10:40am tomorrow. HAhaha. Why it had to be done in this way? Because of the new company? I actually didn't feel well yesterday with my stomach, a little headache too. It would have killed me, If i don't know where to go and had to queue at midnight. It was freezing and I had a big headache.

Everything turned out to be ok after I got home. Still have a little headache, but snugging into the cozy bed made me so comfortable. Oh, I don't need flu... Thanks to HJ treating me so well ( in my imagination).

After a deep and nice sleep, wear skirts and leather shoes,... Queued to shop at 11am, and then took a break for lunch, start queueing again at 2pm. I'd no idea where I was up to.

I saw Hyun Joong walked into the faceshop store. I did, maybe coz I kept watching over all the time. Even The one standing behind me didn't catch a sight on him. There were two bodyguards and two managers in the 1st floor autograph venue. It is almost impossible to see Hyun Joong from outside.

Being about 10people inside, the view was completely blocked, and I can't see anything. After 3 left, Hyun Joong is clearly visible now. My first impression was that,... he looked exhausted...T.T looked obviously tired, even though his eyes were still big and bright. The skin tone is not that good even under makeup.

The person ahead of me was so exciting that she even forgot to shake Hyun Joong's hand. I told myself (PS. Even though it sounds like begging),after I saw the mistake, I can't made that mistake, absolutely not! I had a lot of words to say, but I was too tired, so I turned out to be saying nothing. Actually, when Hyun Joong saw my name, EPPEUN22,he seemed to looked a little nervous in his eyes.KKKKK. the fine hair on the ring finger of his left hand suddenly caught my eyes ..KKK

It was so cute even it was just the fine hair.

Slow down, please slow down, so that I could stair at you a little longer.

Miane, that's why I don't wanna say anything to you.

Maybe, he knew EPPEUN22 already. Watching him writing down EPPEUN22 closely had made my day perfect already..KKK

How cute you are!

The moment he gave out his right hand, ... Me... My hand... So nervous..

Smiled and raised both of my hands...KKKK, shacked hands firmly. It must be painful to sign for such a long time. Don't forget to do some massage on your hands.

His temperature still left on my left hand. I like the way his holding pens with the right hand.

Caught his eyes twice with smile

He looked tired and my heart was aching I'm exhausted also.

This is the fan account before I forget.


[Fan Account #2] Face shop MyeongDong Autograph Event
Kor - chi: YOYO @
Chi-eng Blanca

Finally I was done with my part time job...

Arrived the autograph venue at 1pm yesterday in the afternoon...

Why everyone came so early?... I had thought that I arrived early enough.

But I only got NO 35 ... hehe

Anyway, as long as it is within 100,

It was OK to get a bigger number...

Everytime when I have to queue, it was freezing.

The passangers always stared at us

asking what happened, and then ...


Some overseas fans arrived late and were not clear about the rules agreed among local fans. They almost picked up a quarrel. Luckily, it was resoled... (they) queued behind...

what's more, the bodyguard showed up. Did they plan to distribute tickets at 12am?

Anyway, this is such a long line, I would like to give you a brief...

Let's talk about today's autograph event... kkkkkkkkkkk

Hyun Joong obba showed up at 2pm on time.

It startled me!

Walked all along.

Because there are too many people, the car can't drive in. It is the center of MyeongDong... Great!!

There were so many bodyguagards, 15 in total--????

He was surrounded by the bodyguard... what a grand appearance...kkkk

There were only 180 tickets. Have to be distributed so many people.

PS: A lot of people were not able to get one TTTTTTTTTTTTTT


And why the bodyguard were allowed to be written down their name, but mine was not allowed!!!!!!!!


When I was preparing, Hyun Joong Obba suddetly said... annyeong? Say hi to me....

Me? I don't know...........

"Ne, annyeong???" Just said so... - -

I usually use polite speech toward obba... He looked at me strangely


"PS, can't you write it down?" --------hrukhj

"emh, No ~~~" ----------HJ

"Then please draw a heart after the name ~~!!!!" -----------harukhj

As a substitute for the name....

Hyun Joong Obba even colored the heart... kkkkkk

Didn't write to Hyun Joong Obba for a while ...

Guard him from the distance and then left peacefully,

It seems like the name will be forgotten.

At least the chasing journey won't be forgotten.

"Any thing you want to tell me????" ---------- harukhj

"Go home............^^" -------HJ

Kim Hyun Joong Obba,

There is nothing besides "go home" everytime you meet me?

This is the 6th year already

Everytime I go to the autograph event you will tell me go home........


Well, Hyun Joong reminded me to shake hands, shaked hands with both hands..........

Then I came out.

There were so many bodyguards, watching us all the time. It made the conversation difficult. In fact, can't talk that much.

I just went to the sighing event. I didn't left a word???

There was no chance to talk kkkkkkkk

Maybe because all the eyes staring at us?

About 3 years ago???

(There was a lot) to tell Hyun Joong Obba

Talk to him much less recently? Like this??

"Obba, use the informal speech" Even joking like this??? got failed, kkkkkkk

From the facial expression (I saw) today, it's better to use polite speech.



  1. Anonymous11:25 PM

    I like what she wrote She was in the SIGHING EVENT (aro,aro it was a typo error),but it must have been her Freudian slip.

    What else do you do, or what else comes out of your mouth when there were many words to say but they didn't come easy or none at all but to sigh .Sigh at the sight of HJ and sigh that you made it that day .

  2. 08glory6:38 PM

    it is hard to strike up a conversation with only a few minutes with someone. awkward...

    here in england, most opening topic would be about the weather -- "cold today, isn't it?" or something about "are you alright?". it's all empty speech.

    as a fan, i guess empty talk would be a waste of time when all you want to do is gaze at the handsome creature in front of you given the limited time.

    wish i would have that experience.
