
Sunday, October 24, 2010

39 More Pix Spazzz of Hyun Joong @ MVIO Seoul Fashion Week by A-hlia

Whoa! And the spamming continues.

Thanks A-hlia for all this wonderful photos.

Marvie, thanks for the link to d/l all 39 pix that A-hlia shared on khj0606. Many would surely be saving them once's they see the Mediafire link below.

DL 39 HQ Pictures of Hyun Joong HERE


  1. Anonymous8:04 PM

    haiz, i really wonder leader now a days still looking fresh and handsome always

  2. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Just wanna say thank you very much for all of the pictures of KHJ. There are so many wonderful and nice photos of him that come every minutes.However I never get bored, because he is sooo super handsome.It's unbelievable, there is such a perfect creature like him.

  3. Anonymous8:39 PM

    he really has grown to be dazzling, hot, and sexy man... darn it...

  4. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Totally agree to anonymous 8:31! Unbelievable that there's such a perfect creature like KHJ.......

  5. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Never get bored of him how many pics of him I see. How can one be bored when seeing such ultra handsome boy?

  6. Anonymous12:54 AM

    I'm totally agree with everyone here ^^
    He is so perfect

  7. Anonymous5:58 AM

    He's the most handsome guy on the planet!
