
Saturday, October 23, 2010

[Article] Hyung Jun talked about SS501 and Choco in Tw Interview

I have been waiting for some news from Taiwan and finally found something tonight posted in Only Jun. Much thanks to crazynoona for the translation.

As always, Hyung Jun is being cute in his interview. I never doubted that he's the peacemaker of the group in which petty quarrels would happen.

I'm happy that he mentioned again group activities for next year and that people who is going to make it possible have already been meeting. I'm certain that Hyung Jun wouldn't talk about this in interviews if this is not really happening and without the knowledge of the members.

Read the full article to know more about it.

Yeah... hope floats. ^_^


[News] Kim Hyung Jun Jokingly Exposed Being Bullied in SS501, Jealous That His Pet is More Popular
Source: Taiwan Yahoo News
Trans: Only Jun (


SS501 Magnae Kim Hyung Jun becomes courageous enough to talk about everything when he comes alone! For his 24th evening First Taiwan Fan Meeting at Taiwan NUS Sports Center, he answered almost all questions posed to him during his interview with Taiwanese media. He even exposed that, “Because he is Magnae, so previously during group activities, he not only has to act as the peacemaker, but also was bullied”, he also revealed that it is true that SS501 has plans to come together next year, and currently all the relevant people are discussing about the most appropriate time to do so.

Since he has always been visiting together with his group, Kim Hyung Jun expressed that he is a little nervous to be coming alone, and had contacted his other group members before coming. With regards to him finally taking up acting, he hopes that he could act as a baddie in the future or a role that is more “MAN” (i.e. manlier role), and it would be best if it requires throwing punches. He even jokingly said that in the past, he used to be always bullied by everyone in SS501, especially by Kim Hyun Joong. Although they (i.e. all members) didn’t really literally fight, but there were times when they threw tantrums and hence he had to take up the role as a peacemaker since he is the magnae. Kim Hyung Jun smilingly said, “Everyone is very petty.”

When asked about his pet dog, Kim Hyung Jun jealously expressed that now everybody is only concerned about his dog, even gifts are all dog foods. He also jokingly put on a sad expression, and comically sends greetings to Taiwanese fans on behalf of his dog, hence showing his playful side. Regarding plans for the 5 members to come together, he expressed that although discussions are still going on, it would require a little more time, and it would be possible next year.


  1. Anonymous12:12 AM

    he's still maknae~ so cute and lively.. i can imagine him acting to be jealous of Choco and how his expression is when he said that he was bullied~~ *smiling like crazy*
    i miss them and i love them!!(never tired get tired of saying this) so i'll wait even if it takes longer than 1 year~~~

  2. Anonymous3:28 AM

    I seriously love you baby jun!!

  3. Anonymous5:40 AM

    i am keeping my hopes high...

    next year then, and he mentioned all relevant people are meeting to discuss, kekeke, i.e. the members themselves may have initiated the meeting with their curent managers ...

    still, the members have to finish their solo act commitments and by the time its probably almost year-end...i wonder if the members can find a way out for their call to military service
