
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

[Article] Mischievous Kiss Spin-Off

Have to say thank you to happiebb for translating this piece of news on forum. This is such an exciting news as we have some sort of confirmation that the YT episodes are not just going to be some sewn together shot scenes but new ones. Plus... more filming which means more fancams. Hee, could there be more hugs, kisses and sweet moments?


[Trans] Playful Kiss Is Not Over Yet
original in korean: Nate News
translated into chinese: YOYO@百度金贤重吧 HYUNBAR
translated into english: bb

Kim Hyun Joong and Jung So Min, male and female leads,
from the Wed/Thu MBC drama Playful Kiss which ended its run on 21st,
will be working together again.

The two will be filming for the spin-off story from Playful Kiss from 26th Oct to 10th Nov.
This spin-off will be an exclusive online special,
and will revolve around the lives of Baek Seung Jo (KHJ) and Oh Ha Ni (JSM)
after getting married.
It will be aired via YouTube from the mid November.

The person-in-charge of the TV production team said,
"The spin-off story is about the couple's lives.
Unfortunately, only Jung So Min was shooting on the first day of filming.
Kim Hyun Joong was absent due to a CF shooting
which was held back as he was busy with the drama filming.
They will reunite for filming in the afternoon of 27th."

Further, Kim Hyun Joong and Jung So Min are expected to carry out promotional activities overseas
for the drama in the first half of next year.
Playful Kiss, which has been sold to 12 countries, including Japan, Hong Kong (China), Thailand, Philippines and others,
will launch large-scale promotional activities overseas from December.


  1. nice!!! thanks for sharing :)

  2. Anonymous3:06 PM

    waaaahhh together in promotional overseas! what they mean for that??? love Hyun-Min couple hehe

  3. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Can they bring eunjo along too, when they go overseas to promote the series? They make a good trio! :)

  4. Anonymous3:22 PM

    They're going to shoot new scenes together... and they're going to overseas together :))

    Hope overseas fans will give JSM a lot of love! Fighting!

  5. Anonymous3:32 PM

    More togetherness outside the camera and overseas ,too oh WOW .THe international venues of the PK drama showing will have MR and Mrs Baek Seung Jo as well .

  6. Anonymous4:08 PM

    wowww...what an exciting news..looking forward to the YT PK spin to see this one and so excited for the promotion of PK overseas...hope they come to the love to see this couple.

  7. Anonymous4:30 PM

    hope that the Phil will be one of the countries they'll visit to promote PK...heard that the Phil has made a record breaking bid to buy the distribution rights...grace

  8. Anonymous4:58 PM

    @anon 4:08 and 4:30- which TV station in the Phils bought PK?

  9. Anonymous5:33 PM

    I really want to see jung so min recording much love from fans overseas, as in that I hope she rises to stardom. With her acting skills, she really has the potential to become another hallyu star. I hope they will groom her well.

  10. Anonymous5:49 PM

    yes! another lovey dovey outside drama's funny me, before i only love hyunjoong before even he has a lot of partners in cfs, variety shows til the such time i hook to jung so min for him weeeh i'm biased love HyunMin couple daebak!

    by the way, i think G8 is aware for the couple's popularity. i'm curious if G8 read the discussions about the couple's bed scene particularly when hj crossed his legs over jsm haha!

  11. Anonymous2:12 AM

    any idea which tv station bought the rights to broadcast PK in the Phils? hope channel 2 has it! :)
