
Friday, October 15, 2010

[Fan Account] First Love Story DVD Fan Meeting – Evening by Lafone

As promised by Lafone, she will share with us the details of the evening session of the First Love Story DVD fan meet. And here's what she promised.

Thank you so much again Lafone for sharing with us the Q&A portion of the evening session. As always, Hyun Joong is so funny, 4d and frank. Really adorable.

Btw, if you missed the afternoon session account by Lafone, you may click HERE.


First Love Story DVD FM – Evening Session

courtesy of Lafone /

Started : “ Thank you”

MC : Hyng Joong ssi, six hours passed since your arrival in Japan. Did you see many fans at Haneda airport ?

Leader : I am not sure. There seemed to be many fans awaiting Song Seung Heon ssi who was expected to arrive after my flight.

MC : What did you eat for lunch?

Leader : A beef & rice bowl because my manager bought for me.

MC : Could tell me your favorite Japanese words?

Leader : “quite quite “, “ most “ I recognized that these words are frequently used by commentators of soccer.

< DVD Digest of Bali  >

MC : What was your impression of Bali Island ?
MC : I agree with you. I had the same impression when I traveled.
Bye the way, I also asked how you felt about yourself who seemed to belong to this island.

Leader : You are asking about the harmony between Bali and myself, but actually I don’t know how to answer. I prefer to go to the South Pole rather than Bali island. I have been preparing for the trip to the South Pole, but the shooting place has been changed to Bali (4D talk, of course)

Leader : I heard that whales with horn only live in the sea of the South Pole. I would like to see them. After the drama shooting, I would like to travel alone, dropping by there.

MC : Do you frequently cook ?

Leader : Not frequently., but I can cook so so. If you do cooking by yourself, you can enjoy nice food with nutritional value, but it will cost you instead.

MC : How about the food you cooked in Bali (in DVD)

Leader : After one bite, staff spit it out. I put too much seasoning. Though my specialty is Kimchi fried rice, but they did not want me to cook it. Maybe it does not look expensive.


MC : Did you like your clothes ?

Leader : I liked the overall styling and clothes, I could not take them home which I felt a bit pity.

MC : What kind of styling you prefer ?

Leader : I just talked about fashion with my coordinator noona a few days ago. She said that my favorite styling was “ dark horse “ ? I have to confirm with her later ( * actually, his style was “ Goth style” , a bit punk fashion, )

Asked about the heart-shaped diamond ring used at the shooting,

Leader : This ring is vey important for me. It was a ring late-Andre Kim ssi sponsored for artists on the occasion of his last fashion show ( I don’t understand what Leader meant ) * it seemed to be a fake diamond as the heart-shape cut diamond is most expensive ( it is said that 50% of original diamond is lost for heart-shape cutting)

<Wedding ceremony DVD >

MC   : A few hundred fans participated in this shooting,. What do you remember most ?

Leader : It was so hot. I heard that it was very hot in Japan before I went there. Though a tens of people died in Korea due to heat, there were hundreds of death in Japan. Therefore, I was a bit scared about going to Japan. ( audience were burst in a laugh)

MC : A little extra girl was about to cry.

Leader : Yes, she was also sweaty and did not smile at all.

MC : When you talked to that little girl, she smiled and tightly hold your fingers, eventhough you said to her “it’s OK, we finished !”

Leader : Yes, though it’s a bit embarrassing that she did not leave her fringers, I was very happy because she was the youngest among my fans.

MC : She was the youngest ! She has never seen a nice-looking guy like you, that’s why she was so nervous.

Leader : In a few years, she will find a boyfriend.

MC : I think you look great in the sea. Did you swim in Bali ?

Leader : I rarely swim in the sea. I am confident in a river or a brook
I have phobia of shark; If I enter in the sea, I hear my hurt pounding. I am confident in swimming in a pool.

MC : What swimming style you are good at ?

Leader : Any style except for butterfly.

MC : Could you tell us about your aspiration, or challenges you would like ?

Leader : Recently I have many opportunities to go abroad where I feel that I am a tiny creature on the earth. I would like to travel a lot in foreign countries, visiting “seven wonders in the world”, the south pole, etc. I would like freely travel alone, with a backpack. I have also a plan a space travel and already checked the price which costs 200,000,000 won. If I travel in the universe, I will upload the pictures in the internet. (He is really aware of being “ space alien “ )

< Questions from fans >

Q1 What kind of surprise do you like to give to your most important people?

A: I remember well the birthdays of people. I usually send an e-mail to them.

MC If you add in your mail “ Just turn around “ and if your girlfriend find you just behind you, it will be fantastic ! isn’t it ?

A: Well, people usually go to bed around that time ( 00 am), I give my gift in the next morning.

Q2 Leader could read the second question and quickly replied “ beef rice bowl!”
Therefore, the question was what’s your favorite Japanese food.

Q3 What is your “ boom “ recently?

A: Many things, sport in general. I would like to learn tennis, golf and would like to play soccer more while I have to practice dancing, singing, and so on.
The problem is I don’t have much time to do everything.

Q4 What do you like to do if you have a change to transform in an invisible man?

A: I have never thought of it. I would rather prefer “ a teleportration”

Q5 You do not easily wake up in the morning. In your childhood, did your mother always have to wake you up ?
Leader : Actually, she has never wakes me up. I wake up by myself if I have something I really want to do. Even with bloodshot eyes, I will wake up and drive by myself.

Q6 How much do you like to sleep now ?

Leader : Frankly speaking, I would like to throw everything and sleep for a week. However, I’m still doing drama shooting, I have to keep my condition.

< Direct questions from three fans  >

1st lady I am in the 30’s. How do you feel ?

Leader :  What do you mean ?

1st lady As a girlfried, I mean.

Leader Possible. I am in the 20’s, 25 years old. I can accept till 35 years old.

1st lady I am just 35 years old !

MC How nice !

MC How about her fashion with red-color accent ?

Leader Very beautiful. I like her natural curl hair style, clothes as well.
Very nice.

MC Whydo you like him ?

2nd lady He is frank !

2nd lady Do you have any plan about CD release, music activity ?

Leader After the current drama shooting, I will be back to music.
I would like to upgrade myself in music and would like to have an opportunity to show myself maybe in the next year. You can expect. I will sing a song in Japanese as well.

MC (to the 3rd lady) Your eyes are sparkling.

Leader : Yes, like the lady watching jewelry

MC : It means that you are the jewel stones !

Leader : Yes, I am ( in a laugh)

< Birthday celebration of DVD release >

MC : Wow, this time four candles ! May I look for another two ?

Leader : No, you don’t have to. Let's try to find meaning of four candles.
How about music, acting, myself and you guys ?

In the meantime, the flame of the fourth candle ( he mentioned “fans”) was gone to the wind of air-conditioning of the hall.

Leader cried “ Oh, you guests are dead !” (the audience are burst in laugh)
The light was put on again, and Leader safely blew the candle.

MC : How about tasting the cake ?

Leader carefully picked up the strawberry, putting aside fresh crème.

Leader : It tastes strawberry ( in Japanese, again 4D talk ^^) it’s because strawberry ( in Japanese) (How should we react ???? )

MC : What kind of actor or singer do you aim ?

Leader : An actor and singer who can move people on a stage.
<  Dance Performance – Be nice to me  >

MC : Hyung Joong ssi is very unique, a person I can hardly anticipate.
He talked today very frankly.

Leader : Referring to the fashion style I like, I have just confirmed with my coordinator noona. It’s Goth style (a punk rock fashion ) But she advised me not to talk about what I don’t know well, otherwise people think that I am stupid.

MC : Wow you are too frank !

Could you give your last words to the fans ?

Leader : Thank you for coming today ! What I would like to tell you is
Please live with positive mind. If you take everything in a positive way, you feel relaxed, taking it easy. I would like to keep positive mind by myself and recommend you to do so.

PS On the occasion of BOF Fan meeting, he also mentioned to the fans
“ Please keep today’s smile and live like flowers “ It’s famous in Korea that he advised to his fans to calm down against the critic about his acting skill by saying “ Please live like flowers “


  1. Anonymous1:23 AM

    i love u 4D leader...u r the best ever...

  2. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Love HJL's philosophy of positive living. Being described by his dancer friend as one who's consistent on & off screen , he's a person of integrity who lives by what he preaches. Therefore, he will do fine in any circumstance that comes his way, good or bad. All the best to you Leader !

  3. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Thankyou for the fan account.

    I hope HJL is kidding about the space travel. It seems like an awful lot of money. If he wants to see 'spaced out' creatures, he can just come to the Us ;) . The only people interested in space travel are eccentrics and billionaires who don't know what to do with their money....I don't think HJL is either of those.

  4. Anonymous6:08 AM

    To anon 2:55, that's not exactly true. I think anybody who has a sense of adventure would love to see Earth and outer space if given the oppurtunity. It does cost an awful lot of money, but he works hard for it. If he strongly feels that it's something that he needs to do for himself, so be it! I'd love to do it myself but I do not have the means. It takes alot of courage to take on something like that, never mind that its a once in a lifetime experience. That's why KHJ is special, he doesn't think like the norm. He goes outside the box. And for someone who is said to be thrifty, and does well with his money, I think this is something he really wants to do. Sorry for the long post.

  5. Anonymous7:14 AM

    To Anon 6:08: You're right. KHJ works hard for the money. I guess I'm just not adventurous. He is a lot younger than me (darn)....and his dreams should be different than mine. I still think he is quite special.

  6. Anonymous7:29 AM

    He's very unit and sweet.

    Space travel is a dream make into reality for humanity. Why not! It's a great oppotunity for those who can afford. In the future, it will become something as simple as traveling to other continentals. I hope he will be able to do it one day.

  7. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Thanks so much for sharing your fanaccounts, lafone! I really enjoyed reading HJL's 4D answers and funny remarks and sweet treatment to his fans. He is one special guy. ^_^

  8. Anonymous12:17 PM

    i wonder why no one ask him about ss501 activities but ask the other members. if the group is not disband and as a leader, i would hope to hear from him taking care of his members. BTW, how come i never heard he introduced himself as SS501 KHJ like other members after he moved to his new company. even though i like him as KHJ but i am disappointed with him as a leader.

  9. Anonymous1:42 PM

    ^^cos no one will know who they're if they don't mention ss501.Don't tell me when you left a company,you still hope your team leader to take care of you in everything in diff company?
    Beside this,he can't answer you the activities cos they're in diff company now which he can't decide,he just an ordinary person like you & me,pls!The members are an adult now,they've their own ambitious to achieve their career,only members know what's decision they want, don't put all the responsibility to khj, open your eye pls.

  10. tetsu girl7:43 PM

    Anon@1:42 PM - I'm sorry, but maybe you need to calm down please. In your haste to defend KHJ, you misinterpreted Anon@12:17PM's comment and inadvertently insulted the other members of SS501. =/

    It's quite rude to say that people won't recognize the other members' names unless they put SS501 in front of it. The members do that to show solidarity and reassurance to fans, and they say they are SS501 XXX because that is who they are, that's the role they are representing in the entertainment world. HJL used to do that in every introduction, too, but he got out of the habit because some of his solo activities are unrelated to being "SS501 Leader KHJ", such as model KHJ, JiHoo/SeungJo actor KHJ, spokesperson KHJ, etc. The other members are starting to use just their name for their own works, too. It's a little saddening, but I understand and support all of them standing by their own name.

    No, we're not expecting KHJ to act as Leader of the 4 solo artists YS, KJ, JM, and HJun. And Anon@12:17PM didn't say KHJ should know all their solo activities. The question was, why don't more interviews ask KHJ about SS501 activities, like they ask the other members. Actually, KHJ did get asked about it, but besides saying "no disbandment" he didn't want to talk about the issue (yet), so that's why it seems he doesn't talk about SS501 as much as the other members, which you must admit is kinda disappointing considering he's the leader.

    I don't doubt they all love SS501, but it'd be nice if HJL was as vocal about it as the others. I know it's his personality to focus solely on whatever he's working on and right now he's an actor, not Leader, but some people can misunderstand and think he doesn't care, when we know he does. At least a fan from the afternoon session asked about SS501 plans and HJL said, "Nothing confirmed yet, but I'd like to do." That made me so happy to hear him say that!

    Anyway, let's try not to be so defensive and cause misunderstandings. No matter who's your favorite, we're all Triple S that love all of SS501, right?

  11. Anonymous1:07 AM

    5 of them age gap only few mths to a year,just cos he's a leader he have to bear all the critism in the past?
    Where're they when ex-pres BD case,moved to KE,the blames fm fans he rec'd?Not one of them stand out to defend for him,only jm knows how to jump out quickly to put off fire himself when news of him joining sony broke out in july in fact rumours already in april bef contract ended.
    After all these happenings,
    how to love all of ss501?

  12. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Anony 1:07, I TOTALLY agree to what you said!!! You've said what I wanted to say. Where were the rest 4 memebers when KHJ had to go through all criticism and hardship during ex-pres bd? NONE of them ever stood out and defended KHJ.
    They were just standing by behind.

    Then JM quickly popped out to fire out himself on sony music news at the speed of lightening. JM was the first one who decided to contract with other agency but KHJ got all the blames himself only becs he's the one who officially had a contract first.

    And nobody even called to say 'happy birthday' on KHJ's birthday, letting alone giving presents to him on KHJ's birthday this year. KHJ is a human-being. Why does he have to take care of the rest 4 only becs he's a leader, with only age gap of one year at best??? That's total nonsense!

  13. khjysn3:16 AM

    About Bali,

    Based on abv translation, he mentioned that he disappointed the shoot location change from South Pole to Bali. Ok, that's his right to hv preference on SP rather than Bali. Doesn't he realize that he has numbers of fans in this regions too, human not whales!, didn't he think that statement can heart his fans??

    Plus, why at that time in Bali, he said that Bali is the most beautiful place that he ever visited!! He change his mind?? rrrrr.....rrrrr

  14. Anonymous5:42 AM

    anony 3:16

    I'm sorry but aren't you being superficial/over reacting?! I mean, come on, just because leader wants to go to SP instead og Bali, doesn't mean he doesn't love his fun that much. And why would the fans be hurt? because he wants to see whales?! We all know that leader is an adventure type of person. So it's not shocking that he would rather want to go to Sp than Bali, where the nature and sorrounding in SP is very diffrent from what he use to.

    I'm sorry but i dont think fans should be offended, nor hurt of that statement^^ And leadre can still think that Balis is the most beautiful place that he ever visited, and at the same time wish the shooting was on SP! ^^

  15. 08glory9:06 AM

    whoa... i think overanalyzing the situation is making us miss appreciating the other things that matter most.

    SS501 love each other. they have strengths and flaws. but together, they complement.

    so im just enjoying the ride -- its ups and downs and every turn.

    now turn on my fangirl mode... isn't HJL simply gorgeous?

  16. Dear khjysn,

    My poor Enoglish may have given you a wrong impression,but actually the shooting schedule was so tight he could not even remember how many days he stayed in Bali. A story about the South Pole is a sort of his 4D talk as MC asked him whether he thought how he was terrific with the beautiful sea of Bali. He always feel embarassed by this question which pushing him to admit that he is nice-looking, and therefore, he tries to escape from it.

    As he is aware that his nickname is an "alien", he refers to the South Pole, space travel and so on. Also, he is enjoying by talking about a fantastic idea which MC cannot anticipate as answer to her question.

    We have to take into consideration of his 4D sence of humor to understand his talk or message.

    I hope that it is clear enough for you.


  17. tetsu girl11:26 AM

    I am shocked and disappointed to read "how to love all of ss501?" That is truly heartbreaking. I can't believe it. ;_;

    First of all, about the ex-president's birthday fiasco, I bet DSP forbade the members from commenting on it, just as they later removed HJL's upset entry. DSP is always trying to be secretive and making statements too late. Their way of dealing with the scandal was trying to make it sound like it was nothing but a misunderstanding, and allowing the members to jump to his defense would only fan the flames and probably make the netizens attack the whole group for "supporting" the hated ex-prez. The fanclubs wanted a full statement of defense by DSP, but in the end, the issue was deemed a non-issue and disappeared after a couple of weeks. Even without publicly defending him, I am absolutely certain the members all gave HJL their support during that trying time, because they are his best friends, part of his family.

    Similarly, all their contract negotiations probably prevented HJL and the others from addressing the rumors about leaving DSP. Thus, when HJL signed with KeyEast, there was not much warning and it was still shocking despite the rumors. It is obvious he had the worst of the criticism because he was the first to join a new company. And because he is the most popular member, most people assumed he was leaving SS501 behind. But just as you said it's not HJL's responsibility to deal with all SS501 issues, it is also not the other members' responsibility to explain to the press what HJL's future plans are, it's his. Even if the members had said, "We believe in Leader and that he's staying with SS501," would people have believed it? The only person who had the ability to make those criticism and doubts disappear was KHJ himself making that statement. KeyEast took up the job, and although they were very gracious in reaching out to fans right away, their reassurance that they would support HJL's solo AND group activities didn't come until a little later. Even then, the statement said, "We will support whatever endeavors KHJ takes on, solo OR group." But HJL himself didn't actually say he intended to do group work as well. It wasn't until later, at the "Playful Kiss" press conference, that he said "no official disbandment." Although I know it's just his personality and preference to keep quiet, can you understand the doubt that built up?

    But you know why the other members' announcements were met with less hostility? One, because people were calming down more knowing that KHJ wasn't the only one leaving DSP (he wasn't abandoning SS501 as some had thought), and two, because their personal and company statements were much stronger in reassuring everyone that they were still a part of SS501, which was definitely NOT disbanding and would eventually continue.

    I resent the implication that JM only rushed to save his own ass when there were rumors about Sony. He quickly clarified the rumors FOR THE FANS, not because he was getting backlash. He only wanted to reassure them that they would be the first to know, with words from his own mouth, when there was an announcement to make. The difference is, this was about his career only. None of the members have the responsibility, or even the ability, to comment on the other members' careers. It is up to them to talk about solo and SS501. If HJL doesn't want to talk about SS501, that's not their fault.

    I can't believe you could call yourselves Triple S and only truly love HJL. Leader would be sadder than anyone to hear this. T_T

  18. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Oh, one more thing. Can someone remind me when did HJL say the members never called him or gave him presents for his birthday? I thought they were all together for "Love Ya" promotions at that time and were there to celebrate his birthday with him and fans.

    Actually, from what I remember, it was Leader who didn't remember to call or send a gift to Magnae for his birthday. Leader was too busy to attend Magnae's birthday event, and later, Magnae admitted in a Singapore interview that Leader didn't call, but he said it in a light-hearted, humorous way to show he's not upset with Leader, who was just busy and is just forgetful like that. Magnae handled the situation well so that fans wouldn't misunderstand or get upset with Leader. Magnae actually protected Leader. So it's not fair to be like, "Don't criticize KHJ just because he can't be Leader all the time. The other four are not good members to him either." :P

    PS - Lafone, I understood what HJL meant, don't worry. ^^

  19. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Here we go again. Let us just accept that they are not best friends with one another in the latter part especially HJL and PJM/HJB. HJL hardly spent non-working time with them except HYS. I think they grew apart maybe because of personality differences. I think it started when PJM got mad at HJL and they did not talk for a period of time. HJL does not show it but he is quite sensitive. Just my POV.

  20. @anony 1:07am&1:42am (before khjysn). U make it seem like its 4v1. Y do u have to start upsetting people. I mean come on. No one knows exactly what happened except the boys themselves. Abt none of the members wishing leader, how do u know they did not? Maybe they sent a belated wish or something. We dont know what happened bhind the scenes. And abt hj getting all the blame for going into a new agency and that the boys didnt protect him, u dont have the right to criticize the rest of the members. Im sure they've already long discussed beforehand abt how to release the news and being the awesome leader that he is, hj might have volunteered to 'leave' and start his solo actvities first. The members may not publicly stand and speak up for him. But im sure bhind all those drama, all of them encouraged ech othr and gave leader a strong backup when he was harshly blamed. They've been together for too long to not care for ech other. So pls, dont make it seem like the members were helpless n couldnt care less when hj got criticized by the public and fans. And excuse me, but ur no triple s when u said 'how to love all of ss501'. U can love hj alone for all i care with ur biasness. But dont say it like the rest of the members r not worth loving.

  21. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Has it really been so long since we've seen them all together that fans now doubt they are close with each other? I absolutely refuse to accept that notion. In "Five Men's Five Years" DVD, the members called each other family, as close as real brothers, irreplaceable, friends that help them achieve their dreams.

    They've always said they never had fights, but just that one time between HJL and JM and suddenly they're not best friends? On the show itself, you could see it was over after 2 months and they were back to normal. Just because we heard that HJL and YS hang out more doesn't mean the others don't. And it's okay if they don't spend all their time together. They have other friends, too.

    They've grown up, not grown apart. JM said they had matured and no longer needed to depend so much on one another, and HJB said even if they don't see each other, their hearts remain close. Brothers live their own lives but always love and care for one another, and when they are together, they are happy. 5-forever-1 is a bond and a promise that they all sincerely made and keep. I believe in SS501. <3

    @Sufi - THANK YOU.

  22. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Yeah they have grown up not grown apart, that is a better description. sorry about that.
