
Thursday, October 14, 2010

[Fan Account] Meeting Kim Hyung Jun @ SBS

Lucky lucky Chara and friend indeed!

Thansk Chara for sharing with us your friend's fan account who is a Hyung Jun biased. And to Chara's friend, thank you. You are so lucky!

Alright, 3 down 2 to go. Now that Kyu Jong and Young Saeng have signed with B2M you will have a big chance of seeing your favorite soon. Well, I guess lady luck is saving you the best for last.


Meeting Hyungjun at SBS October 13th

written by Chara's friend

As you all probably know, Chara is right now in Seoul for her practical studies, and I'm a friend of hers, who always sticks with her and also had those SS501 encounters as well. I'd like to stay anonym for personal reasons. Anyway, this time I decided to write a fan account about our meeting with Maknae (since I am more Maknae-biased :) ) ^^.

During an evening we went to SBS Station, because we heard Maknae would have recording that evening. Since we are white people we were ok to enter the lobby and sat somewhere down. We waited probably 2 hours, but no Hyungjun. Since it was getting late we decided to risk it and went to the counter and asked....the guards were very strict to us and as soon as we admitted NOT to have an appointment there with someone, just being simple fans, they demanded for us to leave. I already said in my mind goodbye to see Maknae in Seoul this time....we were just outside when a slightly drunken man in a suit addressed us. He was a high-positioned producer (let's call him Producer 1 here...since I don't want to say his name or give hints who he might be) and was curious why we were at he building. So he invited us for dinner and chatted with us happily about cultural differences, etc (he was interested in everything about the world). We also admitted why we were at SBS and offered at once to help us out (we couldn't believe our luck here....!!).

The next day we met up again (btw, he also decided suddenly to let us see and he called a radio producer (Producer 2) to ask when Maknae would come for pre-recording (those who don't know he is very busy due to his musical preparations and this is why he has lately to pre-record MuHi a lot....). It was the very next day!!! Well, we arrived a half hour earlier than Maknae at SBS and producer 1 took us to the studio of MuHi (the SBS guards were surely surprised to see us inside again with a producer), where we met Producer 2. He greeted us in German with "Guten Tag"('hello' in German) and gave each of us an all-members signed DESTINATION Special album (wow!!!) as a gift. Producer 1 had to say goodbye since he had a meeting and left as with Producer 2 to take care of us. Hyungjun was a little late... so we had like 10 min more time for us. So Producer 2 told us about where he was in Germany, how he liked it, and asked why 2 German girls are interested in Korea (lol, btw, he also mentioned at least 2 times how LUCKY we are to meet Maknae like this ("You really lucked out!")... since normally no fans would be allowed in there...). Then we heard a well-known voice on the floor outside of the lobby saying in Korean "Really?!??" Maknae!!! He came in and we greeted him formally with "Annyoeng haseyo" and he shook hands with both of us (like Western people would normally do, but to show his respect to us he made the typical gesture with one hand to stretch out and the other hand supports the lower arm....). We sat down at a table and he was sitting next to us. :)

He was wearing casual (gray & tight shirt, jeans, sneakers, no make-up). He looked really healthy, happy and cheerful. We showed him our CD's that we brought along and asked kindly if he could sign for us...of course Maknae was willing to do this^^. We asked for each sign if this is ok and he said again and again he would not mind at all and asked to spell out names for him. So cute. I also asked him to sign me a card for my friend, with her name on...and again he agreed immediately. When Maknae saw our Signatures on the CD's (Leader's and Minnies's autographes) he said in Korean "When did they meet them???" and we answered in English to him ("last week"). The funny thing was that Producer 2 has a very good English ability and talked to us more, while Maknae is really good in understanding and hearing. He made a typical comment (or should I say he praised himself?!?!) about himself in English, saying "My English is very good!" (lol). After the signing of the CD's and card I passed him a lollipop from Germany and said in English "I read that would like lollipops." And he answered happily "Ah yes!" taking the lollipop from my hand and immediately starting to unwrap it and enjoying it. We also asked if we could have a picture with him taken, and again he said at once "Of course!"

He stood up and looked where would be best with the light in the lobby and pointed us to come to him. He went between us and put his arms around us and Producer 2 took 2 pictures of us. After that I asked him with my poor Korean if I also could hug him...again he said "OF COURSE!" and hugged me immediately tightly, and also hugged Chara then. He was so sweet! We thanked him again and he left then for the recording, thanking us too for coming to Korea once again. We packed our stuff and Producer 2 said he will guide us to the elevators.

While we passed the radio studios I saw Hyungjun again, talking to a PD Noona, sitting comfortably on a chair and enjoying my lollipop, and waved at him saying "Goodbye" and he looked at me again, smiling and waved to me to saying "Bye bye." (btw, he sounds EXACTLY like on the radio^^). If you ask me he looks surely happy and was also glad to meet German fans (the PD asked for Hyungjun about fans in Germany, and we had to sadly admit that there are not many, but Maknae was still happy...especially when I said to him that he is my favourite member. And that I especially like his cheerfulness^^ Please imagine his cute smile out of joy at this moment**). I think we had about 10 - 15 min with him, and this kind of meeting was surely VERY special and rare. This was like once-in-a-life-time to us. And it happened purely out of luck. I still can't believe I got to meet Maknae like this :)

Btw, please don't write to Chara (or maybe those who know me) or me if I could name any names or contacts of SBS...yes, we met some Producers of SBS and also Maknae's MuHi stuff shortly, but we can't give that information to others, sorry. It wouldn't be fair to the people at SBS, who kindly trusted us their contacts in case we need further help in the future. Please be understanding.

Following is from Chara...

As you can see, my friend is a really bias. She was so cute, when she finally asked for that hug. Before the meeting, glowing/blushing so much.

Ah yes, some further information: When we stood there, nearly at he end of the meeting, Producer two and Maknae asked us, if we would come to his Musical. We all know abt that, right`? I asked when it would start, and I believe they said 24th November. Because I'm still here then I said I would go. He really was happy like a little kid, coming towards me again, shaking my hand saying: "Thank you, see you soon." Maknae is cute.^^ LOL...

Right, and after that, we had the luck to join "Kim Jung Eun's Chocolate" TV show. Producer 1 reserved places for us. So... we totally lucked out.^^ Seoul is a place you can't describe at all.^^


  1. Anonymous9:07 AM

    ahh! i envy these 2 girls and hope, hope, chara will meet young saeng kyu jong soon!!! i wanna know how will they meet them!!!

  2. Anonymous9:20 AM

    omg, u met leader and jm, AND NOW lucky u are....
    i hope i have a half of ur envy u coz i never meet them in person..i really hope i have that chance even once in my life, i'll be so grateful. wanna see ss501 is my goal for going to korea.

  3. OMG!!
    both of you are really LUCKY!!
    NO DOUBT for that!!
    both of u must try to meet Young Saeng & Kyu Jong!!
    probably both of u can make it true!!
    i always love this blog!!
    please keep writing!!

  4. Anonymous9:46 AM

    WOW, this is BEYOND INCREDIBLE. Chara and her friends are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lucky!!!!! Oh man, how I wish they can meet YS and Kyu Jong too!

    So so envious. I've been wanting to meet the SS501 members esp Kyu Jong but there wasn't even a Persona concert in Singapore =(

    LOVE the fan account!!! Once again, u girls are soooo lucky! Baby is so sweet and so cute. I LOL when I read the part where he praised himself for his good English. Haha. Typical ^^

    He sounds soo friendly and accommodating! U girls are so lucky to meet not just one, not just 2 but 3 members of SS501. Seriously, 3 doen, 2 to go! Fighting!!!!!!!!!

  5. Anonymous9:47 AM

    OMG what kind of good luck is that?! Its so good I dont know what to say anymore!!!!!!! ENVY!
    anyway baby's probably the 2nd person after Jung min who gives awesome fan service!
    lucky lucky you girls! More lucks to you girls, 2 more to go!!

  6. Anonymous11:18 AM

    You girls have INCREDIBLE luck! Hope you meet Young Saeng and Kyu Jong soon, too! Thank you so much for sharing your amazing experiences with your fanaccounts. They are a joy to read and to revel in your joy. ^^ As I said before, you should work for the tourism industry because I REALLY want to fly to Seoul now!! @_@

    Magnae is sooo cute and sweet!! He loves to praise himself and to give hugs to people who say he's their favorite. XD <3 The PDs were so nice, too. I guess it is rare to see Europe fans. This is the first time I wish I was white; I just look like another Asian fangirl. =( lol jk! XD Thanks, girls!!

  7. see see is cool...

  8. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Chara, can you go stake out B2M Ent??? KyuSaeng cld well be spotted there!!! Imagine if u run into the 2. 5/5!!! OMG!!!

  9. Anonymous12:51 PM

    chara, mind sharing your twitter name?

  10. Anonymous1:39 PM

    thanks for the fan is very enjoyable.ha3,agreed, what a typical Maknae who love to praise himself (JM too). I can imagine how he said 'My English is very good'.

    Hope you and your friend will meet the sweetest & most shy memeber too.

  11. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Ooh..ihr beide seid sehr glucklick!!..hoffenlich wir hoeren mal nachrict nach euren treffen mit den beiden,Kyu-Seng..auch noch!!Also dann,viel spass!!!

    'am not german,but just trying to practice some of my "rusty" german knowledge,hehe..'used to live in germany for quite sometime,long time ago..& it's nice to know that some german girls are also hooked by the charm of our boys,hahaha..btw,where u from in germany??if u dnt mind my asking??

  12. Chara3:35 PM

    He he he.

    Thanks girls. As always you are all so nice.^^

    Danke für das Deutsch. (Thanks for the German.) It's nice to see on English webs once in a while.^^

    Ah, for my twitter-name: It's almost the same:

  13. Anonymous3:37 PM

    thanks chara. rmb to go check out B2M okay? =P Ur Youngsaengie and My Kyujongie! hhaha

  14. Anonymous3:56 PM

    ur are so lucky!!!! i have only seen baby once in changi airport!( He is incredible handsome and flawless)
    I want to see the 4 oppas too!!! esp youngsaengie!!! Chara, check out at b2m, to see if you can spot ys and kj... do share with us if you dooooo

  15. Contratulations! Chara & your friend!
    This is the funniest fan account I've ever read. What a drunken man. hahahaha. Even though I live in Seoul, I've never tried like you. Well done girls. Great!


  16. Anonymous8:59 PM

    wow..u girls are so lucky!!
    i wish i could meet hyung jun the way u did..thanks for sharing
