
Sunday, October 03, 2010

[FanCam] Jung Min @ Incheon from No. 43 Park

Thanks much to iamsom for tweeting the link to this video. Hee, this gives me a reason to post another vid after the Incheon vid. So, check it out, k? I have been itching to post that vid since Belle Blanc tagged me Facebook.

Alright, first let me give you the vid of Jung Min arriving Incheon on 10.01.10. Thanks to bpki0910 for uploading in YT and of course to No. 43 Park for capturing this.

Okay, now, let me post this vid from Kyul that Belle Blanc tagged me on FB. She wrote on her wall...

'OMG! I just found this video of JungMin focused performance of Obsessed at Persona. He is 501% sexy charisma here. Hot! is an understatement.'

Obsess Min from Kyul on Vimeo.

After seeing this vid, i told Belle that she just made me miss JM and the rest of SS501 performing on stage. Yeah JM... our sexy charisma.^^

P.S. Belle, you might be wondering why I'm posting this when I told you I'll be out to have a car wash. Hee, I'm still at the car wash. ^^ Will be home in a few minutes. ^^

1 comment:

  1. LOL...understand afterall, we are talking about Jung Min here and we know some things just can't wait ^^
