
Monday, October 25, 2010

FanCams & Fan Account from I Am SS501 Kim Hyung Jun Taiwan Fan Meeting 10.24.10

Here are videos from I Am SS501 Kim Hyung Jun Taiwan Fan Meeting. Thanks to all the uploaders in YT.

I'm still waiting for fan accounts to share with you. From what i learned, it was an enjoyable fan meeting with Kim Hyung Jun. He's in his usual funny, cute and adorable self.

Update : Ting Ting just shared her fan account at the comment section. Check it out! Thanks Ting Ting!

And here's one photo from the event. Thanks to hl2412 for tweeting.


  1. i Liezle,
    I'm Taiwan fan TingTing^^~ Yesterday we really had a great great great time with Baby...He's cute, handsome, sincere and soooooo nice to the fans!

    I share some great moments I remembered here:

    *He seemed a little nervous in the beginning, but he really tried hard to communicate with fans. He made so many cute expressions and body languages so the atmosphere's so great...full of laughters^^...and he became more relaxed and enjoyed^^.

    *A game was that we asked Baby to choose "Who do you want to go xxx with you?" from 5 pair of eyes. We saw a pair eyes very similar to JungMin so we started to yell "Park Jung Min!!Park Jung Min"~ In the beginning, baby said "Jung Min? NoNo(싫어)!!" But he actually chose him as first candidate...when the answer came out~ it's not Jung Min!! All fans as well as Baby were so shocked "not Jung Min?" LOL!!

    *In a night market experiencing game, there is a Taiwanese food made by duck's head and neck~ when he knew it's from duck...he started to make duck sound "quack~quack~~" (totally alike!!) And he said next time he wants to hold FM in night market! haha~

    * Later he played a night market game with on girl fan. The game's about shooting balloons using dart. The girl's so good at it...but baby was not at all...he just missed and missed again while seeing the girl make hits! He couldn't believe it (maybe he's thinking why you Taiwanese girls are so good at shooting darts!?) and became angry so he broke all his balloons directly at the end!! :P

    *When Baby chose fan messages from a post-it board, he kept humphing songs such as "A song calling for you" and "URMan"...when we heard it, we started to sing with him: Baby: "LaLaLaLaLa" we:"Hey"~ He's so happy hearing our response and murmured "Oh good!" ^^ And in a song guessing game, the first song's is "Sponge Bob". Baby's sooo cute singing this song. And the last song's "Love Ya", he even danced it! We got so excited and sang with him again!! "LoveYa LoveYa Love Ya~~~" Really nice moment^^!!

    *One funny thing was that when asked about what's the craziest thing he'd done before, he answered "When we were in Japan, Kyu,YS and me went riding bike for 30km"..."but home come only Young Saeng didn't lose weight LOL"~

    *There's a super Baby's male fan.
    Baby called him to stand up and asked for his name.."I will remember you" (he even called him "my brother"!!). The fan's name is "little prince" (actually little prince of green peas)..Baby heard and said "Prince??!!" "Young Saeng?!"...Haha he's keep thinking of his members!!^^

    *Tearing moment: Taiwan TS prepared a fanvid with fan photos to show to baby. The BGM was "The Wings of the world". When we sang this song together, baby looked so stunned and his eyes became tearing...lots fans cried too. Later he said "Actually...I'm a little worried and afraid....because now we're going SOLO...need to do all things by I feel stressed. Hope you can give us, each member of SS501..your best love and support, as we were together." It's a really touching moment....We yelled "Don't cry!" "Hwaighting!" to him. I think he really got some courage and strength from this fan meeting ^^

    (Sorry if I make any mistake in English^^..what I mentioned here can't described 1/10 of baby's cuteness...he really gave us a wonderful night^^ Thank you Baby!)

  2. Hello Ting Ting and THANK YOU very much for your fan account! Finally we get to know what happened.

    Hyung Jun is so cute, sweet and funny. That is why I never doubted that he'll do WELL in every fan meeting that he will do.

    Thanks to Taiwanese TS for making Hyung Jun so happy and feel loved. You're amazing. I'm sure he'll tell this to the other members and will be forever grateful to all of you.


  3. Anonymous8:24 PM

    thanks for sharing your fanaccount, Ting! ^_^ really great to read about the highlights of the fanmeeting. glad Hyung Jun had an enjoyable time as much as TWTS.

  4. Anonymous4:46 AM

    Thanks a lot for the fan account! I wished I was there to see our maknae perform! He always recalls his fellow SS501 hyungs!haha

  5. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Tnx for sharing your fan account Ting Ting (noticed that you like Kyu and YS as evidenced on the picture, kekeke, just like me)

    as a TS, i thank TS Taiwan for being there for Maknae and making his FM a success and memorable for him....

    Maybe someone can also share a vid where he was humming their songs ^^ (A)

  6. I'll upload his humming audio to my Youtube channel later ^^

  7. Sorry I only have audio~^^

    I'M SS501 Kim Hyung Jun Taiwan Fan Meeting 2010.10.24 - Sing with Baby!

  8. Much thanks Ting Ting once again!
