
Sunday, October 24, 2010

[Pix] Hyun Joong Spazzz 10.22.10 by 501 dg

501_dg is becoming one of my favorite SS501 fanclub. They have been sharing with us lots of photos and videos on not one, two, three or four members but all five of them. They've been at the airport, concerts, games, shooting sites of every member. So nice, yah?

You have seen the photos shared by 501_dg of Jung Min and Hyung Jun at the Spring/Summer 2011 Seoul Fashion Week in my previous posts. Now comes spam of pix of Hyun Joong from the MVIO Fashion Week.

Much much thanks 501_dg and to Imane for shoving these pix.

credit as labelled/baidu


  1. Anonymous7:45 AM

    more attractive in suit attire like this...melted^^^^

  2. Anonymous12:24 PM

    did the 3 bussiest SS501 get to see each other at the Fashion venue. I know they went to different designers but they could have a chance to call one another where they are going could have said hi.
