
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

New Photo of Hyung Jun

A new photo of Kim Hyung Jun was released today that came with an article about the upcoming musical 'Cafe In' that will start to run on November 24. If you want to read the article in Hangul you may click HERE. He also again talked about SS501. ['love it!]

I'm certain that Hyung Jun is feeling a lot of pressure taking this new challenge. It's not only that it's his first major solo activity but as well as taking the slot that used to be Kang Ji Hwan.

Anyway, I am confident that Hyung Jun will be very successful in this new endeavor as he likes challenges and I believe that he is very determine. After this musical, I want to see him in a drama soon.

Hyung Jun, good luck!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:38 AM

    about the article, is there any translation available?
