
Monday, October 25, 2010

[Pix] Hyun Joong in MK Wrap-up Party

Update : Just read from ockoala's blog that this set of photos were taken from the wrap-up party of MK. ^^


I got to have to thank again Marvie for shoving these photos here. If I'm not mistaken these were from Baek Eun Jo's [sorry his name still doesn't register in my head] cyworld.

Did you notice what Hyun Joong is wearing in this photos? It's the same tie he used during the Seoul Fashion Week, right? Could it be that he saw the cast after SFW event? If you guys know or have other guesses you might want to share with us. Or could it be he used that tie in other episodes? ^^

Oh.. lovely photo!

Two possibilities...

Hyun Joong wearing the same tie, @ Mischievous Kiss scene dating with Yoon Hee-Ra after marriage meeting... (maybe after the scene they took the pictures.) [liezle : but hair is not the same as the above]

Hyun Joong at the Seoul Fashion Week using the same necktie as the above pix. SFW happened at 12:30PM last Oct 22. [liezle : hair same as the above]

Credit :


  1. Anonymous10:44 PM

    when are those photos taken?
    does anyone know?
    the necktie of HJ seems similar[my opinion] to that when he attend the fashion show the day after the final episode.

  2. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Maybe the party after the SFW event. still i love the first photo. I miss them a lot. Looking their photos again i'm alive now haha!

  3. Anonymous11:06 PM

    yeah, i noticed the tie, and i think his hair and the rest of the outfit look the same, too. KE had said HJ would treat the PK Team to a dinner after the last episode, so maybe this was the special treat after he came back from the MVIO show?

    ahh, they're all so cute together! i love this cast! can't wait to see more of them again in the YT ed. i hope the other characters, not just BSJ and OHN, are included, too. :D

  4. Anonymous12:18 AM

    JSM and KHJ look sooo good together. but they don't have chemistry ...they have mathematics ...isn't that what Sj said ,his impending relationship with Hani or Hani herself is like a difficult mathematics problem he can't solve .Now its solved Seung Jo yah !Don't fight it HJ !

  5. Anonymous12:48 AM

    I'm never one who mixes drama with reality. So I'm for sj and hani, but not at all infatuated with hj and sm pairing, just neutral. But, they look really good together in the first picture! Like one little family. So cute. Looking forward to more of their projects, I hope they are paired together again. The couple looks sweet together.

  6. Anonymous12:51 AM of happy family, big brother,little brother and the sister-in-law..soon nephew and nieces in youtube edition...cant wait...anticipating

  7. Anonymous4:06 AM

    Yes Hyun Joong went to the Playful Kiss after party immediately after the MVIO event.

  8. Anonymous4:32 AM

    I'm so happy JSM is receiving so much love from KHJ fans.

    Even though I don't think they're dating in real life, but I do think they got comfortable with each other and they became good friends with amazing chemistry.

    But if they got together for real I'd be xxx times happier :D

  9. Anonymous7:24 AM

    I don't really feel strong onscreen chemistry between HJ and JSM. I wished HJ would have been more expressive toward Oh Hani. I just didn't feel it much from him. Sure the bed scene was hot..mechanically hot but nothing more. sigh** i really hoped to see stronger connection. I also learned many awesome strong chemistry on screen hardly ever translate to real romantic relationship in real life. for ex: Lee Min Ho and son Ye Jin had a much better on and off screen chemistry but they are only friends. City Hall couple had the best kisses I've watched but he's totally married. HJ and JSM are so pale in comparison to these couple so I think they are only friends.

  10. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Regarding the necktie, HJ wore another one with a similar design but in brown during the first date with HR (the day HN went out on a date with JG). I don't know if it was intentional or not, but the design in those ties are Pacman and the ghost characters in Pacman game.
    BTW, do you know where I can buy those ties?

  11. Anonymous11:39 AM

    They are so cute together. HJL with JSM and "Eunjo". Love those 3 together. I hope HJL will continue his contact with JSM even after PK just like his friendships with GHS and the other F4.

  12. Anonymous3:47 PM

    yeah they contact to each other even pk is ended already^_^
