
Thursday, October 28, 2010

[Pix] More of Hyun Joong @ The Face Shop Fansigning 101028

Thanks Marvie for sharing these photos here.

As mentioned earlier, there were only 100 fans who were given the chance to get Hyun Joong's siggy today at The Face Shop Fan Signing Event and they all purchased 30,000 won of products. But as you can see from the pix below there was quite a big turnout of fans who wanted to be in this event.

The last photo below I think is at KeyEast [?] where fans queued to get a number [1 to 100 only]. But from what i heard instead of KE giving the numbers today @ 9:30am, they started to give the numbers last night before midnight in which some fans got mad because I think they were told that the number would be given today. As it turned out there was long queue early this morning and only few numbers were given out. Some fans got mad.

Credit : as tagged/


  1. Anonymous11:30 PM

    WOW -what's this ? The crowd rushing forward for the signed picture of KHJ. No good crowd management.They should have just given them numbers and raffled them off .

  2. Anonymous11:32 PM


  3. Anonymous12:20 AM

    OMO..! What a mess! KE or TFS should had organized the event better than this. I feel sorry for those fans.
    Hyun Joong looks a bit tired.

  4. Anonymous1:33 AM

    wow, queuing up before midnight in such a cold weather is crazy!

    but i guess, i think it's so worth to be nuts if it has something to do with hyun joong, right?

    anyways, hope that KE and the organizers will do a better job in handling ticket distribution next time. based on the clips, the event itself was rather smooth, though.

  5. holy cow that last gif is absolutely NUTS! is leader supposed to be mixed up some where in that pack of hyena-yuja's? i hope for his pretty face that he wasn't!

  6. Anonymous2:12 PM

    This is exactly why he needs that many bodyguards...this is crazy!
