
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

[Pix] Not a trace of Oh HaNi

This set of photos of Jung So Min deserves a page in my blog [and becasue I just love big bags]. She's just so pretty and elegant in this photoshoot she did for Hazzy's Accessories.

I have only known So Min when she took the role of Oh HaNi in Mischievous Kiss so I don't have any comparison as to her previous project. But having seen her in MK, I believe that she's a capable actress and can do justice to any role that she will be undertaking in the future. Whatever project she may have next, I'll definitely be looking forward to it.

Btw, though not tall, I think that So Min has a pretty nice pair of legs.

Thanks to veggiedelight for emailing me the photos.

Btw, just in case you are interested you may click HERE to go to Hazzy's webby. They've good items.


  1. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I like her sense of fashion, I never like any korean actress since JSM, because her portrayal of OHN, she's the best. I know she'll be receiving awards in the future. I KHJ-JSM,I love their partnership in Playful kiss.

  2. Anonymous1:04 PM

    she look like YEH....but YEH is way better
    by the way,I love those bags

  3. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Yes, very pretty and elegant indeed. And yes! nice legs though she may be short, no short really just petite.
    She and HJ look so cute and lovable together.

  4. Anonymous3:16 PM


  5. Anonymous3:24 PM

    I read somewhere that she's 165? she looks much shorter than that. Anyway, I love these photos. She looks hot, cute, and pretty altogether. I love the bags too!

    By the way, to all those who thinks they are dating, I doubt so. So min's real name is Kim Yoon ji, which means that the couple shares the same surname. In Korea, I think you can't date someone with the same surname -.-

  6. Anonymous3:38 PM

    she's pretty and elegant. no one can compare to her innocent and natural face. she can carry her outfit too whatever she wears and also has a perfect body though she's short to look at.

    @3:24 way back in hyunjoong's high school life. correct me if i'm wrong, he mentioned one of his interview that he and his gf in h-school sharing the same surname. i read also an article that in korea, the married girl is not using her husband's surname, i don't know if it is true

  7. Anonymous3:48 PM

    She looks like Catherine Zeta Jones on some pics :)

  8. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Never mind about surname lah, so many Tans marry Tans in Singapore, right?

  9. Anonymous5:37 PM

    He did have a girlfriend with the same surname, and I think that was why they had to breakup eventually. In Korea they are pretty conservative when it comes to this. Jung so min has this natural aire of innocence. She looks great here. I really like this girl lol hope that she'll starre in another drama soon!

  10. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Thats not necessarily true guys :) its depend on they are in the same Kim or not. There are many different types of Kim. You can think about it as different clans. Even if their sur name is same, but if it is diff clan, it will be doesnt matter.
    For hyunjoong past gf, he said they were from same clan. If it was different, it would be fine.
    I have korean neighbor here and i know both are Lee, and they are married couple. Have asked the wife, and she said it doesnt matter because her husband is from different Lee.

  11. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Love conquers all! As some elders has said if a couple breaks up, the reason is simply they don't love each other deep enough. Nothing in this world can separate true love.

  12. Anonymous6:03 PM

    oh crossing my fingers about their surnames. as their fan, we will wait and see for the progress of their friendships. for now, i enjoy looking at hyunjoong's pics and vids happy, hot and handsome ever. so excited and looking forward for the yt version yay!

    KIM YOON JI is better name than JUNG SO MIN. if i were her, i will use the real name than the screen name but love her name both as i love her and hyunjoong my love.

  13. Anonymous6:13 PM

    I really think this girl will enjoy huge popularity after PK. She also did superb in Bad guy. She has this air of elegance. I read that she came from a rich family. She took ballet and dance as a kid, hence the grace that she exudes. I like her better than the girl in You're Beautiful, sorry cant remember her name. Will look forward to her future projects. Good luck to overseas showing of PK! Record breaking ratings please!

  14. Anonymous8:00 PM

    She's like Catherine Zeta Jones to me. love hj-sm chemistry on & off screen

  15. Anonymous8:17 PM

    she is beautyfull, love him so much as oh ha ni. mmmm.., liezle, are you fan of her now???

  16. @8:17 not a big fan but i like her since episode 1. despite the low rating of MK in Kr hope that she'll get lots of projects.


  17. Anonymous8:50 PM

    is that really JSM? our babo OHN?
    omg, she's so elegant, so mature.
    in PK she looks like a girl, but in those pics she looks like a woman.
    classy and elegant type.
    good job ohn, sorry good job JSM.

  18. Anonymous4:07 PM

    her role as oh hani makes her not pretty in the drama that's why we're not recognized her as pretty and sophisticated..she also like catherine zeta jones to me. i hope she and leader becomes real haha

  19. Anonymous9:47 PM

    so beautiful! no wonder her kisses left an impression on KHJ! haha great job HaNiYa!

  20. Anonymous7:37 PM

    yes liezel, indeed she's deserving here in your blog. she's not only beautiful, elegant but also down to earth person. i'm not surprised if leader likes her in real life.

  21. Anonymous5:07 AM

    wowie i didnt know she was that pretty
    she wasnt that pretty as oh ha ni
    what photoshop does to a person lol

  22. Anonymous7:42 AM

    I know think it's because she isn't pretty, but because they wanted her to look average in PK, so they dressed her like a child.
    Whenever I read fanaccounts about Leader filming PK, they said the lead girl was really pretty in real life.
    I like her, all the best to her.
