
Saturday, October 23, 2010

[The Talk] Casts of Mischievious Kiss @ MK Finale

With so many videos that came out, I thought all along that these videos from KIMHYUNJOONGPERFECT have already been posted. I check then found out that they have not been. Anyway, thanks again KHJPerfect!

I really would want to know what have been said in these videos. If there is any one who has the translation please do share. The camera of Perfect is always panning on Hyun Joong and you can see his reactions on what the casts have been saying. I want to know especially what Jung So Min said about him, the drama and the kiss. When So Min was talking I somehow believe that he smiled shyly and was kinda blushing.


  1. Anonymous7:52 PM

    i want to know too what exactly jung so min says to hyunjoong which the entire crowd screaming and you can see hj's reactions here too obvious that there's feelin hidden towards so min. no offense but that's my feeling and observations. i hope to see them again on screen after yt version^^

  2. Anonymous7:57 PM

    me too! i hope someone would translate what she was talking about! MANY THANKS!!=D

  3. Anonymous8:06 PM

    wow, his reaction is different. suddenly he acts very shy.

  4. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I think she said
    then all fans were clapping happily
    I'm not sure though

    I've seen a lot of fans shipping HJL&JSM together
    to be honest I don't like it,
    I mean we not even know her real character yet
    Oh Ha Ni is cute but how about real JSM?
    She is good actress with cute smile
    but how about her real personality?
    hmm...just because her character in drama is cute doesn't mean she is the same

    you can call me a bitch on this but seriously guys...we not even know her

  5. Anonymous8:42 PM

    @8:25 i like jung so min for hyunjoong because for me she is the suited girl for him. as what the other shippers they love this couple not only so min's character in pk but she and hj are good looking together. you can't blame other fans besides i'm also an avid fan of hyunjoong since bof time, wgm etc..sorry, i like a girl whose younger than him. no offense..i read somewhere that jsm is from a wealthy family and inspite of her status in life she's still humble and down to earth and that's one of the reason why i like her to be hj's girl

  6. Anonymous8:52 PM

    I like their chemistry on PK. They really look good together. If she's the reason why HJL is very happy these days,i dont mind it. He deserves to be happy.And if JSM is the one makin him smile these days, who are we to oppose it?

  7. Anonymous8:53 PM

    i agree with 8:25.
    but although i don't like JSM, and don't want her to be HJ's girl.

    but, if HJ really has feeling, then i'm ok because it is his decision and his life, we fans can only congratulate him.

    but, since nothing is confirmed and it is such a sensitive matter, i think people should stop guessing.
    i've read all the comments guessing HJ seems to have feeling, blah blah...
    also some said during WGM days like that, but HJ replied it was just a reality show in an interview with a magazine.

    you like girl younger than him, yeah, i agree with you to some extent.
    but this is HJ's life, not ours.
    he himself said it was ok if the girl is older than him by age.(as long as she has younger face and body)

    for me, if HJ really loves someone, then i will love that girl because she is HJ's girl.

  8. Anonymous9:00 PM

    i second the motion of anony 8:53

    if leader is happy because of jsm, so be it. anyway, i love their chemistry on and off screen♥

    we have nothing to do with the characters of a girl if hj is the one who choose the girl to be with him. for me it's not a big deal....

  9. Anonymous9:14 PM

    I second emotion your comment.Actors are public property but their are not our possession that we should dictate what we want for them, they too like us are free moral agent, in short they have the freedom to choose the person they love & they'll live for the rest of their life.He give us entertainment, so in return we should give him support by allowing him to be happy? He's in love with someone maybe but he's protecting her too by not revealing that person yet?We can't blame him for fans should just respect him for,not criticizing him or what ever negative comment.

  10. Anonymous9:15 PM

    I think Hyun Joong doesn't have a feelings for Jung So Min nor Hwang Bo! In fact, he has a feelings for ME.. haha... I'm just kidding^^

    Seriously, In my opinion, I can see that Jung So Min and Hyun Joong have a good chemistry on screen. I love watching them. Who knows? The friendship that they have built in PK will grow into something serious.. Let's wait and see.. :D

  11. Anonymous9:19 PM

    I'm anony on 8:25 PM

    I have nothing against it if HJL like her for real
    If HJL dating her I happy for him
    I believed he can choose the right girl for himself

    BUT I have problem with those ppl who saying "she's the reason why HJL is very happy these days"

    are you for real?
    it like JoongBo all over again...
    when some fans starting to go overboard....
    How can you know? seriously?
    in fact this is the reason why I worry right now
    We got new era of JoongBOers right here....

  12. Anonymous9:37 PM

    i totally agree with you!
    i don't like that nonsense guess!
    people can write whatever they want, but, not such matters without any confirmations.
    i think HJ can deal well with anyone who works together with him.
    all people love lettuce couple, jihoo-jandi or jihoo-seo hyun, and now seung jo- ha ni.

  13. Anonymous9:45 PM

    hey i'm a fan of jung so min and because of her i started to like hyunjoong besides i'm goin crazy now to search him in yt. i saw hj in bof but not recognized because of lee min ho but now i've changed my taste hehe..i think i'm also now a hyunjoong fanatic but i'm hj-sm forever!!!!!!!

  14. Anonymous10:13 PM


    What's the big deal if some fans guessing the relationships between hj and sm? we can't blame them infact it helps hyunjoong's popularity since sm's fans love our leader! and by 9:45 said he started to love hyunjoong because of so min so another hj fanatic will come our way. the more likes minjoong couple the more hyunjoong continues to shine because of another fans will recognized and love him:)

  15. Anonymous10:34 PM


    I have nothing to reply you
    since I already make my point clear in my previous post
    If you still don't understand then I have nothing to say

  16. Guys, chill out. You take it way too seriously!

    Hyun Joong can do whatever he wants and love whoever he wants.

    I don't find anything bad about liking So Min and Hyun Joong together. It's not like fans force them being together, it's more like fans fantasy - topic we can discuss online, something we can spazz about... nothing serious.

  17. Anonymous4:55 AM

    maybe I take thing too serious
    but...I've seen it before in JoongBo's case
    It exactly started like this before some fans go overboard...

    I may overthinking
    but when it come to someone I love
    I like to think of all the possibilities that could be....

    especially in this case
    I've seen it before

    everything has its consequences
    words do hurt,you know?

    but yeah..just chill out guys
    maybe I just thinking too much

  18. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Wow...HJ and SM must have done well on PK to make couple fans^^
    just to let you know HJ seems shy in the crip because JSM is talking about their bed scenes and skinship in the drama and fas are screaming. I can understand how uncomfortable to take those scenes in front of other staffs and now to talk about it in front of his fans....

  19. Anonymous7:46 AM

    ano 4:55
    WE are all KHJ fans, don't forget this, please. Of course our opinions can differ, but the important thing is that all of us just want to see our KHJ healthy and happy.

    I'm NOT Joongboer myself, but I can tell that there two kinds of Joongboers. Sane Joongboers are those who still realize that WGM was the show, but they still like rewatching Joongbo cuts. They care about KHJ as an individual and support all his projects - including those projects where he interact with other women.

    Then there is another group of Joongboers who dislike every woman who approaches KHJ. His co stars, CF partners, his ideal women... They don't care about KHJ as an individual, they only see him as the part of Joongbo world. They even forbid sane Joongboers to post kissing photos of KHJ and JSM on their thread, cause they see it as cheating.

    But in JSM case, you don't have to worry. I think it's nothing new. Last year after BOF a lot people became KHJ/Goo Sun Hye shippers but they only spazzed about them in normal way, no overboard movements :D I think in JSM case it will be the same. J

  20. Anonymous8:10 AM

    I really love this blog. Many fans visit here discussing minjoong couple . The more speculations, the more new fans love our hyunjoong dear haha..

    Seriously, bed scene & kissing discussions are not the reasons why the person shy and blushing especially he is a guy. Only hyunjoong knows what he felt that night when Kim Yoon Ji talks about their bed scene and skinships. I'm glad that PK have done well which fans make them as a couple. I've learned that many fans of hj-hb & hj-ghs convert to hj-sm haha..the question is Who will be the next girl, fans would like to team up our leader???

  21. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Wow! it's really great to visit here. All i want to say is hj and sm couple really too adorable to look at. looking forward for their next project. Saranghae everyone!

  22. Anonymous11:42 AM

    yes, just chill out. It is just normal for Hyun Joong to be shy when it's about the talks of their bed scenes/kissing scenes. It is just a normal reaction. As his fan, I don't see a big deal about it. Even if it is not SoMin, he will still give the same reaction if that is the topic.

    Although they look good together, i don't see any romantic sparks on them. It is just their job and they were successful on projecting onscreen their chemistry.

    I'm happy that he is happy, and we too fans should be happy because he is happy right now. Whatever HJ feels, let's just leave it alone and respect his feelings and privacy.

  23. Anonymous12:31 PM

    i enjoy a lot reading this topic. i agree with 11:42 whatever hj's feelings, we just leave it alone because we have nothing to do with it though i love their chemistry on and off screen too hehe.

  24. Whoa! The portion of the interview, made some giddy, jealous and others just 'oh well' reactions. I guess everyone is entitled to give their own observation in this part of the program. Just take everything that you read lightly. I guess there is no need to the little excitement that one felt. ^_^

  25. alexann2:07 PM

    Why is Hani at the opposite end of Seung Jo? They should be together at the center of the stage! That would have been more exciting!!

  26. Anonymous2:27 PM

    How come HJ and SM not standing beside each other? They should be standing next to each other since the 2 of them are the main lead actor/actress of this drama. But it was this other guy who was next to SM. It should be HJ right?! If HJ really cares about her and have gotten close or have this special kind of feeling, HJ should stand next to her not the other guy, as a support of their loveteam on this drama, and especially this is their farewell event. OMO OMO OMO!!! they were standing on the extreme end side of each other. What kind of arrangement is this???? HJ was just smiling and sometimes busy on his own world not knowing if he really is into it with the interviews!kekeke! With this event, Action speaks louder than words. He is not into her (SM)!

  27. Anonymous2:46 PM

    chill, chill. it doesn't matter whether hj is or is not into sm. what matters is that they on good onscreen chemistry, making PK so enjoyable for us to watch. ... and let's just take it that the characters sj and hn are poles apart held together in part by all the characters in between.

  28. Anonymous4:28 PM

    waaaahhh what's this fighting?

    i'm excited to this topic! @2:27 as we all know, hj is not the type of person who are showy his tweetums to his partner/loveteam infront of his fans because i think he don't want to spread gossip which makes his girl/loveteam caused trouble and he also knows that his fans might be get jealous..nobody knows if SM is the reason that HJ looks happy these days and why we bother??? it's his own life not ours^^^

  29. Anonymous8:04 PM

    people have different ideas!
    for me, if hyun joong and that jung so min becomes real couple,

    i won't be fan of hj or SS501 anymore.
    and i'll leave kpop, kdrama and korean entertainment industry forever because i can't like any celebrity more than hj.
    i mean it.

  30. Anonymous8:20 PM

    hey 8:04 what's your problem if hyunjoong and jung so min becomes real couple? are you jealous? who are you by the way to interfere hj's own happiness? your very funny whew!

    i'm a jihoo-jandi shipper but if hyunjoong likes so min or any other girl so be it! i'm happy for them especially leader coz he deserves to be happy!

  31. Anonymous8:55 PM

    FYI, that event was not a farewell party for all the casts. It's a farewell event for hj as baek seungjo. The casts there are only hj's guests. Stop speculating why So Min was the other edge of the stage and the other guy beside her and blah blah blah like that huh! as what you've said on this event action speaks louder than words and that's what all we can see to hj's reactions.

    We are all hyunjoong's fans and i hope we still support him whoever the girl he wants to date.^

  32. Anonymous11:04 PM

    If hyun joong is happy, i'm happy whoever he's with because I trust the girl hyun joong choose would be a fine person.

  33. Anonymous11:03 AM

    whatever choice he make in personal life or in his carear ... i will always support him...

    but in my opinion JONI couple is only on screen ..same wif Jongboo nothing more nothing less..

    even JORA couple also look good together on screen .. especially the NG & BTS part .. they look happy ..

    not to mention he look perfect wif his cf partner in Basic House ...

    one thing i notice ... hyun joong always on phone during his free time can see frm fancam starting frm M!Pick ,pesona concert, wgm, bof ,pk.. ...

  34. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Whoever the girl he wants to spend with, we still support him..As a fans, we will wait and see whose the lucky girl. I'm glad that there are a lot of fans pairing hyunjoong to different women hehe, leader sooo lucky too!

    honestly, i want leader to be with me hahaha

  35. Anonymous12:21 AM

    silly at 8:32 hehe

    I want YEH for HJL but if ever he has already someone special right now, i still support and love him forever. As long as he is happy with that girl, i'm happy too.

  36. Anonymous3:57 PM

    let's just wish leader and JSM good health and happiness..

