
Friday, October 22, 2010

[Trans] Hyun Joong's Video Message

I have been waiting for the trans and found it. Much much thanks to happiebb once again of LOVEKIMHYUNJOONG for translating this on their forum.

I sooooo much like when he wrote "Everyone's Leader" then signed.


chinese trans: yoyo @HYUNBAR
english trans: bb @

This is the first drama that I'm the leading actor,
there's much that I want to say.
But it's because of the fans, everyone's support and cheer
I didn't despair and give up
Working very hard... persisting all the way till the end.

Eh, countless rumours, unsubstantiated and groundless news
(All of you) just ignored them
and put up with things just to wait for today
First and foremost, to everyone...
I wish to express my gratitude...

Me like this
rambling on with words that don't seem to make much sense
not wishing and not wanting to cause everyone to wait without promises
and without any end in sight
So, no matter what or which kind
I really wish to collect my thoughts before emerging
Words that I wanted to say back then
but have waited till now to say them, I'm sorry

In the end
things that I'd thought through and thoughts that I'd organized
I ended up becoming more fastidious with them

Whilst filming this drama
many people were worried and anxious due to the ratings
In contrast, I was quiet and calm
and rode through the storm together with PK (team)

Of course, a genius I'm not
But just like Baek Seung Jo with worries that cannot be shared or expressed
going through and withstanding all of it alone
I still hope to be able to manage the situation well
Yea, it seems to be that way...

When I've worries like that
I came upon the line (in the script) "Other people will be happy if I'm happy"
Coz of this line, I've given (things) a lot of thought

So I, Kim Hyun Joong,
wish to live life happier and in a more meaningful manner

When I'm weary and tired
I like to chat with fans
Am I too mysterious? Ke!

I'm also confident of myself
Coz I'm a believer of consequentialism
(*bb: that the end justifies the means)
it's come to a point that self-reflection has become necessary...

Before, it seems that I was pretending that I was living well and happily
Now, I will put in my utmost, my best
to gain everyone's recognition
and not have an outcome that is negative
I wish to become someone like that...

From now on
I will challenge my first solo album^^
(Will) really put in effort
Will be glad

In the months of August, September and October in 2010
everyone's watching over me and caring for me

In 2011, I will watch over everyone and care for everyone
I will come back in 2011 in a handsome manner

I've had a great time in these three month
Thank you, everyone

Everyone, too, please be safe
for the remaining time in the year in 2010^^

I feel that you'll be just like family to me
from now on.

See you~~ ^^

21st Oct 2010
the last episode of Playful Kiss

Everyone's leader
Hyun Joong.... ^^


  1. Anonymous5:11 PM

    So, so very touching!!! We should all live a fun life and bring happiness to others! Thanks, KHJ!

  2. Anonymous5:26 PM

    ....what can i say you're the Leader and we will follow you because we are FAMILY............

  3. Anonymous5:43 PM

    so speechless....HJ is always so special and I admire his, with all that he has, he is also a good writer.

  4. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Everyone's leader. He's lovely in his own way. And sincere in a Kim Hyun joong way. He's telling us a lot in this letter. Hwaiting leader! Most of us triple s will support you always. And like kyujong said in June, your dongsaengs are always ready to support you and share your burden. Thanks for being such a responsible idol and leader. Looking forward to all the upcoming projects, be it grouped or individual, of all of you.

  5. awww leader, so touching
    can really feel your sincerity
    that's why you've touched so many lives because you've proven over and over again that you're worthy of our admiration ...

  6. Anonymous6:50 PM

    im crying reading ur message leader...
    u know we worried about u and about rating, but u are so calm and didnt express it to us. u showed us the strong side of u.
    i know sometimes u are tired with all expectation people wants it from u, but believe us, we are always beside u no matter what.

    pls comeback with better image, we'll wait for u, and take rest.

    u are always our leader.
    our beloved leader, we love u so much.

  7. Anonymous7:34 PM

    during BOF days, he said to fans to live like flowers, didn't he?
    now, have fun yourself and give happiness to others.
    those words are really meaningful.
    he is worth all loves and admiration and SS501's leader.
    if other members can attend, it would be super great.
    i miss SS501.

  8. Anonymous8:01 PM

    this is the reason why i love hyunjoong. he is pure and sincere the things he wants to say. haiz, i miss him and so min already:))

  9. "and this message goes to the people (haters) who always find faults on him..i hope you are happy after bashing him and all.."

    Hyun Joong is and always will be PERFECT in our matter what..Leader forever!! FIGHTING!!

  10. Anonymous8:50 PM

    really really admire his maturity and positivity, especially for so young an adult.

  11. tetsu girl10:01 PM

    thanks so much to the translators.

    "Everyone's Leader, Hyun Joong ^^"
    awwww, i knew he still loved that role more than any other, even if he didn't say it. he just didn't want to say anything before because without confirmation from all of them (which only happened recently), it would feel like empty words and endless waiting to the fans. although i appreciated very, very much when JM and HJB reassured us, it's true that most people didn't really believe or feel confident until HJB made the announcement after all the contracts were signed and it was confirmed that they were all still together. can't say if being loud or being quiet about the issue would've been better, but HJL must've felt a heavy burden and responsibility to be a good Leader, and he tried his best. that's what matters. that's right, Hyun Joong, you will always be Our SS501 Leader <3!

    you can tell how much thought he put into this message, thinking hard, thinking deep thoughts, and trying to come up with his own words for 3 months. the "have a fun life that makes others happy" philosphy is perfect for him, and i'm very glad he got something precious out of PK (besides a lot of good memories and probably more popularity, too). it seems he's found new perspective, new motivation, and a renewed sense of self. i'm happy for him. ^^

    *sigh* this is why i love SS501 so much. seriously, they are the most sincere idols, artists, men i've ever known. like their beautiful voices, their pure hearts are great by themselves and wonderful when together.

  12. Anonymous12:09 AM

    LEader..! You're the best!

  13. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Aishh...this kid....
    what are these tears?
    "Everyone's Leader"

    We're just living in the best way that we can, right? Let's be happy~!

  14. Alexandra1:32 AM

    'everyone's leader' hyunjoong is so smart and mature for his age. Instead of saying SS501 directly, which maybe he can't due to certain reasons or precautions that he has to take to protect himself and those around him, he used this phrase. But most of us knows, that this is his message to us and all those out there who understands and supports them. 'everyone' is inclusive of SS501, triple s, and all who loves them. He is telling us that he was, is, and will always be SS501's leader, the leader of our beloved SS501. And that's how he's 'Everyone's leader' :) what a lovely boy.

    I'm thankful for how these five boys compliment each other so well. They all have their unique characters that makes SS501 such a unique group. It wasn't by chance that they became one of the very successful hallyu groups around. It's as if they all have different roles to play in the group, given how they are different in the ways the express themselves and stuff like that.

    We have leader, who's always trying his best to bring his group to greater heights by being the knight in the frontline--the one who works in silence, young saeng who stays mysterious, bug occasionally drops hints to us--the calm one whose always supporting his members behind the scene; then comes kyujong, the forever centre who melts all with his sincerity and sincerity--the one who believes strongly in fulfilling their dreams together and always reaching out to the fans in his sweet and kind way; jungmin whose always blatantly taking charge of fanservice--the one who is strong and is always ready to protect his members; and maknae, who more or less makes up for hyunjoong's silence with his warm and easily excitable character, speaking up and giving in-the-face assurances whenever doubt arises--the one who shows his emotions ever so easily and like jungmin, tries his best to reach out to fans as openly as possible.

    Just like that, they make up for what each other doesn't have, and reinforces what strengths they may all share. These beautiful souls aren't perfect, but when put together, they may be closer to perfect than they may be individually.

    For all that, I have, and will always believe in what they promise, though I too, believe that they shouldn't need to feel obliged to promise us their reunion.

  15. Everyone's leader...

    so touching....
    I'm tearing after i read it >__<
    ahhh....dont know what to say!
    Loves you more and more and always have faith on you!
    Please take a good rest and gain back your weight!!
    HyunJoong fighting!

  16. Anonymous7:08 AM

    hyun joong ah....

    how can you be such a fine person at this young age....don't know what to say....i can only say are the perfect model in life to follow in all aspects.

    will follow you and support you and believe in you. then my life will be fun and make others happy like you. thank you thank you for being in this world, dearest khj!!! May god always bless you and guide you in the best.

  17. 08glory9:03 AM

    i like reading this blog because it does not only post news on SS501 members, but gives insights or background information on what is being posted.

    thank you liezle.

    on the topic of this post on leader's thoughts, as always i love the depth of his thoughts, his sense of responsibility, and strength.

    i have observed that after PK, KHL is much more relaxed in front of other people.

    just after BOF, he was became a bit 'stoned' (apologies, for lack of better word). his actions became inhibited in front of others or strangers. kyujong commented back then that he did not play as much anymore.

    the PK project is making him come out of his shell. in the videos taken from the "goodbye baek seung jo" programme, i am seeing a more carefree and happy kim hyun joong now, much like the videos before the BOF.

    doing solo activities is definitely creating confidence on each member. they are able to stand on their own and making their own identities apart from SS501 as a group.

    definitely awaiting the time when SS501 would get together again. it would be explosive!

  18. leader, a very heartfelt message. i always believe in you, you have matured a lot after all these years and i'm so happy that doing PK made you realize something important in life which we also do. i love seeing you all smiles during the fanmeet. i always love to see you your smiling face.

    just reading your message made me cry and i know that you've always been the leader that we all know and support and will always will.

    don't worry you have all our support in every step you take may it be solo or with our beloved SS501

  19. Anonymous5:33 PM

    "Other people will be happy if I'm happy"
    Coz of this line, I've given (things) a lot of thought

    So I, Kim Hyun Joong,
    wish to live life happier and in a more meaningful manner

    What a priceless gem of a lesson learnt from the PK experience . Some have felt that Leader should not have undertaken this project and antis have criticized his acting ability, and some harshly. Despite all these and even some momentary setbacks like low ratings, physical tiredness etc , this is almost a divine timing to gain this invaluable nugget of truth so early in his solo career. Popularity, fame & fortune come and go but this tenet will stay with him not only for the course of his bright and shining future but also the rest of his life. Well done Leader !

  20. Anonymous7:46 PM

    omg!!! what a wonderful message!! it was worth waiting for?!!!! my tears were falling while i was reading through the message. while reading it i was thinking how lucky i am to have known SS501, especially leader (my bias)!! The i readt the last sentence '' Everyone's Leader Hyun joong!!! OMG!! that just made me cry like a baby!!! this one sentence means a lot to me!! it makes me more safier and having more hope than ever that SS501 will have a comeback! and leader misses SS501, and being a singer!!!

    This sentence vanishes all my worries, and can wait happily for their comeback!! seeing all five of them together will be one of the best day of my life!!!

    I can't explain how happy i am right now!!! gosh! i never though i would cry like this over some message that a singer wrote!! but believe it or not, he's not only a singer for me, but a real IDOL!!! a person that you can really look up to!! he's not a typicall singer/actor!! he's uniq!! SS501 oppa's are very a true IDOL!!!

  21. elisa c.12:18 AM

    thank you so much for posting this translation. this has given all TS and KHJ fans such hope, not just in the idea of a reunion, but in him as a person. He's become so well-rounded, and it's so reassuring to know that he has adopted a more positive outlook of life. I know that all of us fans only wish the best for him and the other boys (kyu, saeng, jung min, baby jun), and that we'll always be more than willing to help them attain success, through whatever means they feel would be most ideal.

  22. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Yes you are everyone's leader, if you are happy we will be happy too...
