
Sunday, October 31, 2010

[Trans] Q&A from the First Love Story with Hyun Joong

Happy Halloween, everyone!

I was out the whole evening and just got home and found an email from Wonderrrgirl501. ^^

Here's translation of the Q&A that talks about love from First Love Story. Super thanks to Wonderrrgirl501 for the translation she did on LoveKimHyunJoong.

Q&A from the First Love Story with Hyun Joong
Source: eppeun22 @ naver
Korean-English translation: wonderrrgirl @

Q1. (your) confident feature?
A1: Fans said my eyes are pretty. I don't know if it's a joke or the truth, but (they say) there are stars shining inside my eyes.

Q2. Love?
A2: For me, two person who are fond of each other is love. Just the two person who likes each other is love. Is that not right? Whatever immortal way of saying is not what I like. In words it is simple. Two person who are fond of each other is love.

Q3. Ideal female?
A3: A girl who is well-mannered, sensible/wise, doesn't meddle, treats me well.
Whether she has double eyelids, regardless of this or that, the moment I saw (her) I'll feel, "(she is) pretty & cute" to that extent, I think I'll like (her).

Q4. "you love her" vs "she loves you"?
A4: I want to go on a date with the person I like.
I want to treat the girl I like very well.
For that girl, giving her happy feelings is my style.

Q5. Do you have confidence to give love to the person you love?
A5. I have a personality that treats people well. I like to take care of her.

Q6. Do you believe in "Love by fate?"
A6: Yes I love in Love by fate.
The style that suits me is a tendency to fall in love with the woman at first sight.
no matter what, regardless of the girl's personality or Mal-ssi-deung(background?), I'll say "ah" the moment I saw her and feel for her.
Therefore, such moments I feel it's a "destined meeting", I think.


Note from Wonderrrgirl : I think you may notice that the way I phrase the English is a little weird.. sorry about that, but I want to try to keep the Korean meaning and phrasing as much as I can, because I think it matters somehow. (The feel.. etc) So apologies if there's bad English/weird phrasings. T.T

& Sorry about the Mal-ssi-deung말씨등 part, I am not too sure what this means also T.T. Never seen or heard of it. I tried to break it down though~ Perhaps some of you can help here:
말씨= Way of speaking
등 = it can be "back" or "ranking" or "light".
So you can see how I sort of 'infer' it should mean something like background or sth. Yup? ^^


  1. Hi everyone, will like to comment that for the 'well-mattered' part, it's a spelling error on my part. Thanks to someone who pointed it out for me.

    Should be well-mannered instead. ^^

    Sorry about the error. ^^

  2. hi wonderrrgirl! i just corrected what you pointed here. thanks again for the hard work.


  3. Anonymous1:04 AM

    oh why leader changed his ideal girl? where's the comfortable with?hehe but fall woman at the first sight is epic and he believes in love by fate^ wow! leader i believe in too. can you be my man?haha just kidding^

    i hope and pray that he can find his girl soon coz i want him to be happy for the rest of his life.

  4. Anonymous2:11 AM

    "Whether she has double eyelids, regardless of this or that, the moment I saw (her) I'll feel, "(she is) pretty & cute" to that extent, I think I'll like (her)."

    Why does it feel he talks about Jung So Min? :) Has he ever been that specific about is ideal girl?

  5. Anonymous2:36 AM

    many thanks to wonderrrgirl! ^^

    i guess his "doesn't meddle and treats me well" fits his "easy-going and comfortable" description, but it does feel kinda different. although Kyu Jong did describe HJL's ideal type as warm and caring once, even though HJL usually says "cool, friend type".

    actually, HJL is usually pretty specific. "white one-piece dress, hat, under a tree." "long hair, tying up hair, pin in mouth." "wearing long, white men's shirt, pure but sexy." "future wife that i can go clubbing with once in awhile." "future wife who will not nag about me going out drinking with buddies, even preparing for when they crash at our place."

    i get the impression he's very loyal and caring to his girlfriend and puts a lot of meaning into the feeling he gets when he meets her. <3

    ps - i hope this doesn't turn into another "battleground" as liezle called it.

  6. Anonymous7:19 AM

    uh uh leader suddenly changed his ideal girl!, i can't reminisce the past ideal girl he talks and his dongsaengs anymore since he already changed it recently by reading this article..why i kinda feel it that this description is belong to pretty, cute, young & fresh jung so min('",)

  7. Anonymous7:34 AM

    lol being asked the same questions year after year, it's likely to change a little bit. hope leader can find her soon.

  8. Anonymous8:17 AM

    lol okay, i get the double eyelids part, but how does "pretty, cute, young, fresh" turn into "well-mannered, sensible/wise, doesn't meddle, treats me well"? XD
    as much as i adore jung so min, we still don't know much about her. she's certainly sweet, cheerful, and talented though, and if she turns out to be a caring, understanding, fun-loving woman, too, then i say, go for it, KHJ. i just want him (and all our boys) to be happy! ^____^

  9. Anonymous8:29 AM

    haha funny here! why most of hj's fans love this girl? we even know her very well but if she's the one that our hyunjoong looking glowing and happy and above all, changed from aloof to bubbly guy then i will go her for him! but what about my jandi? hehe

  10. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Was this interview done b4 or after Mischeivous Kiss?

  11. Anonymous9:17 AM


    during playful kiss filming('",)

  12. Anonymous9:24 AM

    So, then isn't it obvious? No matter how professional (although both are only shooting their 2nd drama) I'm sure there got to be some feelings, unless they are not human beings.
    I bet both can feel or hear each other's fast heart-beats when they were doing the honeymoon bed scene.

  13. Anonymous10:05 AM

    This interview was done 28.July
    Before filming.

  14. Anonymous10:10 AM

    As long as hyunjoong is happy i'm always be here to support him whoever the girl he wants to spend with the rest of his life. I'm giving up with my jihoo-jandi fangirling fantasy now since the two were not longer attached to each other anymore & i can't saw it on screen in japan bof event though it's hurt but sometimes we consider that our idol is not our own. As hj's fan, i consider all the things would happen today & in the future. What i mean is, if ever jsm is the girl who makes leader looking happy these days so be it. We just leave it that way coz we have nothing to do with it. All we have to do is support him all the way whatever decisions made on his life.

    By the way, this is the beginning of hj's acting career and somehow there's a lot of actresses he will meet and act along the way in his future's drama. I hope that time he remains mature and responsible of his feelings as what he feels right now O_o

  15. Anonymous10:25 AM

    uhh if this was done on july 28. i was wondering why he changed his ideal girl a little bit into jsm's description. if you are an open minded person you know and feel exactly what's goin on with our hyunjoong dearest. this is only my idea^_^

  16. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I have just checked, on 28 July there were alreadi official photos of KHJ and JSM of the 1st and 2nd episodes of MK released

  17. HyunJoong has changed his married-age from 30 to 35years old recently.
    So, his idea type could be changing from time to time also as he will meet different kind of "women" in this showbiz.
    As long as wuri HyunJoong is happy, anyone will be. Wish he can meet his "angel" soon.

  18. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Yeah, I saw that interview in Spain, he said he used to always say he'd get married b4 30 but now he don't think so anymore.

  19. Anonymous2:06 PM

    말씨등... (Mal SSi Deung) probably means "way of speaking, etc."

    Deung-Deung = etc. (sometimes people just say "Deung"

  20. 말씨등 is 말씨 (way of speaking), 등 (etc). ^^

  21. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Totally agree to anony 10:10. I'm happy as long as hyun joong is happy. all we can do is support him no matter what. he won't make us disappointed even in choosing a girl, i believe.

  22. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Hope all his fans'll be happy for him when he finds his love. Anyway, hasn't he been wearing that double-ring necklace for some time now? So, doesn't that mean he's been dating someone not JSM? Another thing, absolutely not trying to start a rumour, just that I did notice Jessica from SNSD wearing something like that necklace, but not sure whether it was single or double ring. It was when she released her solo song, quite recently in fact and the article was at allkpop.
